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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Flu Season

Tue, 18 Sep 2018, 07:37
So full of flu, I can’t even be arsed to make my Tuesday noodles.. Noodle reviews will continue on Thursday!!!

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Tue, 18 Sep 2018, 07:37
Know that feeling, struggling through work today.
Tue, 18 Sep 2018, 08:13
I had a weird sniffle last week... Not a big one, snotty nose... But when I sneezed, I was getting a shooting pain across my shoulders and down my arms to my elbows... Hurt like mad for about 30 seconds. I could feel it when I coughed by not as fierce.

When I had a little sneezing fit, jesus, I nearly turned into a puddle, it absolutely knacked.

I thought I'd trapped a nerve or something, but then found a few people had the same, and now my sniffle has gone, that's disappeared.

But yeah, bug season seems to be here.


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Fri, 21 Sep 2018, 14:36
Culmination of all Flu symptoms, today's.
I have literally been sleeping ALL day. Feel awful, and am coughing and spluttering all over.
God damn, this is worse than when I had Bird Flu!!!

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Sun, 23 Sep 2018, 05:32
Fucking hell, it won't give up!!
Today's a throat day, and everything from trying to talk to simply blowing my nose is causing massive coughing fits.
But at least my head's not all horrible and stuffy like it has been for the past few days. I should at the very least be able to do some coding, today.


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Sun, 23 Sep 2018, 09:46
The cough is usually the tail end of colds/flu for me, so hopefully it is for you too. Hope you feel better soon.
Sun, 23 Sep 2018, 09:51
Yeah, it's definitely the latter end. My head is a LOT clearer than it has been the past couple of days, and I even woke up thinking of code, this morning, which is a lot better than the past week of waking up going "uuuuuuuuurgh!"

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Sun, 23 Sep 2018, 10:39
Oh dear. My nails have gone all horrible and brittle.
Diet's practically none existent, and the lack of "proper" food all week seems to have left my nails in a right state.
Must eat more fruit! To the oranges!!!

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Sun, 23 Sep 2018, 12:25
It's the lack of noodles, I reckon!
Sun, 23 Sep 2018, 13:12
Must be
Mon, 24 Sep 2018, 05:34
Finally getting over it myself, stupid bugs!
Mon, 24 Sep 2018, 05:40
As much work as I've done over September, I know I've had much more productive Septembers in the past.
This month's been dreadful!

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Tue, 25 Sep 2018, 12:09
Finally seem to be getting over a bug myself.... About blooming time!

Happy coding!