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Socoder -> Film + TV -> Prototype This

Fri, 05 Dec 2008, 16:10
Someone posted a bunch of episodes of "Prototype This" onto the Alt.Binaries.Multimedia newsgroup the other day, so I figured "What the hey!" and downloaded them..
It's quite a fun show!

Essentially like a Non-Scrapheap-based version of Scrapheap Challenge (/Junkyard Wars) the team (only one team) of builders get 2 weeks to build a prototype "thing", using any means necessary (usually "lets ring up our mate who happens to have an alarming amount of steel...")

Of course, the means isn't the point of the show, it's what they build, how they build it, and then the fun of watching it all break at the last minute..
.. So, very much like Scrapheap Challenge, then

It's like what Wednesday Workshop would be if it were 2 weeks long, about technology rather than games, and much more popular..

Discovery's minisite

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