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SoCoder -> Newsletter Home -> Newsletter

Created : 26 November 2020

#492 - Rolling in the News

Weekly Newsletter

; Rolling in the News

#492 - Thursday 26th November, 2020

Subscribe to Socoder Newsletter


Every Thursday, or thereabouts


; Hello World

I bought a MacBook, and am currently sstruggling to write this week's newsletter using it, so apologies if it's about 1/4 the length that it usually is.
I expect the transition period won't be too hard, since (for the most part) I've actually been weaning myself off of a lot of my Windows-Specific reliances for quite some time..
Even still. Oh boy!!
Please bear/bare with me, whilst I make the change to Mac. And hopefully I won't get all "OMG!OMG! YEW SHUD BYE A MAK!" whist trying.

I'm currently jumping back and forth
(Apologies for any typing errors along the way, too!)



; Foldapuz 100

Jay manages to create the 100th Puzzle Generator for Foldapuz.
He's a little disappointed that a lot of the puzzles are "grids with numbers in", but in the world of pen and paper puzzles, that's as good as it gets!


; Creativity Incoming

Jay still hasn't been arsed to design a logo for Advent of Creativity 3, but don't let that stop you preparing for this year's challenge.
The rules, as always, are that there really aren't any rules.
Just try to create something new and imaginative each day over the festive period.
You don't even have to be a daily creator.
Whatever you can, whenever you can.
Just be creative!

; Calendar Action

Rockford's bought himself a mystery Advent Calendar.
Have YOU!?


The unsafe outdoorsiness continues, as Britain's 69th lockdown is in full (half.. quarter!?!?) force.
This week's rules include staying in, unless you need to go out, but stay put, but go to work, but don't go out.
In the next few weeks, we all need to stay in, unless we don't, so that we can visit out family at Xmas, because fuck all the other religeous events that have happened in recent weeks, only the Christian festival matters.

Meanwhile, TKS has chipped in to let us know he's ok, but what of Rockford's neighbours?


; Rychan Builds a PC

Rychan grabs spares and newbits from all over the place, and manages to build an entire desktop PC for less than £200
Certainly a fuckton cheaper than Jay's new MacBook, that's for damn sure.

; Hacked and Watched

Looks like the new Super Mario Bros Game'n'Watch thing might get fully unlocked fairly quickly.
The hackers are in!!


; PS5ing

Spinal gets a PS5.
What wonderful games are available!?

; C64ing

Screw PS5.. Steve brings us news of a new C64 game, Wormhole.

; BBC Titles Archive

An archive of old TV Show themes, intros, and such.


; Brentwood

What would Data do?

View on YouTube

I've since found an entire series with this concept.


; McDonalDS

The training game

View on YouTube

; More Planes

What could've been.

; Layout

What exactly IS the Simpson's house like?

80s Cover Corner

View on YouTube

TVCover Corner

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VGRemix Corner

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