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Socoder -> Festive Threads -> Advent of Creativity - 2018

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Wed, 05 Dec 2018, 15:44
Gahh, got distracted by Waifu....Emergency Background #2 incoming!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 05 Dec 2018, 16:32
Ohh rahhh! Christmas House in the mountains

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 05 Dec 2018, 17:00
Day 5 (juuuust): inspired by the Advent Calendar thread, here's a candle. Couldn't actually do a flame even though it is casting light, but the light isn't great either - spent some time fiddling with it, but didn't have a lot of time tonight!

> Reveal 🔎

Will be off on the aforementioned holiday for a few days, but will still be making things. Will post as and when I have internet, or failing that a whole bunch when I get back.

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Wed, 05 Dec 2018, 17:12
Don't worry if you miss a day or two or three. The fact that anyone's joining in, at all, is great

Day Six

: Download
AL Choons again!!

Meanwhile. I spent the day playing with the sprite generator again, and got basic repeating patterns to work, which then became Floor tiles, then Platforms..
After that, I added some half arsed spaceships.

So, um.. yeah, that!!

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Thu, 06 Dec 2018, 06:06
I have been sick since this weekend(flu) still not recovered. And my Mum is in the hospital getting her heart checked out. Not sure what the news will bring about that. A friend of my mum and late father had his heart checked out also and got a heart attack while doing the bycicle test. So I am a little bit worried.

But I have charged the ipad and want to make something today.

The things made in this thread look and sound great!
Thu, 06 Dec 2018, 06:24
@Pakz - Sending best wishes to you and your family. Fingers crossed there are no more issues!
Thu, 06 Dec 2018, 07:05
Damn.. Festivities won't be the top of your list, right now..
Take it easy, and send lots of loves and hugs to all.

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Thu, 06 Dec 2018, 14:26
I made this :

View on YouTube
Thu, 06 Dec 2018, 14:47
Thu, 06 Dec 2018, 15:14
Cool! Very nice and Chrimbo-y

I might not have a picture to show tonight, it depends on how the code progresses but there'll be some progress fo sho!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 06 Dec 2018, 15:40
Day 6's train journeys bring this toy robot. It's currently untextured, with the plan being that today I did a bunch of modelling on it, tomorrow I will try to make a proper UV mapped texture for it, and after that I might take a shot at rigging it for animation. We'll see how that goes!

> Reveal 🔎

Best wishes to you and yours Pakz - I hope things get better. Nice tune!

And I love those spaceships, Jay. It's a neat aesthetic

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Thu, 06 Dec 2018, 15:48
What a lovely robot! I do hope it goes Beep beep Boop!!

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Thu, 06 Dec 2018, 16:51

Day Seven

Today's ALChoon
: Download

Meanwhile, since I seem to be on a bit of a roll with JavaScript things, lately, I figured I'd try my hand at that Pixelart to STL converter again.
Kinda works, depending on your browser!

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Thu, 06 Dec 2018, 16:51
So, the goal I'm aiming for is a webpage where people can create their own Gameboy ROMs as if they were greeting cards.

Kinda a strange one to get but should be cool to figure out along the way.

What it ultimately amounts down to is making the ROM dynamically with some crazy string splits, based upon user input.

So far I've got it to position a sprites X and Y position reliably but nothing else is coming together yet.

Nowt to show in terms of graphics but, I have a handy hex viewer in PHP now as well as basic rom output.

We'll see

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 06 Dec 2018, 17:03
That sounds incredibly complicated!

Good luck!!

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Thu, 06 Dec 2018, 17:17
It may end up being too much to handle, but ,if i write the ROM out nicely in the first place,it should come together quite nicely. Hopefully it could eventually be fully customisable all through the one web page which would be really neat but, perhaps a few steps down the line

Incidentally, heard back from the publishers today, Infinitron is selling prett well, ~15 copies so far which is, to be honest, more than I thought

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 07 Dec 2018, 15:51
Day 7: Decided to rig yesterday's robot model next, rather than texturing it, in case it turned out I needed to make any changes to the model. The rigging itself didn't need any changes, but I did first neaten up some of the face smoothing on the model that I screwed up the first time round.

So yeah, it's rigged now. Put a quick pose together for today's screenshot. Perhaps at some point I should try animating it! Tomorrow will be texturing I think.

> Reveal 🔎

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Fri, 07 Dec 2018, 16:03
Gonna be out from it this weekend and tonight sadly, got a bunch of home and chrimbo shizz and a works party on saturday night, woo!

Will be back on monday, maybe sunday if I'm not too hungover!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 07 Dec 2018, 17:53

Day Eight

ALs choon is ready to go!!
: Download

But me, not so much!!

> Reveal 🔎

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Sat, 08 Dec 2018, 15:31
I used my korg nanokey studio for the first time and made this :

View on YouTube
Sat, 08 Dec 2018, 16:26
Day 8: This evening has definitely been a learning evening! But after lots of mucking around - and eventually rebuilding part of the head after discovering a whole mess of duplicated vertices in there - I finally managed to get a sensible UV unwrap of my robot. Some amateur 'artistry' later, robot now has a UV-mapped texture!

> Reveal 🔎

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sat, 08 Dec 2018, 17:06
Awww, he's so cute
Congrats on the learning. Learning's always good

Day Nine

AL has continued to choonage!
: Download

Incidentally, I finished off the last few choons, today. W, X and Z all got done. Hurray!!
You can't hear them yet, but they are uploaded to the server. Even if I drop dead, the rest of this calendar will at least exist, even if you never hear the tracks due to me not posting the links to the additional tracks!


> Reveal 🔎

Oh yeah, and we put up the Xmas tree, and I added my 3D printed Stargate to it.

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Sun, 09 Dec 2018, 03:51
Woo, awesome progress stuffs!

I am surprisingly not hungover, might do a bit of coding today then

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 09 Dec 2018, 15:27
Day 9: Animation!

> Reveal 🔎

A mushroom a day keeps the doctor away...

Keep It Simple, Shroom!
Sun, 09 Dec 2018, 15:56
Sun, 09 Dec 2018, 17:01

Day Ten

ALs choon for the day
: Download

As for what I did, today.
I spent HOURS working on implementing a basic 3D engine in JavaScript, to make the Pixelart to STL thing a little more functional.
But it was slow and shit, and in the end I gave up for the day.

Instead, I simply posted a new 3DS Theme to the ThemePlaza

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