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SoCoder -> Newsletter Home -> Newsletter

Created : 30 July 2009
Edited : 31 December 1969

#014 - Run, Dash, Dash

Socoder Newsletter

     "Run, Dash, Dash"
          #014 - July 31st 2009
Subscribe to Socoder Newsletter

          Tell all your friends!

     ; Hello all
          We've switched to using Google Groups, since Yahoo's
          being annoying again.
          If you're signed up to the Yahoo newsletter, don't
          worry, I'll continue to post to both of the groups.
          If you're new, the various-on-site links, and boxes
          should get you sent over to the Google group, nice
          and easily.

Read Post$

     ; Game Designs!
          Ever had a game idea that you knew wasn't something
          you could achieve yourself?
          JL235's topic asks just that. Post your super ideas
          and see what is, and isn't doable.
     ; Avatars, already!
          Avatars are simple things to create, and yet for
          reasons unknown, some folk just haven't ever made
          them. 64x64 pixel images that identify yourself are
          not hard to create!! Since the new Memberlist uses
          only avabars for it's display, the lack of avatars
          has become even more apparent.
          Phoenix asks... Where are they all!?
     ; C++ Graphics Library
          Ever used C++? If so, Shroom_monk wants to know
          what graphics libraries you used. Here's a nice
          chance to complain about how difficult it's getting
          to just write games, anymore!

Repeat : Until GameOver

     This week, JL235 sends us a couple of his brand new
     Java games, straight from his new site,

     Let's have a nosey!
     ; Sokoban Supreme
          With a neat background, and a professional looking
          level changing style, this is Sokoban, but not as
          you've probably ever seen it before.
          Get the plants in the holes!!!
     ; Super Sweeper
          And, to continue the slightly quirky way of doing
          things, here's minesweeper but without any squares.
          Is it harder, or is it easier? I'm not sure, but it
          definitely does make it a different Minesweeper.
          Which, quite frankly, we all need!

Goto Links
     ; Open Game Art (Phoenix)
          Game writers and artists get together to build a
          massive archive of game art, ready for use in your
          own projects.
          If you're going to take something, at least do the
          decent thing, and give a little back!

     ; Tron Legacy (Cower)
          Disney's sequel to the 80's megahit.
          Will it be any good?
          We'll just have to wait and see!

     ; Complaining about nothing (Jayenkai)
          Rubbish games in stores, and fantastic games online.
          Which is better?
          I know which I tend to pick.
          But which do you spend more money on?
          .. And how wrong is that method of thinking?

     ; Microsoft loves Yahoo (Scherererer)
          You've probably heard this, but what's the problem
          with having an extra link, eh!?
          Microsoft and Yahoo are joining forces in yet
          another attempt to beat Google.
          Time will tell!

Syntax Error

     ; Summer Job
          What are you doing this summer?
          Tikihead's off to work at some Flash games!
For n=1 to 7

     ; Top 7 pollers

     125 - jprofitt
     090 - Jayenkai
     090 - magicman
     090 - Scherererer
     090 - Tikihead
     090 - Cower
     090 - cthug
     Blinkin' eck, it's neck and neck!!

     ; This week's Poll Results

-Which is Worse?
--090% : Lack of Game Ideas
--000% : Lack of Poll Ideas
--009% : Lack of WW Ideas

-Which is Better?
--009% : Elephant
--004% : Giraffe
--004% : Hippo
--009% : Rhino
--028% : Monkey
--028% : Penguin
--014% : Lion
-Which is Better?
--036% : Apple
--015% : Samsung
--010% : Nokia
--010% : Motorola
--000% : Sony Ericsson
--026% : Other (Shoutbox!)

-Which is Better?
--020% : Dragon's Den
--013% : My Country's Got Talent
--000% : My Country's Idol
--000% : Big Brother
--066% : I Hate Reality TV

-Which is Better?
--028% : Sonic Adventure
--009% : Soul Calibur
--004% : Shenmue
--038% : Crazy Taxi
--009% : Chu Chu Rocket
--009% : Virtua Tennis

-Which is Better?
--005% : PowerBasic
--068% : FreeBasic
--026% : DarkBasic
--000% : RealBasic

-Which is Most Important?
--000% : Titlescreen
--080% : Gameplay
--008% : Graphics
--004% : Sound
--000% : Music
--008% : Storyline


     Still no stuff being sent for the newsletter, but that
     won't stop me from taking random things and tweaking
     them just enough that it looks like folk are actually
     suggesting them for the purpose of the newsletter!
     I'll leave you with two new-ish sections.
     Remember.. Your stuff goes here! Send stuff in, or I'm
     just going to have to start making things up again!

      Competition of the Week
     ; Intel Smoke!
          Scherererer writes to inform us of a compo from
          Intel. Take their Smoke basecode, and turn it into
          something more interesting.
          You could win a $100 giftcard.. .... Oooooh!
          Compo doesn't close until Dec 31st, so if you're
          planning to buy a game sometime next year, you might
          like to enter!
      Random Youtube Videos
     In other Input related news, Eikon favourited both of
     these videos on Youtube, this week.
     Gotta love "friendship" things on random sites!
     It's like stalking!!

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