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Socoder -> Festive Threads -> Advent Calendars - 2016

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Mon, 12 Dec 2016, 04:22
Well today's a particularly good day
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Mon, 12 Dec 2016, 08:11
The letters would look lovely poking out of the previous day's letterbox!
.. And don't complain about that tree. At least it's green!!!

Peow Peow Peow
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Meanwhile, on the Street with No Name
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Forgot to post this, this morning.. Then went for a nap and woke up 6 hours later. Ooops!

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Mon, 12 Dec 2016, 08:51
The tree was pretty good, although got a few wrong pieces, which luckily could be swapped around without noticing too much.

As for your SW model - even I don't know what that is!

BTW Forgot to say, my wife finally told me last night that your Christmas card had arrived on Saturday (not tht she knew it was yours; she hadn't opened it, but had put it on the sideboard away from the dogs and cats where it sat undisturbed...) Very nice it was too - ta vey muchly

Seasons Greetings to one and all
Mon, 12 Dec 2016, 15:57
Day Twelve Videos

Ashens https://youtu.be/8A4E3DwIqo0

Otakupunk https://youtu.be/kj_Wxx2ZuhY

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Tue, 13 Dec 2016, 07:12

Day Thirteen

I take back what I said the other day..
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Meanwhile, in the city.
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Tue, 13 Dec 2016, 16:25
Day Thirteen Videos

Ashens https://youtu.be/n1ghmwD9sIU

Otakupunk https://youtu.be/txhRjCF4pFo

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Wed, 14 Dec 2016, 03:00
Due to work and other stuffage I didn't get a chance to open my calendar yesterday, so I'll do a double presentation today.

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Wed, 14 Dec 2016, 05:01
What a lovely table.
Those cakes look very scrumptious. I don't think I've had any nice proper cakes. Just the odd doughnut and a few generic circles with pictures on them.
Mmm.. Cake...

Today, in the world of Star Wars
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I couldn't believe it!!

Meanwhile, over in Lego City.
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Wed, 14 Dec 2016, 11:48
When they run out of ideas for the LEGO calendar they just re-use the Jedi Star Fighter and Battle droids. Oh dear...

That copter is pretty cool
Thu, 15 Dec 2016, 04:29
Day Fourteen Videos

Ashens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqcrJrIh4cg

Otakupunk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mgwho1bNL2I


Day Fifteen

It's definitely the 15th, but there's still no Mario, yet..

Meanwhile, over in Space..

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And in the land of people breaking things with giant hockey sticks..
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Thu, 15 Dec 2016, 05:00
Something(s) to go with the cake/cafe table -

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Thu, 15 Dec 2016, 05:38
*tries to imagine minifig on the chair*

That back's a bit far back, isn't it?!

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Thu, 15 Dec 2016, 11:29
I said that about the first chair a week ago - most uncomfortable.

However, this set has no minifigs... (apparently - there is one special gift, not mentioned according to the box; my guess is it's resentment and fury, wrapped up with a bow!)
Thu, 15 Dec 2016, 12:35
Don't be daft.

They wouldn't give you a bow.

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Thu, 15 Dec 2016, 14:37
Day Fifteen Videos

Ashens https://youtu.be/Ewyn1PBrHzY

Otakupunk https://youtu.be/5wGku2UYxnM

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Fri, 16 Dec 2016, 08:31
3:30pm. Bloody hell, that's almost as late as Mario was, yesterday!

In the War of Stars
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Fri, 16 Dec 2016, 09:22
Preferred it when it was THE van

Just about to open mine now at 4:15pm. Work and all...

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Fri, 16 Dec 2016, 16:11
It's an Igloo!!

Day Sixteen Videos

Ashens https://youtu.be/aHBsyOay6ok

Otakupunk https://youtu.be/-omuhaYSU8Y

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Sat, 17 Dec 2016, 14:25
Day Seventeen Videos

Ashens https://youtu.be/Q-eUfytp5SM

Otakupunk https://youtu.be/DqZxvdwjQe8

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Sat, 17 Dec 2016, 17:37
... ffs, I forgot to do my damn advent calendar!!!

Sorry, folks..
Star Wars!!!
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Meanwhile in the land of ultimate destruction
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Sun, 18 Dec 2016, 02:14
Poor Gonk droid

I err forgot too

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Thankfully not many days left to go now...
Sun, 18 Dec 2016, 02:44
.. I think I liked it better as an igloo!

Today, in the world of epic battles, you'll never believe what I got!!
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Meanwhile, in the land of demolition-hockey
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Sun, 18 Dec 2016, 04:48
I'd hazard a guess that the SW thing is Jabba's palace. But don't quote me on that!

More cakes? Nom Nom Nom!
Sun, 18 Dec 2016, 13:31
Day Eighteen Videos

Ashens https://youtu.be/FVn5hVwbZoc

Otakupunk https://youtu.be/5_hQnosuXWk

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Mon, 19 Dec 2016, 03:09
Day Ninteeeeen.. Nananananananananineteen..

You'll never guess what was in the Star Wars calendar, today..
Have a LOOK and see!
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Meanwhile, over on the other side of town.
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Mon, 19 Dec 2016, 08:40
The Force (to eat cake) is strong in this one!

And in my world...
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