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Socoder -> Site & Server -> CSS-Me-Do - SoCoder2

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Wed, 17 May 2017, 06:59
God, that took some doing..

First part of "Forum View" is up and running.
No "Forum Home" yet, but you can at least see the latest 25 posts in a forum section.

Pagainating that will be next.
*sigh* Knackered me out!!
All the back and forth between different SQL areas for topic titles, usernames and other such stuff.
Bah, humbug!

It also doesn't take into account deleted posts, topics that are moved into different sections, and other things like that.. And I don't think it ever did!! Hmmm..

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Wed, 17 May 2017, 09:35
Sounds like things are still moving though. And think how much easier it will be to maintain in the future
Wed, 17 May 2017, 09:53
Yeah, amazing how quickly that plan is being confounded, the more and more complicated each bit of the site gets!

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Thu, 18 May 2017, 05:39
I was going to tackle the "Forum Sections" some more, today, but ended up messing with Themes instead.
You can test out the first "Not the default" theme by picking it in the Paintbrush menu.

Not 100% settled on the css yet, nor all the necessary buttons and icons and whatnot, so I'm not calling either of the themes "finished", by a long long way..

But it's nice to have options, and it's good for finding weird quirks where you forgot to close the odd div, or something!

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Sat, 20 May 2017, 06:58
Enough playing with gadgets.. Back to S2, today!

Continued to work on "Forum Sections View", and I think I've pretty much got everything working.
You can view the Forum Home with all the listed forum sections.
You can then click on through to each section, listing all the latest topics in that section.
You can then further click into a topic.

You can also use the little mini "->" list at the top to navigate backwards through those, too.

*sigh* That took a lot of jumping about, mostly due to me not having saved certain elements in different databases.

I still need to add some sort of "Rescan" function that goes through and repairs the various "Last Post" settings. Whenever I move a topic or delete a post it ends up buggering all those ID's up!
But that's something that's at least manageable with the new script.

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Sun, 21 May 2017, 02:40
Ever since I added the ability for Admins to move topics, (a long long long time ago!!) I've never quite got around to making a function that would re-scan ALL the sections, and find the most recent posts.

Just did that!!!

Easy improvements FTW!

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Sun, 21 May 2017, 14:53
Added a simple email notification whenever someone comments on a "Thing" you've created, be it a showcase, article, link, etc.
Not very complicated, and will need to be spam-proofed, but for now it mostly works.

Tomorrow I'll set about making a "Follow/Watched Topic/Thing" list so that you can be emailed whenever something happens in a topic/thing you're follow/watching, along with an easy way to turn them off when you're sick of getting emails.

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Mon, 22 May 2017, 06:20
Bloody 'ell, that took some doing. You should see the state of the "Topic of Advanced Testing"!!

Topic watching and email-alerts are now mostly functional.
I need to add a nice selection page where you can switch them off in bulk, but otherwise .. Working!

Of course, you'll only get the notification if the person uses Socoder2 to actually post the reply. I'm not clever enough to work magically from the old site, too!!
.. But it's working!!!

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Mon, 22 May 2017, 13:02
Looking into profiles, now.
(This may appear to be a bizarre leap of logic, but I spent most of the day working on Watched Topics, and it'd be nice to have an easy way to change those, all on one single settings page!!)

I'm wondering if we still need the GardenBar.
Does anyone use those little buttons? Or are they just taking up space?
Sure, it's handy to have Homepage, Email and PM buttons there, but ICQ/AOL/Wii/DS/PSP usernames, and more.. I feel like I might just plop them onto the "View Profile" page, instead..

Seriously, though, look at all those buttons under this post, and answer me this.. Do we REALLY need all that!?!

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Mon, 22 May 2017, 15:42
I don't know about anyone else, but I've never used the "gardenbar" buttons, so re/moving them (other than leaving a nice empty space) wouldn't bother me one little bit.
Tue, 23 May 2017, 04:08

First bit of progress on the Profile Page..
Left = Not "you"
Right = Is "you"

Now to get the actual results to edit the database, before moving on and adding more details to the profile.

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Tue, 23 May 2017, 09:41
Gave up with code, for the day.
Got out the camera, and tried to get a nice image of the BlitzCoder logo that I could grab nice and cleanly. But really wasn't coming out well. Horribly gnatty and messy.

So, instead, I downloaded the font, opened up PaintShop Pro and reconstructed the logo from scratch.

> Reveal 🔎

That'll come in handy!

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Wed, 24 May 2017, 06:47
The majority of the Profile Editing is now up and running on Socoder2. (There's a new "Edit Profile" link on the left hand sidebar.)

All but Smilies and Time settings should work as expected. (Let me know if otherwise!)

The new "Infoburst" section is the replacement for the old "GardenBar", and allows you to literally shove anything you want into the two halves of each line.
That way, you can add pretty much whatever you'd like, as long as it doesn't have a bloody & ampersand in it!

Profile views are also much nicer.. eg My Profile!

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Thu, 25 May 2017, 09:38
Got a fair bit of work done on the "Thing Sections" view.
Although the starting page doesn't work, or pagination, the basics are in place to expand it and finish off tomorrow.
I also got the time setting JavaScript up and running, along with a couple of other little bits and pieces.

Lots more to do!!!

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Fri, 26 May 2017, 06:28
I think (*!?) I got most of the Showcase/Article/Blogs/Snippets/etc sections up and running, today.
Had to make a few tweaks to the way things work, and have also been thinking ahead.

I'm currently considering scrapping both the Notepad and PM sections, and replacing them with a single "Notes" section. Notes would initially be private to just you, and then you'd add other folk to the note like you can currently add "Groupies" in the PM system.
.. Not sure if that'll work, but I feel like combining the two kinda makes sense.

Could do with a better name than "Notes", but that's the best I came up with!

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Sun, 28 May 2017, 05:31
Took yesterday off to work on this week's AGameAWeek, but am right back to it, today!!
Today's tweaks have been little, but interesting.

First, I noticed comments were cluttering the bottom of the sidebar. I was trying to link them together using their IDs, when I should've been linking them together using the IDs of the showcase/thing they were commenting on.
Silly me!!

Once tweaked, I set about doing the first "Mobile View" settings.
Head into the Paintbrush menu, and you'll now see a specific width setting.
Set it nice and low (320 seems to work fine on my iPhone) and it should (*should) look a little better.
I'll probably remove columns from the forum-table, later, but for now it's mostly readable/functional.
.. Be sure to undock the sidebars, though, or.. Eeek!!

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Sun, 28 May 2017, 14:10
Been digging through Browser-Error-Messages, tonight, and managed to get back down to 0 errors in Chrome, Firefox and Edge.

.. Blimey, Edge can't half whinge! Certainly the most warning-heavy of the three, anyway. I managed to dig out a fair number of missing html tags and things, using that, which neither Chrome nor Firefox warned me about.

I might (**shudder**) start using Edge for my web-dev'ing needs..

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Mon, 29 May 2017, 07:34
"There's a bug in it!"
Welcome to "I'm making a new site and some things are changing" bugs. The first bug is now listed on the "Latest Items" list.

It's also currently being buggy on the new S2 script, but I'll be fixing it over there. I won't be fixing it here.. Or at least, not yet, anyway!

|update| The bug is now gone.. I even fixed it on the old site, too!!! |update|

So, I started work on the "Showcase/Article/etc" editing, which is currently in bog-standard "A bunch of boxes on a form" mode. And may very well remain that way, since .. well, at least that works on a phone!

The bug is due to the nature of the showcase that's causing it.
In regular showcase form, you can find the showcase here.

If you try to view that link on the current site, the showcase doesn't exist, nor is it on the frontpage, or the sidebar, or anything.

This is a curious new type of Showcase.
Designed to allow me to post showcases at a weekly rate, without cluttering up the sidebar and frontpage with spammy-"OMG, He posted ANOTHER game!"-ness.
The "showcase" is actually a regular forum post.

On the AGameAWeek topic, my latest "I launched a game" post has been transformed into a Silent-Showcase.

Here it is on the current forum.


Whilst over on the new forum it looks like this.


It silently gets added to the showcase listings, whilst not being overly spammy elsewhere.

You're able to similarly convert topic posts to silent showcases, articles, blogs, snippets, etc, and they'll work in the same way.
I need to fix commenting, now, though, since the topic-thing's have no Type!!

|update| Fixed, but they only show up on the new site!! |update|

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Tue, 30 May 2017, 05:45
Just made my first new-topic post..
Further testing will be required (the Admin forum is a fucking mess, right now!) but all looks to be in order.

Next, posting a new-showcase!
Apologies if you get bombarded by repeated copies of my latest AGameAWeek game!!

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Tue, 30 May 2017, 07:27
Seems stable enough.
You can now (unless I've fudged anything up!) use s2.php to post new topics, add showcases/code snippets/articles/links and blogs!

A rather productive day, I'd say. Time to relax with some Zelda!!

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Wed, 31 May 2017, 07:40
Oh, boy.. that'll do for today!!
I'm sick to death of looking at this bloody uploader screen!!!

Got as far as getting a file to upload, but haven't yet handled the actual result of the upload, like generating thumbnails and things like that.
But it's a good enough start, and it seems to run smoothly enough.

More tomorrow.

Oh, and note the delete button!!

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Thu, 01 Jun 2017, 09:17

Blimey, that took some doing.

OK, the new upload script it up and running.
S2 Uploader FTW!

Should work..
As always, be sure to let me know if anything doesn't!!

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Fri, 02 Jun 2017, 06:51
Today's task.

The frontpage of S2 now has a poll box on it. Same polls, same database, slightly different look.. If you've already voted today, you can't vote again. (I hope!!)
I haven't yet added the poll-highscores. That'll be left for another day.

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Sat, 03 Jun 2017, 04:52
Frontpage addition #2

Seems to be working ok, along with replies, but it's still as screwy as ever when trying to convert the shout's contents across to forum topics!!!
Bah, humbug!

Frontpage is now Shoutbox on top, Poll underneath, and nothing else.

Quite where I'm going to fit Recent Showcases in there, I've no idea.

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Sat, 03 Jun 2017, 08:11
I've officially switched my iPad's SoCoder icon to direct to the new s2.php site, now.
Things are still messy, and there's a lot of stuff that needs added in, (No admin stuff to speak of, and no PM's yet) but for the most part everything seems to be working the way it oughta.
.. I think!

I'll soon find out once I start using it more often.

Once everything feels stable enough, I'll do a simple "replace the index.php with the s2.php" switcheroo and you'll all have to put up with it
For now, if you want to help stress test things, bookmark the s2!

(.com also works just fine, and shouldn't inexplicably jump you between the two domains!! .. I hope..)

LOL.. Posted this to the wrong topic. Silly me..
.. I wonder if that WAS me, or whether the site buggered it up? Hmm..

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Sat, 03 Jun 2017, 10:07
There are now 3 themes to choose from, over on s2.php

The latest theme is the oldest!
> Reveal 🔎

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