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SoCoder -> Newsletter Home -> Newsletter

Created : 07 July 2011
Edited : 31 December 1969

#112 - Unexpected Giraffe

; Unexpected Giraffe

#0112 - Friday 08th July 2011

Subscribe to Socoder Newsletter

Every Friday!!


; Hello World

Sometimes a newsletter just falls together perfectly!
This week, not so much.

I've been ill, so I didn't really spend much time Favouriting people's tweets.
That's kinda made a buggery of the Retweets section a bit.



This is, quite literally, the only tweet I favourited, ALL WEEK!


Sorry, bit shit there, really, wasn't it!
Gonna have to fill a gap, now.

; Interview thoughts.

Waroffice needs some advice for a possible interview.

; Google Plus

Stick your name in the hat for a random invite.
Between those of us that have it, I'm sure you'll receive an invite email soon!
Then, just like me, you can wait about until Google honour your invite, and actually let you in!
..still waiting..

; Delete?

I've been meaning to get around to doing this, but it's been a naff week, to be honest.
Already have a complete todo list for tomorrow, but if I get a chance I'll cram it in somewhere. Won't be too hard, just gotta fit it somewhere!

; Delete!!

On Monday, we discussed a popular weekly newspaper, and it's dodgy phone hacking.
By the end of the week, the paper was out of business.
Socoder Wins *cough*


; PMC getting out there

DD's Game-making project gets some HTML5Grind based exposure.

; Rapid Prototyping

A blog by Seb!

Interesting fact : If Seb had have written AGameAWeek, instead of "A Game A Week" I never would've noticed he'd written the blog!
.. I also just realised, btw, that it must've been Seb I was chatting to on Twitter earlier today!!
Hello Seb!

PixelProspector.com, our usual place to pick a weekly game, has been completely fucked up by a database issue.
Kaizen's working on it, but has decided that, with all his recent semi-site-ideas, he might as well combine a few features into a more specific single multi-site type Indie based super-mega-hyper-thing.

Go for it, Kaizen, make us proud!!
He'll probably even have his own Newsletter, too!! *sob* They grow up so fast

Instead, here's a pick from Moshboy's latest selections.

; Tiny Hawk

View on YouTube
You can find more of Moshboy's great pickings here.


I'm TOTALLY out of ideas for the newsletter..

There's nothing else for it.
Let's find some really crazy random shit online..
1. Click to a site we know (something that I've mentioned on Socoder previously, and that's managed to linger in my bookmarks)
2. Randomly click outside of the regular Home/Archive links that I normally would.
3. See where else the webpage takes us!

; Evil Tesco Bikes!

Path Taken : Hairy Hacker's Haunt -> Girv.in -> Page

; Octat

Path Taken : bfxr.net -> increpare.com -> Page

I can do this bit.. This bit's easy!!

; nom nom nom

View on YouTube

; Hairspray


; Not the cake!!!


; Happy


; Yeay! Metallica!


; When campaigns die out..

.. hey.. It doesn't say Start anymore..

End Of

; Gimme Gimme Gimme!

Post stuffs!


Load, Next List

