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Socoder -> Site & Server -> AGameA.Wiki?

Fri, 26 Jan 2018, 07:44


Yesterday, a discussion waffled on, on the OUYAForum, about the OUYA.wiki
Eldon McGuinness got the wiki back up and running, but I found myself wondering whether I should create a wiki of my own.

"Probably not.." I thought.
And then my head started spinning the fruit-machine of titles, until it settled on..

Stupid silly brain..

So, I whipped up the domain, and this morning I installed MediaWiki (the official wiki doohickey) onto it.
And looked at it..
And tried to fathom it out..

.. And then gave up!

So, domain at the ready, and a blank canvas.
Assuming I'm about to (god help me) write my own fucking wiki script.. What features should I add to the mix?!

Any thoughts?!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 29 Jan 2018, 06:03

Tried installing MediaWiki again, installed a bunch of stuff, then it started complaining about a corrupt database.
The fuck, people!?!

Yeah, I'm just going to write my own, screw that..

''Load, Next List!''