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SoCoder -> Newsletter Home -> Newsletter

Created : 06 August 2009
Edited : 31 December 1969

#015 - Sugar Rush

Socoder Newsletter

     "Sugar Rush"
          #015 - August 6th 2009
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     ; Hello all
          Back to regular business, as Socoder gets super busy
          this week.. Oh, no, wait.. it doesn't..
          There's been 7 "Latest Items" since last week. Man,
          that's a bit depressing, isn't it!
          Seems the powerbars have started to wear off..
          Needs more of a push..
          Maybe time to make the polls "Green Bar Only!"

Read Post$

     ; Dull Greys
          Afr0's interested in what makes a game look good.
          Is it more to do with realism, or is it something
          else? Why does one game look so much better than
     ; Video vs Text
          Do you long for the days when you'd scan through a
          longwinded piece of garbage to find the piece of
          useful sourcecode that you needed?
          Nowadays, to learn the same thing, Phoenix finds
          himself having to sit through a 7 hour video trying
          to find the useful bits.
     ; Loading Times
          Developers are getting lazy, and with that comes
          insanely lengthy loading times. It might be great
          to reuse the functions laying around in the 7,000
          various libraries all over windows. But do we
          really have to sit there whilst it tries desperately
          to load them all?
          Wouldn't it just have been better to have written
          the code that draws a circle yourself, rather than
          reuse something in an old dll that everyone forgot
          even existed, and that most users probably wouldn't
          even have on their systems, anymore!??
     *rant over*

Repeat : Until GameOver

     Nothing.. Nobody made anything, this week.
     Need some games?
     Check out PixelProspector!
Goto Links

     ; South Park - How they do it.. (Afr0)
          How they create episodes of South Park, within the
          space of, usually, about a week.
          Crazy stuff!
     ; No more Radio (Jayenkai)
          RadioShack have decided to drop the Radio from their
          name, and are now going to be TheShack!
     ; Wolfram owns this.. (Scherererer)
          Imagine trying to copyright every single screen that
          your game could possibly create! Well, that's what
          Wolfram|Alpha is trying to do. Pretending that it's
          sitting there, working like a crazy pig, creating
          super amazing pieces of work, it then tries to brand
          the information as it's own.
          I guess I'd better take my screenshot of it's
          results offline, then!
Syntax Error

     ; AGameAWeek, one year on. (Jayenkai)
          Having spent a whole year writing AGameAWeek, Jay
          posts a nice lengthy bit of text (in 5 parts, no
          less) describing how well, or badly (usually badly)
          each and every game turned out.
          It's like a great big experiment, only without the

     ; Venous Aneurysm (Spinal)
          Uhoh.. It's another "euuuww...!!" topic from Spinal!
          Spinal has a balloon of blood in his veins, which is
          causing an odd bulge at the top of his foot.
          Head inside if that doesn't sound bad enough, to see
          a picture, and some chitty chattyness about it!
          ... eeeeuuuwwww!!!          

For n=1 to 7

     ; Top 7 Pollers (last week's position)

     (x) 110 - TazzMan47
     (7) 105 - cthug
     (1) 100 - jprofitt
     (6) 100 - Cower
     (x) 087 - shroom_monk
     (3) 085 - magicman
     (2) 085 - zebeste
     ; This week's Poll Results
---Which of Diablos StudioFortress.com games is best?
------026% : Super Sweeper
------020% : Sokoban Supreme
------053% : Space Snake

---Which one's Best?
------016% : Street Fighter
------033% : Street Fighter 2
------005% : Street Fighter 3
------011% : Street Fighter 4
------027% : Marvel vs Capcom
------005% : SNK vs Capcom
------000% : Street Fighter 2 HD

---Where in your country are you?
------026% : North
------030% : South
------013% : East
------017% : West
------013% : Central

---Which Muffin's Better?
------000% : Plain
------014% : Choc Chip
------038% : Double Choc Chip
------004% : Toffee
------042% : Blueberry
------000% : Cherry

---Which is Better?
------052% : Taking your time
------047% : Just Get it Done

---Which is Better?
------015% : Record
------000% : 8 Track
------000% : Cassette
------084% : MP3

---Which is Better?
------080% : GUI
------019% : CLI


     \me removes this header from the template..
Competition of the Week

     ; 2 Bees Compo 2
          Zardon and Phoenix both let us know of another compo
          from the guys at 2 Bees.
          Win $10,000, and possibly even get your game

Random Youtube Videos

     Mario AI
     A UFO!

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