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Socoder -> Off Topic -> E3 2018

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Thu, 07 Jun 2018, 11:51
So, E3 2018. What are people hoping for? Be as wishful as you want. I'd love Pikmin 4, Animal Crossing. Paper Mario and the new Yoshi game fro Switch. On other formats (PS4/XB1) The Witcher 4, Bloodborne 2, Disgaea 6 and OutRun 3.
Thu, 07 Jun 2018, 11:51
Animal Crossing would be great. I’m wishing for some nice GUI enhancements. The longer Switch goes without themes, the more I feel like they’re missing!

Nintendo : June 12th, 5pm uk. I think... or it might be 6..

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Fri, 08 Jun 2018, 00:31
That game from the makers of the witcher might be interesting. Maybe fallout 76 if it is a pubg like game.

But i do not expect to buy anything from the e3 within 4 years until the price is cheap.
Fri, 08 Jun 2018, 01:15
I’m expecting Fallout 76 to be more like Shelter was, due to the word "rebuild" being used in the trailer.

Could be wrong, though!

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Fri, 08 Jun 2018, 04:21
A new F-Zero

Just like every year
Fri, 08 Jun 2018, 08:13
F-Zero may well be replaxed by StarFox Racing if rumours are to be believed... But yeah, more of GX stylee FZ would indeed be awesome.
Fri, 08 Jun 2018, 10:00
Honestly, with MarioKart and FastRMX on there, I’m not entirely sure we need a new FZero.
It'd be great, though, especially if it had all the great music that Sega's FZeroGX had.

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Fri, 08 Jun 2018, 12:48
A new Monty Mole adventure would do me, with customary grumpy cups, chomping boots and plenty of cakes to collect! \o/ yay


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sat, 09 Jun 2018, 10:33
EA's "Buy more ways to spend more money" conference kicks off in about half an hour. Should be fun!!

“Have you got The Force? Pay just 0.99 per spin of the wheel. Use The Force to stop the wheel, and win one of 65 million prizes, from a .gif of R2D2 falling over to a .jpg with a line of text from your favourite movie! Only 79.99. Preorder now for a .wav file of Darth Vader."

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Oh, another hour, sorry!

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Sat, 09 Jun 2018, 11:23
You cynic you!

EA aren't that bad. They're worse!
Sat, 09 Jun 2018, 11:26
Watching it on twitch. Following a dutch company talking until ea starts.

I was suprised it starts today already. Chio Nuts and .5 ltr monster energy drink ready.....
Sat, 09 Jun 2018, 13:02
That was dull as fuck.
Sat, 09 Jun 2018, 13:48
Battlefield V royale. Tomorrow fallout royale.
Sun, 10 Jun 2018, 09:04

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Microsoft's presentation begins at 9pm UK time... apparently.. but I was almost certain I knew EAs time, yesterday, and it ended up being an hour later, so... who knows!!?

> Reveal 🔎

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Sun, 10 Jun 2018, 15:49
No complaints.
Barely anything that's "my" sort of game, but, damn... that’s a lot of games!!!!

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Sun, 10 Jun 2018, 15:51
So, is it over? Was it any good?

TBH despite owning all the boxes, I only really care about Nintendo's presntations. I'll see everything on IGN or in Edge anyway, but I always like to wtach Nintendo "live."

|edit| Just saw the M$ "highlights" on IGN. Pass.
Sun, 10 Jun 2018, 16:10
They showed a LOT of games. Plenty of generic FPS, but a few nice racers, a couple of indie things, and a few other bits and pieces along the way. Some really nice looking games in the collection.

Nearly everything I saw, I found myself wondering how much playtime I’d get before wanting to throw up due to nausea.
That’s something I don’t seem to be getting with Handheld Switch. (Although it does happen with TV Switch)

So.. yeah, waiting for Ninty.
Ninty are Tuesday.

Oh, and Fallout 76 is a prequel, and is a standard Fallout game, not a Shelter-style thing.

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Mon, 11 Jun 2018, 02:59
I don't particularly care for racers or FPSs (with the odd exceptions), so much of the AAA games shown are of no/limited interest to me. I liked Halo 1 and 2 but after that got bored of the series.

Online only games can just go and fuck off as far as I'm concerned. My son loves them, but they're not for me.

TBF I've never been a fan of the Fallout games anyway. I barely got out of the nuclear bunker in Fallout 3 before getting bored. I think I may have actually put the original Fallour game disk #1 into my Amiga at some point...

Of course there are always going to be games for each system that interest me, but they're usually the ones that have less publicity/hype and offer a different type of game - whether through gameplay or style or both. So the indies to me are of more interest than the AAA games I've seen so far.
Mon, 11 Jun 2018, 03:38
Quite good it was for me.

Fallout 76 and skyrim 2 announced. And maybe that blades game might be interesting also. It is free so it might fail for me if it is inapp overkill.

Rage 2 looked like doom. Might be interesting as it is rpg afaik.
Mon, 11 Jun 2018, 04:39
Oh yeah, I didn't bother with Bethesda's, mostly because I know it's all FPS stuff that my motion-sickness really can't cope with.
I tried out Doom's demo on my XBone, and .. Bleeuururggh!!!

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Fast forward to about 1:07 before it actually starts.

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Mon, 11 Jun 2018, 05:07
This 2, that 2, blah 2, sequel 2, prequel 2, not new 2, another 20 something 2, bored 2, must've watched 10 minutes of this footage and that footage of the whole thing, no listening anymore 2...

It all looks a bit shite, and I'll be mega honest, I'm just not interested anymore!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Mon, 11 Jun 2018, 05:10
Don't worry, Nintendo's coming Tuesday!!

I'm expecting more Sequelitis from them, too, but at least they TRY to make sequels interesting and varied.

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Mon, 11 Jun 2018, 09:23

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Team Sonic Racing isn’t Sonic R enough..

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Mon, 11 Jun 2018, 10:28
Sony's on tonight, but not until 2am...!!! Thafuq!??

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Mon, 11 Jun 2018, 11:13
I had to set the alarm to watch bethesda this morning. Square Enix is on now.
Mon, 11 Jun 2018, 11:46
Get in... Another kart game with the franchise's usual characters in... *yawn*

Why does Sonic need a car anyway, the whole point of Sonic is, well, hes bloody Sonic and his legs cannot half shift, especially when he's as high as a kite on chaos emeralds!?!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
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