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Socoder -> Site & Server -> Frontpage Images

Wed, 15 Jul 2020, 06:28

Frontpage Images

Hate having to do this, but I've had to start replacing some of the images in people's showcases. (Download image, upload straight to SoCoder, change link)

When something shows up on the frontpage which isn't hosted on SoCoder, the current batch of browsers will have a freak-out, and think it's a giant security risk.
God, damnit..

If this gets worse, I might have to do the same with avabars, too... god forbid, the whole situation might end up so bad that even forum posts become hard to do without forcing every single sodding image to be hosted on here.
I mean, that limits things.. The whole damn point of forums is posting random shit from all over the net, not having to upload everything specificially.


I should probably also get around to making uploads a bit easier to do.


Anyway, for now, I'm only worrying about the Frontpage. It's (sometimes!) the first thing people see, and if they see a site with a security alert (even if it IS just for images) then that's going to put people off.
If things get worse, then.. *grumble grumble*

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 15 Jul 2020, 10:52
Sounds like fun... not.
Wed, 15 Jul 2020, 17:05
the current batch of browsers have a shit ton of feature breaking..."features" which I'm not overjoyed with either.

Look at samesite cookies for an explanaition bit, tldr. cookies no longer work consistantly across browsers and/or Operating Systems

not that they're one of those things that most websites rely uopn working in a certain way or anything...nooooooo.... I wish browsers could be just browsers again, not what they've turned into.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!