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SoCoder -> Newsletter Home -> Newsletter

Created : 06 September 2013
Edited : 31 December 1969

#192 - Whimsical

; Whimsical

#192 - Friday 6th September, 2013

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Every Friday, With Pants On


; Hello World

Apparently, adding exclamation points makes you "whimsical", so without further ado, here's this week's wonderfully whimsical waffle, with weblinks!!

As my College years came to a close, a friend Dave decided to set up his own private Ultima Online server. This was my first experience of try online gaming, and this little MMORPG kept me awake most nights, and caused my at-the-time telephone bill to be sky high!
A fantastic game, with loads to do, but the best part was that it was an entirely private server.
Because of the way Ultima Online and the Sphere server worked, you could open up a whole bunch of simplistic script files, and start building your own little things.
Quests, items, NPC AI's, the lot!

After a few months of play, and a whole lot of complaints about the phone bills, me and Dave had built up quite a silly little server, with lots of character interaction, and a few odd little adventures that you could have.
It was a great game, and it'll always hold a special place in my heart.

Now, EA have relaunched Ultima as a free to play game on iOS, and successfully managed to fuck up every single fucking thing about it.
Well done EA.



; Android vs iOS

It's all well and good being able to launch a game on both platforms, but which is actually better suited for the half-assed, unprofessional, indie developer?

; Shroom Monk hits 20

I knew that Socoder had been going a while, but it takes milestones like this to make you realise exactly how long it's been.
Shroom Monk first signed up to Socoder when he was in Secondary School, and him and his classmates would linger in the Mudchat causing silly little flamewars until I inevitably had to ban one of them.
That was back in 2006! And now our little Shroomy's all grown up, and has left his teenage years behind him.
Makes you feel proud!
...and old..
.. Mostly old..

; Twitter Tales

Jayenkai makes a silly date-based joke on twitter, and it seems to get picked up by people who have no sense of humour.
Chaos begins!!


; Bit Invaders

A good old fashioned Space Invaders remake, with lovely chunky LED-style graphics.
Cracking stuff!

; More Flipping!

Aiming for some kind of award, Spinal's managed to get his "Don't Flip Out" game onto more targets than even I could manage!!
Awesome stuff!
His latest conquest is the OUYA Indie Android Console Thing.

; Review

Compare and Contrast!
What happens when big companies decide to do a modern remake of an old game.
How two vastly different companies have managed to create such drastically different remakes.

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Big Companies Going Crazy

; Just Plain Stupidity

Yahoo decides that it might be a good idea to give unused email addresses a new home.

; Microsoft Buy Nokia

Not content with having one of the least popular mobile OSs on the planet, Microsoft have decided to buy one of the least popular Mobile Phone manufacturers to go with it.
I hope for their sake that the result is better than the sum of it's parts!

; Google Adwords Frenzy

In a shocking move, Google have decided to brand their next version of Android after an actual proper brand.
Up until a week ago, it was all supposed to be "Key Lime Pie", and everyone seemed happy with that, especially since that suggests a green tint, what with that being Android's basic theme, and all.
Then strangely, and definitely in no way a purchased advertising campaign, it became KitKat...

; Yahoo Insanity Continues

And then, to round off the week with a little bit of professionalism, Yahoo unveiled a brand spanking new logo that had all the graphical design stylings of a fucking brick. Bravo, Yahoo. Way to go, distinguishing yourself do well.


Twitter Linkage

Twitter Linkage

Twitter Linkage

Twitter Linkage

Twitter Linkage

Twitter Linkage


; Welcome

YouTube! Everything you ever needed to know!

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; Magic

How to make a bandana disappear.

; Shudderology


; Cats!!


; Not Sure...

I feel this may just be a PR thing, as opposed to a random silly event..

; Bye Bye Ballmer

A touching report.

; Chicken Scandal

Hot off the heels of the Horsemeat scandal, another terrible event has occurred.

; Thin Keyboard

CSR have developed a sort of paper thin multitouch sheet thing, which connects to your device via Bluetooth, and has a keyboard printed on it, so you can either use it as a great big multitouch touchpad, or a keyboard.

; Score!

He used to be a head writer for Stargate... Now, he makes milkshakes..

End Of

; Ooooh, a link!

VGRemix Corner

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