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SoCoder -> Newsletter Home -> Newsletter

Created : 26 April 2013
Edited : 31 December 1969

#173 - Quite Musical

; Quite Musical

#0173 - Friday 26th April 2013

Subscribe to Socoder Newsletter


Every Friday, Wearing Headphones


; Hello World!

...so, I'm doing my nightly YouTube watching. This is now a frequent nightly event, and has greatly overtaken my TV watching.
I'm getting used to seeing ads on Youtube, and am ready to pounce on that "Skip Ad" button as soon as the countdown hits 0.

.. Tonight, something very strange happened.

Instead of a normal advert, I was treated to a music video!!!

View on YouTube

All I can imagine is that the artist, desperate for extra views, has paid to have their video plopped onto other vids as if it were an advert.

... And not the greatest music vid I've ever seen!!


; Monthly Worklog

I've scheduled a reminder in my calendar, for the last Wednesday of every month, to remind me to post the monthly Worklog post.
My memory sucks!!
Stop by to check out progress reports on Cower's Variable Delaying, Afr0's Clothing Showcase, Jay's self destructing images and Steve's lunch.

; Getting it Working...

MelmanTheMan is hitting that modern curse of videogame development.
The irritating world of "Installing the DevKit"
It NEVER goes smoothly, no matter how many tutorials you read. There's always one teensy tiny little fact that nobody bothered to mention!
Once you get it working, don't ever format, or you have to do all this shit all over again!!

; 30 REM *** Player Movement ***

Afr0 would like to know if there's a market in "Books with Sourcecode"
I'm not so sure there is.
A nice waffling book about his journey, building his clone, and all the people he's contacted along the way? That might be fun to read..
But lines of code?
Even as code-heavy as my life is, I wouldn't sit down to read that!
Make it more diary-like, or like one of those "My big journey!" types of autobiography books, and I might find it more interesting.


; LudumDare

Another weekend, another rapid-coding-challenge.
What a crazy random idea!
Make games, in short times, using given themes.
Wherever did these things begin?
Ludum Dare 26 is due to start on Saturday morning, so feel free to join in.

I should also point out that visiting the Ludum Dare site caused my iPad to refresh a couple of it's background tasks, thus losing my music. FFS, why can't people code small sites anymore. The entire Internet doesn't need to be giant pictures for no sodding reason, you know!!!

; More Challengers Needed

Speaking of challenges, OneGameAMonth.com is looking rather depressing.
Sure, it might have nearly 5,000 members signed up for the challenge, but it also has over 2,500 games released.
WOW, you might think! 2,500!! WOW!!
Except, that's now four months worth.
By my calculations, 4 months, at a game a month x 5000 people should be a little over 2500.. Shouldn't it?!
If you've signed up, be sure you've added your monthly games to the list.
If you've not, and you've already created a couple of projects, sign in and get them posted.
Lets help obtain the true reality of One Game A Month!


; New Telly

Jayenkai finally upgrades to HD, just as everyone else is leaving, much like his eventual switch to from Amstrad to Amiga, just as everyone switched to PC.
Jay doesn't care.
Jay likes his new 64 onscreen colours!

; Summer Days

Seems we've had our summer, here in Britain.
A couple of lovely days, where Mr Sunball decided to pay us a visit.
He had his hat on, he sang hip hip hooray, and we all went out for a pint.

; How Wrong is Wrong?

WarOffice has started a grammar war!
Inquire or Enquire?


Consumer Reminder: Benest's Of Millbrook have some super offers for you

View on YouTube

Video: Guile’s theme from Streetfighter II done accapella! Incredible bit of vocal work here. Love it!

This is GENIUS, cheered me up no end via @serialmatrix


A guy mailed me earlier today and basically said "I don't know if you're a coder, but will you make code a game for me"... (cont)...
...(cont)... but why would he mail me if he didn't know I was a coder? ...does he randomly mail everyone? *sigh* ...some people.


; Glass

View on YouTube

; Amazing Animation!


; Pure Evil


; Musical Interlude


; Fuck! (NSFW)


; Arf


; Build an Empire


; And Finally... A Musical Number


End Of

; Ooooh, a link!

VGRemix Corner

View on YouTube

Load, Next List!

