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SoCoder -> Newsletter Home -> Newsletter

Created : 11 June 2009
Edited : 31 December 1969

#007 - Some rubbish James Bond reference


Socoder Newsletter

     "Some rubbish James Bond reference"
          #007 - June 12th 2009
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     A surprise visit from Krylar, A desperate attempt to
     release EA's Sourcecode, and a request that we all
     switch to good old IBM style keyboards.
     Those are the kinds of things you won't find in this
     week's newsletter!
     But don't worry, there's plenty more stuff to see.


Read Post$

     ; FancyPants graphics
          BlitzBasic's nice, but it can be a little pants when
          it comes to doing sprites. A lack of transparency
          being one of it's many issues.
          Phoenix has been working away at a brand new set of
          graphic functions using DirectX9. Head over to the
          topic, and see how well it runs on your system.     
     ; Daily Digest
          In a nutshell, tell us what's going on in your life.
          Having a good day? Having a rubbish day!?
          It's like twitter, only inside a topic!     
     ; Not Real...!
          Afr0 asks why certain graphics look unrealistic, and
          why, after so many years, we still can't manage to
          make a 3D face with teeth that aren't really really
          scary looking!
Repeat : Until GameOver

     ; Fluffy (Omadan)
          A cute little platforming, with good old rules.
          Complete the level, or die trying!

     ; Zieks (Evil Roy Ferguson)
          A shoot-em-up that looks amazingly like it's running
          on a ZX (zed) Spectrum, even down to a fantastic
          recreation of Colour Clashing!
          Evil Roy has also let us in on his secret of Colour
          Clashing with this nice little Code Snippet.

     ; 21 or Bust (Evil Roy Ferguson)
          And just for the hell of it, here's a classic from
          Evil Roy. It's Blackjack!


Goto Links

     ; Cave Story (Phoenix)
          You've probably already played Cave Story.
          There's nothing wrong with playing it again!
     ; FPS Creator (jprofitt)
          At the moment, FPS Creator is super cheap. If you're
          not interested in a ready made FPS creator, you
          might still like all the 3D models that come
          packaged with it.
     ; Rand(0,37171650)
          Unfortunately, that's about all the links that got
          posted to Socoder this week! Eeek! Quiet week!
          So, to help pad out this section a bit, here's a
          link to a picture of a watering can.          

     If you'd like to make a suggestion for the newsletter,
     send it to Jayenkai@Gmail.com
     Literally anything goes, at this point!


Load Next List

     I'd thought of a couple of extra sections this week.
     Poke was intended as a Facebook esque "Poke" at older
     members. I poke them, they respond, I shove the
     response into the newsletter.
     I started with CyberSeth. He hasn't responded.
     Then I figured I'd try SvrMan since I haven't heard from
     him in ages.
     No response there either.
     Then, just as I was contemplating emailing Krylar, he
     inexplicably popped up on the forum!
     So.. yeah, that kinda buggered up that whole idea!
     Aw well..
     Still, Nice to hear from Krylar!


