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Claude AI

5th August 2024

Sorry, I am really working a lot on my health situation now. Trying out new exercises and might have found the right combination now.
I have not been here much. My biological father died last month. I was not even aware of this until recently.
I was tryi*snip*


They Are Watching

3rd July 2024

With Sora and such. I think it might start to be possible now?
Observation and timing can be tricky too :)


They Are Watching

29th June 2024

Do videos now react to how you look at them? Are there any mechanisms like webcam or other input for that? Saw this on X


Blitz FMod License Issue

18th June 2024

Issue regarding older blitz languages and fmod licensing(fixed now with new version) : see itch site


RIP Thread - 2024

18th June 2024

Dario G. British Dance producer. Hits like sunchyme.
I think I once hung with him on twitch. Where he was streaming and working on a track in a music production stream.


ALChoons : Zinc

13th June 2024

I stil think that ai has got a way to go. The singers done by ai are not as good as say. Ariana Grande yet. Her lead singing has those runs and riffs. Vibration and volume and tone height effects.(in a rhythm)
But if ai music gets exceptional. I will pr*snip*


Suno Uploader

12th June 2024

Those ai songs are stil a bit similar in their style. In a video by a industry professional. There was mentioned it would be 2 years before ai would start creating chart topper quality music.
Ai entertainment superstars wil start appearing al*snip*


WWDC 2024

10th June 2024

I was wrestling with Logic Pro during the presentation. Somehow I lost entire tracks. I need to spend more time getting used to the app.
I have no idea what is coming.


Site Fixings - Jun 2024

7th June 2024

Yesterday evening the browser would not load the site. It mentioned it was not safe there :)
That triangle icon and cybercrime warning page came up. I send a tweet about it to @jay
All ok now.


Blitz3D v1.113

6th June 2024

Blitz Basic 3d has had a update over on itch. Recompiled with newest version tools.


QOTD - June 2024

5th June 2024

A questionable one.


QOTD - June 2024

3rd June 2024

The most bizarre thing I have seen is still that flying saucer, back when I was a kid. It had portholes and everything.
The second thing was seeing the garbage trucks, suddenly having robot arms.


ALChoons : Zinc

29th May 2024

Nice one. Parts reminded me of the Chipmunks music.
I liked the vocal parts with the vibrato and slides.
I was reading a bunch of marketing books, and a quote there about one should be posting content, in stead of reading and consuming other peoples cont*snip*


OpenAI Assistant

22nd May 2024

It turns out the actual 'her' chat showcased wil take months to get available for most users. And wil only be in limited alpha.
A lot of smoke and mirrors again.
Rumors are gpt5 wil be dropped this november.


QOTD - May 2024

20th May 2024

My weirdest talent is probably the fact that I can do a lot with my legs and feet. ''Pick up clothes and swing it up into my hands without having to bend down.'' Using it sort of like extra arms.
This probably developed becourse of the chronic bad*snip*


New Laptop - May 2024

20th May 2024

If you get a system with 16gb of memory. You should be able to use any future ai. I bought these cheap 2 mini pc's a while ago which both had 16gb of memory.
Audacity its ai, as an example, requires 16gb of memory as I understand.


New Laptop - May 2024

19th May 2024

Amd normally has the better build in GPU. But before buying I usually spend time comparing benchmarks and workloads. I went for Intel last time for its single core performance.


Apple iPad Event - May 2024

17th May 2024

Turns out there is a problem with the screens. People complaining about weird pixel effects. No official reply yet from apple. But it might be a hardware problem.
Warranty could mean you are not entitled to a fix and have to do with a broken device. The *snip*


OpenAI Assistant

15th May 2024

So if you show chatGPT a screenshot of a video game. And ask it to code that. It wil. The demonstration showed someone gpt a screenshot of breakout. And it made the exact same thing in python.
@dr_cintas at twitter showed how it was done.


AGameAWeek 2024

15th May 2024

That is a nice ending tune there :)
The main character looks great too.


Apple iPad Event - May 2024

15th May 2024

Benchmarks video's and other sources are mentioning cpu single/multi core and igpu improvements of 40+%. This versus the m2.
The lower priced iPad pros do have less cores. You need a 2000 pound or euro model to get all the gpu and cpu cores. This then*snip*


OpenAI Assistant

14th May 2024

ChatGPT is connecting now. But having issues...


OpenAI Assistant

14th May 2024

I hope to be able to talk to it later today. 100 million chatgpt users!
Claude 3 is now available in Europe from their own site. I saw mentioned an hour ago. It stil has the best coding skills.


OpenAI Assistant

14th May 2024

I took a subscription to chatGPT. The voice chat stil wont connect though.
Poe has gpt4o too now. Gemini might get a update too as there is a Google show today or tomorrow.


OpenAI Assistant

13th May 2024

There was this new robot showcased today too. Costs 16.000 dollars. It can solder and crack wallnuts. I imagine being able to have a house robot in a few years that is just like having a human around.

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