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Created : 27 May 2021

#518 - News Sign

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#518 - Thursday 27th May, 2021

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Every Thursday, Bopping along to the melodies


Hello World

A whole load of chaos in the JSE, this week, as I added a bunch of new fonts, upset users with a change of Font Size, Once again fudged up the Symbol Editor, and eventually started building a typical Framework for the language.

The Framework's working reasonably well, and has a nice generic looking menu with the high scores and last scores listed on the right, as is my regular style.
It could still do with a pause/quit menu thing, but other than that it's feeling rather "gamey", and all with one single simple little command in the script.
Mmmm.. Frameworks..

I've also, I think, fixed the Else issue. Now the only "major" issues are the minus numbers not always working, and the complete lack of Functions.. Though, you can always use a well written Gosub in their place.

Yep, yep..
It's coming along nicely..


8bit System Fonts

It's taken him roughly 2 decades to get around to finding a way to do it, but Jay's finally figured out a way to convert pixel fonts to .ttf font files, and has converted a set of 6 classic fonts over to the popular format.
If you'd like him to convert any others, and can find an 8x8 pixel character set with characters 32->128/256 laid out in a simple spritesheet, Jay's got a php script (and the additional step of running it through an online converter) to do the job.
Literally anything goes.. .. As long as it's monochrome, and 8x8 pixel characters.
He's too lazy to have coded anything beyond that.


Aaah, politics.
All hell's breaking loose as various members of the government go on record whinging about each other, and griping about whose fault this whole shitshow actually was.

For our Vaccine Jabs, me and mum had to go to the next town over, paying out for Taxis there and back. Quite a rigmarole..
Yesterday, what happens?
The Vaccine Bus shows up at the local Cricket Club.
.. The local Cricket Club is, quite literally, out the back of my house.
If we gave a shit, we could watch matches from the bedroom window.

Fuxake.. Could've saved a trip.

Oh well, no matter.
Let's forget about all our worries and have a disco, instead.



TKS Goes Driving

TKS takes his driving test, but how does it go?
The results are in the thread.


Nibbling Sticks

Rockford continues to noodle his way through his snack sack.
Is it a sack?
I think he said it was a box.
But Rockford's Snack Sack would be an epic title for a thread!

M1 iPad

Pakz treats himself to the wonderful new M1 based iPad Pro.
Is it all it was cracked up to be?
Find out in the thread.


Seriously need to find a new place to get good comedy sketches and the like from.
Musical Interludes all the way!


Weather reporter gets stuck in a feedback loop.

View on YouTube

Musical Interlude


Musical Interlude


Sparks - The Movie?


Musical Heads-up

Drew Sycamore's new Album comes out tomorrow.


Least Used

Geoff's happy to be out and about again!

View on YouTube

River Song's Book

Alex Kingston wrote a River Song book?!


Flight of the Navigator

Captain Disillusion's intern goes full-length, in a 40 minute look at the special effects of the best kids sci-fi movie, ever!

View on YouTube

DVD Extra

Punished Props Academy builds a prop for Captain Disillusion's intern.

90s Cover Corner

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TVCover Corner

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VGRemix Corner

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Pakz Corner

View on YouTube

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