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Socoder -> Film + TV -> To Boldly Go... To Court

Tue, 15 Mar 2016, 05:40
Long story short..
Star Trek Fans attempt to make movie.
CBS and Paramount go "hey, hang on a minute.."
Fans claim to be making a movie "in the universe" not simply ripping off Trek.
Court rules that Paramount/CBS must specify exactly what is being "ripped off"
Paramount/CBS respond with a list.

The List

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 15 Mar 2016, 06:42
Well, no matter how you look at it... A rip off is a rip off... So no arguments!

Thing is though, fan made stuff, it's ironic it goes this way, if there wasnt fans, they'd have nothing to copyright/trademark, but there is and some of these people do love the star trek universe that much, its only going to be natural some of them will want to do their own thing... And blind sided, it was only ever going to go one way.

The question I think needs asking, is, before the kickstarter started, why didnt nobody approach Paramount/CBS first and quized them on how far they could push the elements on star trek before it would land in court... They could've said here... Here's a list of ideas "yadda yadda yadda yadda bish bosh yadda", and they would've probably got an answer back such as "no no yes no yes mmmmmmm go on then"

They arent realistically going to let just anyone trample all over it just because they are "fans"... Nooooo!

Whoever started that kickstarter... Needs a kick for being so fucking stupid and wasting everyones time!


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