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Socoder -> Festive Threads -> Badvent Calendars (2017)

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Sat, 09 Dec 2017, 04:27
Get out the paints, and finish the job properly


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Jam Or Marmalade

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Fingers crossed the Radio's better..


Hmm... ... A pink sponge.. :\
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Sat, 09 Dec 2017, 04:36
I caught your vid on YouTube just before you posted here. It was music to my ears. I have to say, you make a great antenna!

Did they make a mistake? The manual says Day 8, but this is Day 9 and you haven't missed any doors. Or am I mistooken? Aaaaah - I see what you've done. You've posted up the wrong manual pic for Day 9.
Sat, 09 Dec 2017, 04:41
Sorry, wrong pic
Flickr's a bit of a chaotic mess, sometimes, especially when you fill it full of extremely similar photos!!

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Sat, 09 Dec 2017, 05:27

Have you scanned through the manual? You've already got the basics of the radio in there. Obviously tuner and volume controls are coming, but is there much else internally? You've still got 14 doors to open!

Does the box turn into the body for the radio?

Ooooh it's soooo exciting!

Sat, 09 Dec 2017, 05:40
The back of the back of the box is the white piece of card you see me using to build my build upon.
The front of the back of the box is a cardboard cutout, waiting for the final day's task of wrapping everything up neatly.

I'm not spoilering the thing, but if you search YouTube (or just wait until my videos finish, as YouTube is determined to spoiler things!) you'll find that this is actually a calendar from 2016, so there's oodles of spoilers out there, as well as complete builds.
.. But I'm not looking!! I'm enjoying it as it comes!

The tuner actually already works. At the very bottom of the build is the switch I made the other day, and tapping it closed triggers the "Auto Search"
But I expect better than a cobbled together wire switch!
It also needs a back tuner switch, I think, and then I guess I need to build volume/amplifier into it, too.
Like you say, it's still really early, and I certainly wasn't expecting to hear music, this soon!

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Sat, 09 Dec 2017, 15:02
Cool! I was wondering how much detail they would go into, shame they dont explain how the IC actually works.... just plug it in and voila!
Sat, 09 Dec 2017, 15:28
I'm not going to spoil it for myself or anyone here. Same as my Advent Calendar - I genuinely do not know what's coming; there are no pictures of the gifts on the bx and I haven't opened it. As soon as I know each morning I post pics etc. Otherwise, what's the point?

TRG - I agree. A bit of info on how/hy it works would indeed add to the experience and promote a bit of learning (maybe).
Sat, 09 Dec 2017, 15:46
Yeah, but we still have another 15 doors to go.
I imagine they’ll be explaining it bit by bit. ... I think.. maybe!!

Day 9 Videos

Ashens vs Nerdcubed - https://youtu.be/lIwrL7GdkAs

No sign of Otakupunk, yet.. He's had a busy week!!

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Sun, 10 Dec 2017, 00:30
Day 10

Double digits.

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I forgot to say that all of the real items do actually look better in real life than the pictures imply. Except the penguin. That still looks fucked up.

To be continued...
Sun, 10 Dec 2017, 05:10
Awww, how lovely!


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Jam Or Marmalade

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Sun, 10 Dec 2017, 05:26

View on YouTube

Jay's got it!!!!!

Yay! Makes up for the tea, I suppose.
Sun, 10 Dec 2017, 08:06
Otakupunk Shot From Day 9 - https://youtu.be/QVRdE9CRzIY

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Sun, 10 Dec 2017, 15:16
Day 10 Videos

Ashens vs NerdCubed - https://youtu.be/LWgkg6fUXGA

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Mon, 11 Dec 2017, 05:53
Day 11


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Jam Or Marmalade

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Mon, 11 Dec 2017, 08:45
Rooibos is a caffeine free tea alternative. That tastes shit. And its weak as gnat's piss.

I couldn't see any noticeable dimming either.

Anyway, I didn't post earlier as I was on an Early shift (4 of them over 5 days this week), but I opened the clendar and took a piccy. It's worth waiting for. Possibly...

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Mon, 11 Dec 2017, 08:48
That little piggy went to market!
Mon, 11 Dec 2017, 08:50
I think he ate everything there too!
Mon, 11 Dec 2017, 13:40
I just noticed on Flickr, (who knew it even HAD comments!?) that M1n10n was following along with the Radio build.
Day 9's single chip component would’ve fucked him up, so I took a pic and googled the component.
It seems fairly easy to get hold of.

So, for anyone else who may be "building along", the component is a Beken BK1068, though I imagine the connections might not be the same on all the available Breakout boards.
You’ll have to check.

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Mon, 11 Dec 2017, 15:33
Day 11 Videos

Otakupunk Shot - https://youtu.be/J6FkDujM_94
Ashens vs NerdCubed - https://youtu.be/1rKS5f6ksEw

Otakupunk Shot From yesterday! - https://youtu.be/aqqndVjunPY

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Tue, 12 Dec 2017, 03:14
Day 12


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Jam Or Marmalade

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Tue, 12 Dec 2017, 04:35

Oddly, when testing this, I found the alarmingly repetitive nature of Commercial Radio News, as practically every station I jumped to, seemed to have the exact same bulletin, but slightly off-time, so I kept hearing the same lines over and over again!!

This is why I stopped listening to radio in the car... And bare in mind, I used to travel the length of the country... Its like its all run by one company now, which it probably is... But for the most part, I stopped listening because:-

1) What you've mentioned, you cannot just switch over now when ads are on, or news.
2) Breakfast shows... Radio breakfast shows infuriate me... Once, I was listening to one, and between songs (Which are mostly cut on radio now anyway, so a bit pointless), there was 15 minutes of sheer bollocks... FIFTEEN minutes of absolute garbage spouted about sod all from the *cough* "funny" *cough* presenters... Knob heads
3) Finally, once they find a choon (Or choons) they like, that's it, the bastard[s] is hammered to death, like, literally.

One of the greatest, but now sadly gone radio stations I used to listen too years ago was one on long wave... Atlantic 252, bit crackly, but, it was perfect, very little in the way of ads, presenters just shut up and let the music do the, erm, talking.


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Tue, 12 Dec 2017, 05:03
We tend to have MagicFM on, whenever nothing else is going on. (It's on right now!!)

Their breakfast show, in particular, is "decent" to listen to.
Current hosts, Harriet Scott and .. oddly.. Ronan Keeting, are kinda there, but not gossipy and chatty like you'd see in some dull boring shows.
They’re just there between songs, the way it oughta be.
If I turn the radio on for music, I don’t want to listen to 20minutes of bollocks before a track starts.


Playlist's a bit small, though. Give it a couple of days and you’re basically listening to the same damn songs over and over.

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Tue, 12 Dec 2017, 09:27
What's behind delayed door #12

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Tue, 12 Dec 2017, 09:29
Awww, that's awesome
Tue, 12 Dec 2017, 13:14
Hmm, I guess the F- button completes the circuit due to the power which the IC receives? Must have some magic so it actually scans down...
Wed, 13 Dec 2017, 02:34
Day #13

Unlucky for some. WTF? for others!!

I got exactly what I asked for yesterday. Kind of.

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