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SoCoder -> Newsletter Home -> Newsletter

Created : 26 February 2010
Edited : 31 December 1969

#044 - Written using Keys

Socoder Newsletter

     "Written using Keys"
          #044 - 26th February 2010
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     ; Hello all

          This week I tried an experiment. I posted NeonPlat
          into it's own thread on TIGSource's Forum, and it's
          had 112 views within a day. Compare that to when it
          originally got posted inside the "AGameAWeek" thread
          and it got 17.

     Currently Listening To...
          Nothing, it's quieter.
     In the Workshop     

     In the Shoutbox..
          Mar10, John Carmack and IE5
     In the Mudchat
          More Mar10
          and periods of validity
          Join in, it's occasionally fun!

Read Post$

     ; The Forum Game
          Afr0's off and on topic about posting numerical pics
          has suddenly sprung back to life after an unsequential
          number got posted!
     ; Isometric Terrain
          It's nice to make Isometric games, but a complete
          git to try and figure it all out!
          Tikihead gives it a whirl!
     ; Those darn Image tags again...
          Seems some other forums are now using [img width=x]
          for scaling the images down. That seems silly to me,
          since everyone would scale to whatever resolution
          their currently using, and completely ignore what
          everyone else is using.
          This turns a nicely formatted forum into another
          silly locked resolution site, and the site looks daft
          on low resolutions.
          Folk still have low resolutions, you know...
          On Socoder, you can use imgs to have the image scale
          to a 400 pixel width, which can then be clicked on to
          enlarge it to the full size image, in the nice smooth
          scaling style.
     On a similar note, if you're using a mobile browser,
     switch to Grey'n'Green theme, and it all lights up, so
     you can "mini-view" the site in an instant.
Repeat : Until GameOver

     A whole bunch of new games, every single week!!

>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>> Socoder Games
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

     ; Madness Online (Tikihead)
          A nice platform shooter with tons and tons of blood.
     ; Blanko's "To the Moon" gets called "Dull" ?!
          But it's lovely!!
          Reviewers, it seems, have as much ADD as I do, when
          it comes to playing games.
          If the game doesn't catch you within half a second,
          it's got no chance!!!
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>> Moshboy's "Missed" Games
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

     SlumLord27/Moshboy completed his Underrated Indie Games
     list, so is now doing "Games You Might Have Missed".
     Gotta Play 'em All!
     ; #5 - Twinkle
          A HAPPY STAR!!
     ; #6 - Decobliss
          Shoot-em-up from a curved rail.
     ; #7 - Wrecking Ball
          Smash the blocks by swinging your ball around.
     ; #8 - Bollen
          Nice retro styled platformer.

>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>> Pixel Prospector's Games
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
     Authentic Kaizen digs for more freeware gold.
     ; Cybersolip
          Mmmm.. Nice blurring effect..

     ; Lollipop ate my Donuts! Flying Slippers!
          Neat looking platform shooter puzzler thingy.

Goto Links

     ; School Spies (Jayenkai)
          A school gets caught out, spying on it's students
          via their own webcams.
     ; Flipping Tabs (HoboBen)
          Flip the tab behaviour in Firefox, so that new tabs
          open on the right, as opposed to "Next to the current
          tab", which apparently annoys people.
     ; 3D in CSS (HoboBen)
          How to create a 3D Coke Can using only CSS.
     ; Valve commit IE-ocide (HoboBen)
          Valve have redone Steam from the ground up, throwing
          out all the nasty IEness, and replacing it with
          WebKit, making everything flow 100,000 times better.
     ; Norway + Snow = Gold (Afr0)
          People are complaining that Norwegians are good at
          the Winter Olympics.
          Well, DUH!!!

Many Much Bloggings

     ; Creative Writing (Sticky)
          A short story by Sticky.
          (Sorry, haven't had time to read it yet!)
     ; Homeopathy (Flying_Cucco)
          I can only just make out what half of that says.
          If you're struggling, it says poo.
          Very very bad scan/photocopy!

     ; ASM! (Spinal)
          cthug's got competition! Now Spinal's getting into
          the Assembly stuff, so that he can code for the SNES!

Things That Make a Hobo Appy

     HoboBen's been making a bunch of GUI stuff, this week.
     He's also been kind enough to leave everything on the
     site, so you can make a bunch of GUI stuff yourself.
     How kind!
     ; XP GUI Images
          For making things look like XP!
     ; HAG Gui
          Hag does lots of stuff, if you're using Cobra.
          Lets you do all kinds of neat sliders and buttons and
          those sorts of things.

Syntax Error

     ; Iterating Edges (Phoenix)
          A simple loop that causes a polygone to close up.
          I think..
     ; Framework (Jayenkai)
          After months of work, Jay finally releases his great
          big BlitzMax framework.
          It doesn't seem that big, now that it's all done.

     ; DBF's "Liquid" Compo
          You have until 10th of April to make a nice gooey
          liquidy demo thing for DBF.

     ; PlaySushi's "Adventure" Compo
          PlaySushi want Americans (ONLY AMERICANS, because
          they're racist) to make Flash games (ONLY FLASH,
          because they're codist) that are in an Adventure
          style. (ONLY ADVENTURE, because they're genreists)


     This week's rant was posted over at AGameAWeek.
     Probably should've saved it for this..
     Oh well, never mind..

     Maybe next week!
Random Youtubeyness
The Internet Never Forgets
     The author of this remix apparently used a midi file that
     I created way way back August 2000!!!

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