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Socoder -> Site & Server -> CSS-Me-Do - SoCoder2

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Mon, 05 Jun 2017, 06:54
Shuffled a few things around, this morning.
The cookies for sidebars have been bundled into a single multi-flag array.
As a result, if you had none-defaults, you may need to reset the values..

The four values now combined into one cookie are..
1. Left Sidebar Docked/Undocked
2. Right Sidebar Docked/Undocked
3. Sidebar Swooshiness Instant/Slow
4. AJAXified Sidebar Updating On/Off
These now exist as flags within a single cookie.
We've gone from using 8 cookies to just 5. (Name/Pass/Sidebar Flags/Fixed Width/Theme Choice)

\o/Good stuff!!

Again, since these are stored in cookies, you can set things up depending on your current device, so your desktop view might include sidebars, whilst your mobile view can be shrunk down to a narrow view. And also pick different themes to fit the device, too.

Speaking of which, I further scrunched the "Narrow View" so that avatars in threads are above the post, and everything gets a little bit narrower and more mobile-friendly.
Give it a whirl on your phone, to see what I mean!

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Mon, 05 Jun 2017, 07:48
Bloody iOS is misbehaving again.

Had to add all manner of tweaks to the uploader for this picture.

It uploaded the image as IMG_5957.jpeg, thus avoiding my standard image scanning functions because I hadn't accounted for the extra e in the file extension.

... And then it turned out to be a sodding .png, anyway!
Seriously, Apple, WTF!?

> Reveal 🔎

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Tue, 06 Jun 2017, 09:31
"Notes" are intended to replace both the standard Notepad and the PM system.
Currently you can post a note, edit a note, add other users to the note (edit the Visible To setting) and also use the PM button in the forum to directly create a targeted PM'ish note.

The notes also show up on the main sidebar, but I'll have to stress test to ensure they only show up for the people they're supposed to show up for!!!

One thing that doesn't work, however, is comment-based bumping of Notes.
I'll be looking into that, tomorrow.

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Wed, 07 Jun 2017, 15:24
Doing lots of work on the comment->bump functionality. Seems to work, now.
My email, in the meantime, now has an insane number of "Someone posted a comment on your Note" emails!!

Need to disable that when it's "yourself" posting..

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Thu, 08 Jun 2017, 15:16
Did a number of tweaks on basic "where the user is aiming for" stuff, today.
E.g., typing ?Showcase=RandomNumber will no longer format any old random forum post into a showcase!!
Now everything has a class, a section and a type. Only the posts that "should" be visible as showcases are now visible like that...

.. I hope!!!

So a fair amount of edge-neatening, today.

I also attempted to redo the entire Newsletter thing, but that didn't seem very viable.
Instead, I might split the newsletter database into two, and have it intelligently Switch when necessary.

I'll have a proper thing in the morning.
G'night all!

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Sat, 10 Jun 2017, 10:15
Spent most of today working on User Registration on Socoder2, and it mostly seems functional.
I'm now midway through rewriting the "Forgot your password" gubbins, but am inexplicably totally exhausted, and am instead going for a short nap!!!

Hopefully I can finish that off tonight.

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Sat, 10 Jun 2017, 13:09
Geeze, that's complicated stuff, isn't it!?!
Right, the new "Forgot my password" stuff should be working, now, but again, only on s2.php
I'm getting closer to shifting the whole lot over, though.

I think.. Maybe!!

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Sun, 11 Jun 2017, 09:23
Another none-admin, previously admin-only, feature added, today.
If you're the creator of a topic you should now have the ability to move the topic to a different section.

Along with Topic Title editing, this basically means that whenever a shoutbox-topic is generated, the person who originally posted the shout can alter both the topic and the forum-section of the resulting thread. So, if you're unhappy with the silly jokey title I give your topic, you now have the opportunity to change it!

(Again, a s2.php only feature!)

Please Note : If you become a bit of an arse and keep constantly renaming topics, and moving them around, solely for the sake of generating interest, I'll remove your ability to do-so!

.. I need to code that, first, but *shakes fist* I'll do it!!!!

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Mon, 12 Jun 2017, 08:53
Ohh, just had a thought, where you've got the comment box default filled in with

Why not try

Just an idea anyhoo, might help with UX stuff.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 12 Jun 2017, 09:01
Damn, the number of HTML advancements, over the years

I might add that, thanks. (Although, currently S2 doesn't even have the basic version!)

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Mon, 12 Jun 2017, 09:10
Yeah, I know, I find it hard to keep up with them myself to be honest. that and CSS in particular! If it works it works IMHO

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 12 Jun 2017, 11:07
Basic search functionality added to S2. Pretty much as barely functional as the current site is.
Tomorrow I'll add a little bit more stuff to it.
.. I think!

Test Search

Additional functionality to be added
  • Complex searches ("This AND That" vs "This OR That")
  • Limit search by type, eg Showcases/Articles/etc (Kinda functional, but not integrated!)
  • Limit by date?
  • Sort options
  • Somehow limit the displayed snippet so it's centered on the text that was found...

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  • Wed, 14 Jun 2017, 01:54
    Hmmm.. New site doesn't like comments on Newsletter entries.

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    Wed, 14 Jun 2017, 06:00
    Did a lot of stuff to the Search functionality.

    You can now select whether you want to search within showcases/forum posts/etc.
    In addition, you can add "and" and/or "or" to the main search box, too. (Doesn't work for the Username box, though.)

    Next, I need to add language and system searching, but that'll have to wait..
    My laptop's battery doesn't appear to like WebDev!!
    Only got 5 hours out of it.
    Lasts much longer when I'm making games!!!

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    Fri, 16 Jun 2017, 05:38
    Big tweak, this morning, as I work on bringing the Newsletter over to the new site.
    There's currently two versions of Newsletter #321.
    The first is in the usual place, Here, whilst the other is Here.

    In order to help neaten the database a little, I've opted to scrap the separate "News" database, and instead start posting the Newsletters to the same database that holds all the posts, showcases, articles, and whatever. Seems like the sensible thing to do, and I honestly don't know why I originally made it it's own bloomin' thing.

    So, that's what I'm working on today.
    First challenge will be to make the url a bit more specific to the newsletter number. A side effect of it no longer being in it's own database.

    I'm also going to have to decide on a nice new layout for the newsletters, since they're going to have to be in a single column, to allow for mobile-view.

    Anyhoo, once that's done, I guess I'm going to have to start transferring the whole bloomin' lot over from the old database, to the new one. I won't bother reformatting the layouts of the old newsletters, though. Far too lazy to fix all of that!

    This won't be an easy task, will it!?!

    Wish me luck..

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    Sat, 17 Jun 2017, 05:43
    Still oddles to do, but the todo list is starting to get smaller.
    I'm now working on those little fiddly things that nobody but me seems to use!
    Today, the Memberlist.

    Currently it looks like..

    And hopefully by the end of the day, it'll look like..

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Sat, 17 Jun 2017, 07:08
    Memberlist seems mostly functional.
    As with most pages on SoCoder2, I've trimmed the output down a little, so that if you're using a mobile, it doesn't become a bloomin' horror show!
    Seems to work nicely!

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    Sun, 18 Jun 2017, 03:28
    *Adds daily "Update with New Poll" function to the new S2 poll script, and sets up a simple test thing.*

    *Refreshes page to check if it's working.*

    .. No new poll..

    *Tweaks script and tests again*

    .. No new poll..

    *Tweaks script and tests again*

    .. No new poll..

    *Checks database, finding alarming number of upcoming new polls are actually in the database, but waiting for "tomorrow" to show up*

    Lesson learned : Your script works just fine!

    ''Load, Next List!''
    Wed, 21 Jun 2017, 04:48
    Today's tweaks..
    1. Fixed up the Search a little, adding pagination to the thing.
    2. Added Search to the Memberlist.
    3. Added the ability to lock and unlock topics without having to jump back to the old site to do it!
    4. New option in the Paintbrush menu to switch the sidebar from a single all-in-one collection of posts, items, comments, etc., to a split sidebar like the current old site's is.
    5. Added <title> to the end of the page. .. Yes, it's at the end of the page. Don't whinge! At least it works!!!

    That's been quite a productive morning!

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    Fri, 23 Jun 2017, 07:21
    Current ToDo list



    Themes - Create many themes!

    Admin - Merge/Split topics


    Poll Scores

    Rewrite MudChat!!


    BBCode that doesn't work.
    --Tweets <-- Turns out this one wasn't my fault. Twitter's gone and fucking changed everything, again...

    PM Notifications

    Move the Old Newsletter, Old PMs and Old Notes


    I'm pretty happy with the amount of stuff I've now managed to do.
    Pretty much everything on the todo list is now "leftovers" that I can tweak away at.

    Is the site ready to go Proper-Live?!!?

    I think it might be!

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    Fri, 23 Jun 2017, 09:38
    I have started to use s2 full time. Is PM working if the intended user is still using S1?
    Fri, 23 Jun 2017, 09:43
    No, the two PM systems are unfortunately incompatible, hence why I've been slightly rushing to get things done!
    .. Gonna have to PM twice, for now!

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    Fri, 23 Jun 2017, 09:45
    Ok. Thanks.
    Sat, 24 Jun 2017, 06:17
    Bloody hell, that took some doing.

    OK, Tweets on the new site are kinda working.
    They're not the prettiest they could be, and are extremely barebones, won't show any included videos/pictures/etc...
    But it's taken me about a day and a half to get them working as well as they are, so that'll damn well do for now!!

    Twitter Linkage


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