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SoCoder -> Newsletter Home -> Newsletter

Created : 25 June 2010
Edited : 31 December 1969

#061 - When Coders Attack

Socoder Newsletter

When Coders Attack

     #061 - 25th June 2010

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Hello World

     Woke up early to get dug into my coding, and.. have to write a newsletter first.
     Whose stupid idea was this, anyway?!

In the Workshop..
     Avoid Football like the plague by doing something Productive for 90 minutes each day.
     Doesn't seem like anyone else is joining in, though, and now I'm getting all busy with the iPod Dev stuff, and starting to ignore it myself.
     I'll probably scrap this idea.
     Oh well..
     Started well enough!

In the Shoutbox..
     IE9, Female Prime Minister, Google Apps, and old-school email.

In the Mudchat..
     The revelation that, if DD hired his brother, they would kick everyone's arses.

Last Week

     Last week saw the inevitable self destruction of a forum user and his inability to read what is typed on the screen.
     Occasionally people will come along who will ask for help, but won't listen when any help is given.
     People like that are annoying.
     But it doesn't make it right to take the piss out of them.

     It only becomes right when that person then starts throwing that advice right back in your face, and complaining that the site is useless because nobody's willing to do all their work for them.

     Lazy people get right on my tits.

Read Post$


     Mindstorm thinks that Trains going downhill can be used to generate power.
     What say you?


     Is # used in Javascript, anywhere, at all?
     It's a simple question, but does it have a simple answer?
     (Stealth, you answered wrong.. Re-read the question!)


     Spinal had a "floaty" feel to his platform landings.
     I'm pretty sure this is really common. I've got about 50-odd platformers that do the same!

Goto Links

     Anyone else missing the Cower Corner?

Google CL (HoboBen)

     Google have created a nice program that lets you do things from the command line.
     Is it super-handy, or is it a useless app?

Robots in Hospitals (Jayenkai)

     A hospital in Scotland, dedicated to Robots!

Artist-3D (Erebel55)

     A great big site full of 3D "Three Dimensional!!!" Models and things.

Repeat:Until GameOver

     Poke &3E4B,00
     Poke &3E4C,C3

Socoder Games

     I made a couple of things, but they were just little tidbit games, nothing big enough to warrant a showcase.

Moshboy Pieces

Abandoned Indie Games

     < After last week's missed week, I was half expecting to have to post 1000s of new games from Moshboy's list.
     Luckily, he only posted 3!

#11 - Across The Lake

     A charming looking platform shooter, with lovely little pixelly graphics.
     Arrgh! Big Plant!!

#12 - Purple Reign

     A top down maze shooter, in an Alien Breed style, but with loads of dark passages to find.

#13 - Serious Sam-I-Am

     Great looking side-scrolling platform shooter, in a Serious Sam style!
     A shame this is abandoned. Would be great to see it finished.

Pixel Prospector's Games

     I'm going to continue to follow Kaizen's "InDev" section, because that's full of the quirky experimental stuff.. yeay!
     If you want finished games, head over to PixelProspector.com where he's imaginatively decided to post a new game every week!

Rainbow Man

     A really deadly looking game, where your challenge is to colour the ceiling, the walls and the floors!
     The more you colour, the more you can do!

Curly's Freeware


     A lovely retrostyled vectory scrolly shooter, with a rolling floor!
     Shame about the link.


     Friday began with the capture of this giant bee. I thought someone was blowing a vuvuzela in the kitchen

     StarFox re-created in HTML5

     Shit, it's true! (I think I'm mostly at "guru" now) RT @zeroZshadow RT @Flawe: 5 stages of programmer incompetence

     I have a new column at @Techland about how I got screwed by DRM. Again. (For the last time.)

     Apple's early prototype for the iPhone 4's aerial #apple

Random Tube

Skill Jealousy


Sibling Rivalry


Toy Rivalry


Parental Rivalry


Ultimate Weaponary


v Hitler


End Of

Load, Next List

