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SoCoder -> Newsletter Home -> Newsletter

Created : 18 December 2009
Edited : 31 December 1969


Socoder Newsletter

          #034 - 18th December 2009
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     ; Hello all
          Everybody's jolly, this week, since it seems to have snowed
          pretty much everywhere in the world, all at once!

     Also this week..
          Workshop #231 is still going on, due to all manner of laziness
          chaoticness and overall networkyness.

          And since the router STILL hasn't turned up, so the
          newsletter's being copy+pasted together again!
          Could be disasterous!

Read Post$

     ; Multithreaded Interpreter
          Mindstorm8191 thinks it's a good idea to build an interpreter
          that will allow for Multithreading.
          Seems like a fairly complex idea, but I'm sure trying to get
          it done will be interesting!
     ; sml()
          A perfect example of how there's a certain bunch of coders out
          there that do things just to annoy the crap out of everyone
          else, by making things as baffling as possible.

     ; Triangles
          Speaking of Baffling, DD's doing some trigonometry!
          Just LOOK at that picture!
Goto Links

     ; Effect Games (Jayenkai)
          Yet another online devkit, but this time for making Javascript
          based games.
          Hmm... Could be interesting...
          They've a Mario example online, and blinkin' eck, it works!!!

     ; More HTML5 stuff! (HoboBen)
          In about 5 years time, this stuff will be commonplace.
          If you want super-future-tech in your site, get it done now!!

     ; Abandonware meets the highstreet (Cower)
          Cool photos of old abandoned shopping malls, and other such
          structures. A sign of things to come once we've all been
          killed off by Swine Flu.

Repeat : Until GameOver

     The Chunky Bit!!
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>> Socoder Games
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

     Nothing got posted into the Showcase, this week, but I made a
     nice happy little LCD game for the WW.

          Greenie's LCD Adventure
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>> Moshboy's "Underrated" Games
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

     SlumLord27/Moshboy continues to find those odd games
     that never get a chance.
     He's been having video-grabbing issues this week, so there's only
     three games.
     But, they're good ones!!!
          71 - Rally Shooter + Cleaning Lady
          72 - Soldexus
          73 - Building Panic
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>> Pixel Prospector's Games
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
     Authentic Kaizen (Pixel Prospector) carries on hunting
     for the best-of-the-best, just as long as it's not quite
     done yet!
     This week, six more great looking games, with physics, vampires,
     snowballs, jetpacks and Zelda.
     Gotta play 'em all!

     ; Platformers

     ; Platform Shooters
          Cold City
     ; Beat-em-up
          Super Vampire Ninja Zero
          Smash Bros

Syntax Error

     ; Jay's photo in a magazine

     ; Laptop Spacekeys
          Mog took the spacebar off his laptop's keyboard.

Competition of the Week

     ; Gamma 4 - One Button Compo!!
          Gamma4's open until Jan 31st, so keep making those single
          button games, everyone!

Random Youtube Videos

          reminds me of the theme tune from Full Throttle..
Load, Next List

Next week, the fantastic christmas issue!!

