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Socoder -> Site & Server -> Marching Orders - March 2019

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Mon, 25 Mar 2019, 19:05
Can't wait to play!
Tue, 26 Mar 2019, 03:04
Once the bug fixes are in place, I'll pop another build over your way Jay

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 28 Mar 2019, 03:44
Game over bug is fixed, might set out the level sets for the different modes tonight, so, more playtesting, ha! Ohhh and gotta sort out te hi / last scores for each mode too. yeah

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sat, 30 Mar 2019, 11:27
Currently dead, will update when alive again.
Sun, 31 Mar 2019, 11:00
Pseudo alive - have spent most of the last 3 days asleep or struggling to drag myself around / pull myself up from collapsing. Somhow I managed to take my daughter out for a couple of hours yesterday in cluding a trip to the library, park, etc but today has been considerably worse.

Managed to get a lil bit of coding done, including showing the last score, debugging some memory issues. Hoping I'm good for work tomorrow, eegads...

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 31 Mar 2019, 16:48
Sorted out the hi-score / last score assembly code now. That's working pretty sweetly.

7,855 bytes remaining and for some reason my snakes in the egypt levels have gone crazy! Hopefully some debugging tomorrow will fix that.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 31 Mar 2019, 16:59
Aaah! Crazy snakes!!!
Sun, 31 Mar 2019, 17:00
Well, this month was different, I acutally made decent progress, even though I'm not finished with this project, it should be done soon.

I'm actually a bit worried about the amount of space left available to me. I really don't want to have to refactor ASM if I can avoid it but also don't want to cut features out...Ahhh, it's frustrating but fun I guess

Can't believe how long it's taken me to get this close to a finished project but the 9-5:45 takes more out of me than it used to, that's for sure and family life takes a lot more time than it used to, which is fine and I guess, adding gym commitments and other stuff explains partly why it took so long to get this far.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 01 Apr 2019, 08:31
Congrats on having actually done what you intended to do.

Although you haven't 100%, it does seem like the month of March brought you great leaps and bounds in your quest.

Meanwhile my plan was simple. Regenerate the Mudchat into something new, exciting, and slightly more useable than it was.
I got about 5% of it working, before realising that what I wanted to do, needed much more than just output.
It needed input, too. And that required a significant rewrite of a lot of the underlying SoCoder code in order to get everything to work.
I made a fairly decent start, (there are elements of it at work, right now!) and was preparing to reveal my plans, when the tragic events at the start of this month took hold, and for obvious reasons, everything was put on ice.
Once normal coding resumed, I wasn't really in the mood to do the complex stuff required for a new Mudchat, and opted to spend the time doing more cheery Shoebox games instead.

.. a defeat made all the more frustrating when Phoenix reappeared and his first reaction was along the lines of "what happened to the Mudchat?"

.. yep, definitely should've tackled that!!

Another time, no doubt.. (as he puts it off, once again.)

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 01 Apr 2019, 15:35
Thanks Jay, it means a lot. You make so many games all the time it's an inspiration to all of us on this forum I'm pretty sure so don't get too downhearted, esp when tragedy hits close to home.

On a lighter note, I'm deciding on a different pattern for the snakes tonight, possibly making them faster or more centered around the players Y co-ordinate when they re-appear from the top.

Let Triston have a play tonight and he came back for more

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 01 Apr 2019, 16:29
Tomorrow night I'll either begin work on the ending credits sequences or selecting levels for each mode.

I'm thinking:

Easy should have 16 levels
Medium 24 levels
Hard 32 levels
Hardest 64 levels (I'll honestly be amazed if anyone beats these, I'll select only the toughest levels for this one.)

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 02 Apr 2019, 15:22
Played through 64 outta 1024 levels so far, rating the difficulty between 1 and 10. So many levels!!!!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 02 Apr 2019, 15:40

"Testing" is always Funtime
Tue, 02 Apr 2019, 16:26
I've come across one night-on impossible level and a few close duplicates, which isn't too surprising, my randomiser is only 8-bit so it's a tad limited. still, 128 levels beaten and rated. There's an awful lot of 1-3 out of ten, a good number of 4 to 5 and 6, with about 10 7-10 level difficulties out there. Should be enough.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 02 Apr 2019, 17:54
256 done (all the dungeon levels) lots of dupes towards the end but there's enough fairly unique levels in there to allow for some nice difficulty curves.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 02 Apr 2019, 17:59
256 is a lot!!
Wed, 03 Apr 2019, 04:56
Aaye, that it is, gone through almost half of the egypt levels this morning and they all seem to be on the easier scale so far, maxing out at 6 / 10 difficulty.

Prolly gonna add those sideways fireballs on the hard and hardest modes for more challenge, perhaps not on the underwater levels though, that wouldn't make sense as the enemies dart around left to right already in those stages.

Once I've gone through all of these, I'll allow the different game modes to select levels from each difficulty setting, so each playthrough on each mode isn't going to be identical, but still offer a similar amount of challenge (RAM allowing that is, I've eaten up a fair amount of it so far.)

[Edit] Just looked and theres a nice 16bytes free in zero page from $30 - $3F that I can use, ideal! [/Edit]

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 03 Apr 2019, 17:11
Oh, yeah, ceiling spikes... forgot about those!

Stalled out at 416 levels complete today, just wasn't feeling it after that many levels!

That and I started enjoying All The Stations

|edit| Also, there's actually 16kb of PRG ROM spare, so, space for some possible easter eggs! |edit|

Here's the ROM in current form, best to play on endless mode for the moment though.

flaphappyapr3 (.zip)

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 04 Apr 2019, 14:55
Well I finished one of my projects in March \o/

Thu, 04 Apr 2019, 15:51
It looks really authentic @therevillsgames and I never owned an amstrad either! The character design oozes classic 80's comic book charm from the screenshots, reminds me of Viz on the menu screen

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 04 Apr 2019, 15:55
512 down, halfway there, I have a feeling the underwater and space levels are going to take a very long time to beat though!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 04 Apr 2019, 16:07
Sorry, haven't been playing much for the past day or so. Getting back into the swing, though, and ...
Crikey, Flap Happy seems hard as nails!
I do hope that the "easy" level is considered one of the harder ones!!

But, yeah, it's really come together nicely. Bravo!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 04 Apr 2019, 16:16
Oh, the easy levels aren't actually from the easy set there that'd probably be why

The underwater levels are currently kicking my ass, to the point where I might give myself a few more lives to start off with while testing!

I mean, it's gotta be fairly close to NES Hard right? (I'm fairly guilty with regards to over doing difficulty levels, always have!)

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
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