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Socoder -> Film + TV -> Dig out the VCR!!

Wed, 30 Jul 2014, 02:42
It's now LEGAL to do "home taping" for your own personal use, in the UK!
"Format Shifting" has been legalised in the UK for the first time in fucking forever!
You can now, finally, legally record tonight's Corrie, or the next Doctor Who, or even tape the Top 40 off the radio.
Bloody 'ell!!!


As an extra surprise gift, they've also decided that Parodies are copyright-safe, with pretty much the same rules as are expected of Parodies.
You can "take the piss", but not "directly copy the whole fucking thing, then brand it as a parody, in the hope you can get away with it"

So, yeah, big changes in Copyright Law, and about fucking time, too..

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 30 Jul 2014, 02:50
Shoop da whoop!

Reminds me I should attempt to find a vcr and back some shizz onto the compy sometime soon.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 30 Jul 2014, 02:58
I've got a VCR at the ready.. Unfortunately the pile of tapes is so sodding huge, I'm not entirely sure where to start.. so.. um.. haven't!!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 30 Jul 2014, 03:50
Meanwhile, in America..
Pirate Cars!!

Ford and General Motors are being sued because their cars allow people to rip CDs. Derp!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 30 Jul 2014, 10:53
I never that you cold not copy shows on Tape in the UK

That's terrible.

I'm glad it's over, legally.

Thu, 31 Jul 2014, 05:57
It seems like that new law may not be worth a wank.
