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Socoder -> Festive Threads -> Xmas Survival

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Mon, 18 Dec 2017, 07:22

Xmas Survival

It's started!!

Today was Sister and Fella.
They stayed for only 2 hours. I’m barely awake, but had to play "Happy Cherry Cheery Jay", and am now completely shattered.

Xmas is still a week away.
I’m not going to cope!!!

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Mon, 18 Dec 2017, 07:56
Cherry Jay? [I know, I can talk!]

We finally got out tree yesterday (no time prior to that) and had a bit of a run around, but got a nice bushy six footer. Put it up and left it to dry out a bit (the lot we got it from is outdoors, so it was soaked). Just finished putting the lights on now - all 400 of them (I didn't count them, that's what it says on the box and I'm not going to argue!). Ceiling decs, Festive ornaments and tinsel bits were put up last night.

Presents are all wrapped, bar the couple that are stuck in the post somewhere.

Food's all bought, other than fresh stuff and we're now all good.

Then all set for the worst part next week: relatives!

I did try sending you Comfort and Joy - they're two local hookers that'll keep your mind off things for a while, but they were fully booked! Holly and Ivy have retired.

Have good one, everybody!
Mon, 18 Dec 2017, 08:10
Cheery.. fuck you, autocorrect!!!!
.. I definitely think it was autocorrect. I definitely didn’t just mistype it!

Presents have been lacklustre, this year, mostly because we're all getting old, and nobody knows what they want anymore.

Turkey hasn’t yet been bought. Mum keeps saying she'll be able to get one from Tesco. "They’ve got loads..."
..... uhuh...

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Mon, 18 Dec 2017, 09:21
Had the first lot descend last week... don't mind, but its like, the ones who stay behind cannot fucking cope by themselves, ringing up every fifteen minutes.

They're adults ffs. Figure shit out for yourself!
Mon, 18 Dec 2017, 10:36

Cheery.. fuck you, autocorrect!!!!

lol, for some reason that made me laugh!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Wed, 20 Dec 2017, 10:05
"But you'll have to go early, because James isn’t very well, today.."

10 minutes later.

"I know, let’s all have Chinese for tea!"
*insert guests staying for another few hours*

I’m really struggling to stay Cheery Jay, and not give up and go to bed..

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Wed, 20 Dec 2017, 13:19
If it's bad, just go to bed, I'm sure they would understand. Don't feel bad about it.
Sat, 23 Dec 2017, 03:23
Xmas Survival isn’t going very well, so far.
Had 3 lots of festive visitors, so far, this week, and it's not even Xmas, yet.
Even worse, two of the three have threatened to return next week, too!!
I can’t cope!!!!

Merry Xmas!! AAARGH!!!!

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Sat, 23 Dec 2017, 04:21
The ones that were here last week are coming back today.

I don't know why.
Sat, 23 Dec 2017, 04:32
I do hope I don't come across as a miserable old fart in these kinds of topics!!

I'm usually a very cheery person, but post-op I find it hard to cope when there are too many people in the room. In general, more than 2!!
With all my motion sickness, it's hard to keep looking back and forth, and things get really swirly in my head as I do attempt it.

Over the past few years I've learned that keeping my head focused on something typically helps, but then people think I'm not interacting, and am just being rude!! .. Hard to find a middleground that doesn't end up making me look like I'm about to throw up.
.. Which I usually am!!

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Sat, 23 Dec 2017, 05:25
I'm totally introverted. I'd much rather be sat at home watching tv than out partying or visiting family/having family visit. Christmas time really is Hell for introverts.

Just leave me alone and I'm a happy bunny.
Sat, 23 Dec 2017, 05:29
I just don't like the house full of people. I can't cope with all the noise. Plus, wife's sister flirts with everybody (even tho her b/f is sat right next to her) and it makes me really uncomfortable. Has no reservations about... shall we say... certain topics of conversation even when there are kids in the room. She's as OTT as you can possibly imagine.

Wife's gone out at the moment so I'm sat in the dark with the curtains shut and the door locked. Ain't dealing with it. If they turn up here they can just bugger off!
Sat, 23 Dec 2017, 05:44
That sounds like my kind of Xmas.
Just the tree lights, and the warm glow of a monitor.

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Sat, 23 Dec 2017, 05:54
Cool Runnings is on at 1:15! \o/
Sat, 23 Dec 2017, 13:03
Gah... mother in law been today... She's now on the fucking phone arranging everybody to get together boxing day AND plotting to come here for the day next week as well.

I wish I was dead. >:|

She'll be on the phone for the next fucking hour now, wittering on about cranberry cheese just now and fuck knows what else.

Soooo turns out I'm Billy no-Mates again boxing day. They've arranged to go up to her sisters at 9:30am, we've just been told. Given the choice between sitting in someone else's house talking about dildos all day and cackling like witches, OR draping my soddened bollocks over a live electric fence, I'd say "flick the switch, mate".
Sat, 23 Dec 2017, 17:18
I've done the family visits yesterday, dropped off the 3 million pound worth of pressies! That's an annual job and a half...

Tonight, I've been out with mates for a meal and a few drinks, tomorrow is chill, and then I'm buggering off to do my own thing for Christmas... 6.30am (GMT) Christmas Day I'll be taking off from Newcastle to Paris for a proper break... Just me, croissants and fruit based drinks for Daves!



Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sat, 23 Dec 2017, 18:27
Sister's arrived.
Her and Fella will be staying for Xmas.

Oh joy.

And, yes, it’s half one in the morning.

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Sun, 24 Dec 2017, 04:19
Harsh. :/

Think I'd say "ok... I'll shift my car out the garage so you can put yours in there".

"Thanks - bit rough round here is it"?

"No, but you're sleeping in your car".
Sun, 24 Dec 2017, 07:31
Just got back from visiting parents. Annnnnnnnd relax!
Sun, 24 Dec 2017, 10:21
Sister's watching the news... ... so obviously the TVs now at the highest volume it's been, so far, because she's going deaf.

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Tue, 26 Dec 2017, 15:12
Family's sitting here playing "Cards Against Humanity"

I’m trying to be Cheery.
My head isn’t coping.
Somebody get me a blank screen and a keyboard!!

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Tue, 26 Dec 2017, 17:22
Cheery Jay gave up.
It’s pastmidnight, and the third game of Cards Against Humanity has just begun.

Too much jollyness for me.

I've left them to it, and gone to bed.
Couldn’t cope with it.
Banging headache since about 8pm, but carried on, with a Cheery Jay face.
I'll be regretting that, tomorrow.

I don’t think we’ve any more visitors, tomorrow.
Or at least, I hope not.

Cheery Jay.... Out!
Goodnight all

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Wed, 27 Dec 2017, 02:55
Wed, 27 Dec 2017, 04:04
This morning has been spent plugging things in.

People see plug sockets, and go "Oh, I’d better unplug that, so I can plug my charger in!!!"

... lying in the middle of the room is a 5-socket USB charger, with 2 Lightning cables and a MicroSD cable, and 2 spare slots.
Ready for damn near any device.

Does ANYONE use it?
.. do they fuck!!!
No, they’d rather unplug actual devices, so they can plug their own charger in.

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Fri, 29 Dec 2017, 05:27
Cat woke me up at 7am, wailing...
Cat went out for all of five minutes, then headed back to bed.
Lucky cat..
I was wide awake. Or at least, half awake..

.. or maybe not..

Exhausted, but safe in the knowledge that today would be a "quiet" day, I headed back to bed about 9am'ish.

Got woke up by Sister and her friend preparing to leave for Scotland for a few days.
He's an American doing a round the world trip, and has spent Xmas with us, here.
Sister's now taking him sightseeing around Scotland for a few days, before he hops onto a Ferry over to Ireland.
Mum's given him a list of things he has to try in Ireland, like Dulse, Mixed Balls and... maybe Potcheen!!?

....Finally managed to get back to sleep, once they’d left, only to be reawoken about 20 minutes later, by my Cousin, running in and out of the house to grab something she'd left here during their Xmas visit.


... but no matter, 'Cos I’m completely fucking exhausted, and desperately need a sleep!

So I rolled over, and just about managed to get over to sleep, when...

The sound of your printer resetting after a powercut.
Followed by 100 alarms up and down the street, all wailing away due to the fraction of a second that they went without power.


I’m awake.
Fuck it.
I’ll sleep tonight, instead.

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Fri, 29 Dec 2017, 05:29
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