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Socoder -> Film + TV -> Bill & Ted : Face The Music

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Tue, 05 May 2020, 17:10
Want to be in Bill & Ted 3? Here's how - Linkage

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Tue, 05 May 2020, 17:10
Wed, 06 May 2020, 02:40
Most excellent!
Wed, 06 May 2020, 11:47
Have you sent something, Spinal?
Wed, 06 May 2020, 12:05
Hell no you're not catching my air guitaring for 30 seconds!

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Thu, 07 May 2020, 06:19
Go on Neil, you know you wanna!
Thu, 23 Jul 2020, 16:17
Want some more previewage?

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Seems more excellent than the last!
Thu, 23 Jul 2020, 16:22
Thu, 23 Jul 2020, 17:09
1st of September, now.
The release date's jumping around through time, like.. um.....

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Fri, 24 Jul 2020, 01:57
Helens opinion - "The first two were bad in a good way, but this one just looks bad"

I feel like agreeing. It does look cheesier than the first two and I have no doubt it will repeat too many scenes from them. It will not however prevent me from watching it and buying the < insert current physical media convention here > once it's available. All the charters are obviously too old for this, just like all of the other recent sequels of decades old movies, the acting will be bad, reactions probably slow etc. HOWEVER, It's Bill & Ted!!!!

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Fri, 24 Jul 2020, 06:07
I'm expecting it to be terrible, and Keanu definitely looks waaaaaaaay too old for this (somehow Alex Winter holds up well), but I'll be watching it anyway. Just to see. You know. How bad it really is... Or not.

It just looks like straight up fun in that last trailer. Nothing taken too seriously, and you know what - that's probably exactly what we need right now.
Sun, 26 Jul 2020, 03:49

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Thu, 27 Aug 2020, 20:23

Two albums have just shown up in iTunes.
One is the movie's score, whilst the other is licensed music that is presumably in, or simply related to the film.

I haven't posted the track listings, because I *think* there's a couple of spoilers in there..

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Fri, 28 Aug 2020, 11:17
I'm a bit upset that it wont be streaming in the UK and it's a month later. Apparently the streaming is some sort of issue with 'strict exhibition rules' - probably a law made by someone who doesn't understand the technology yet again.

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Fri, 28 Aug 2020, 13:30
Posts on Facebook are saying the new movie is great.
Sat, 29 Aug 2020, 06:05
On Angry Joe it got a 8 out of 10. They did say it costs 20 dollars to rent it or 25 dollars to buy it.

Keanu Reeves looks so old!
Sat, 29 Aug 2020, 08:56
Yeah, I said about Keanu looking old before - Alex looks pretty much the same, just matured slightly.
Sat, 29 Aug 2020, 09:00
You can tell which of them's been occasionally jumping a few months into the future, every so often.

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Sun, 30 Aug 2020, 10:23
OK, did the evil.
I was promised we'd be able to PAY for it, straight away, and given my whole housebound situation, that was absolutely ideal for me.
But I've been nothing but bitter, and now Spoilers are popping up all over the fucking place, so fuck it all.

If anyone would like the magnet link, let me know.

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Sun, 30 Aug 2020, 15:04
I "acquired" it myself earlier. I hope to watch it tomorrow. I'll buy it on DVD/BluRay whether I enjoy it or not.
Mon, 07 Sep 2020, 02:28
If only I could find somewhere to turn this into a lenticular CD cover...

But it seems it costs £1000+ for such a thing

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Mon, 07 Sep 2020, 03:36
Amazon sell sheets of lenticular plastic. Whether it's suitable or not, no idea. Then you'd need to convert frames into pixel-width vertical strips, print that out, and .. .. hope for the best, I guess!!

So.. Um.. Yeah..
Could be workable, but quite how the results will look.. Who knows!?

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Tue, 08 Sep 2020, 02:00

There are a couple of places who will print one-off postcards, but only two frames from what I have found so far. I think three or four would be minimum for the effect to work...

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Tue, 08 Sep 2020, 02:53
Is it possible to buy a generic one and peel/scrap off the picture behind it?
Maybe use WD40 like 8-bit guy seems to use for stickers and such.

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Tue, 08 Sep 2020, 03:27
I've seen a couple of blank sheets on ebay for about £10. My guess would be that any modern printer would be such a high resolution that an image can be made to line up no problem.


But the options are 50 or 60 lines per inch.

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Tue, 08 Sep 2020, 03:34
That's your PixelsPerInch (PPI) resolution for printing, but how many of those line up with each "frame".. that's the trickier part...

|edit| oh, good grief, it's way more complicated than that!!!! |edit|

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