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Created : 12 March 2009

Quick Charge Batteries

Quick Charge Batteries
MIT blokes have figured out that if you do something, somehow, to the thingy doohickeys, you can charge it up quick!



Thursday, 12 March 2009, 11:58
I was reading about that brilliant discovery yesterday. It's a bloomin' good invention, if the fuel companies don't find a way to f**k it up !.

We need that kind of technology, and hydrogen fuel cells, in order to plough the way forward.
Thursday, 12 March 2009, 12:00
Those batteries would also be a pukka way to power hybrid bicycles.
Thursday, 12 March 2009, 17:10
Hydrogen fuel cells??? WFT?!!

- Electric car : same power as some high-end sports cars, £300,000

- Hydrogen car : same power as most regular cars, £3.5million

!!! they've been pushing hydrogen cars sinse the 1970's, it costs very very little to power an electric car, and tonnes to power a hydrogen car (water splitting still requires far more energy to do, than it takes to run an electric car.

No, put these quick charging batteries in electric cars, you get maybe 100 miles to the charge, with maybe a half hour charge time == win for everyone except the fossil fuel companies, as they use a lot less electricity (from coal power stations). Its not going to ever happen so long as the fuel companies are so powerful and they aint gunna give up that power any time soon. I garrentee in 50 years we will still be driving petrolium fueled cars.
Thursday, 12 March 2009, 17:58
spinal I garrentee in 50 years we will still be driving petrolium fueled cars.

You're probably right in saying that, and it wouldn't f***ing surprise me !
Friday, 13 March 2009, 11:20
Quick-charge batteries would be very useful... but the electricity still has to come from somewhere.
Friday, 13 March 2009, 14:51
Very true shroom, and that could be renewable energy
Saturday, 14 March 2009, 17:17
The guy talking was weird.
Sunday, 15 March 2009, 13:05
Hmmm... Well madness is a side effect of genius !. Or genius could be a sign of madness !