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Socoder -> Site & Server -> Kuron News

Tue, 19 Oct 2021, 12:42

Kuron News

News emailed in from member Kuron.
After an incredibly rough time with finances, healthcare, property woes and more, he and Carolyn seemed to have finally found their feet.
Unfortunately, I received the following news, yesterday.
"Just letting you know that Carolyn died Saturday evening from Covid"

Though he, too, had to deal with the virus, it must've been too much for Carolyn.

I'm sure it's safe to say that our thoughts are with him, as he once more has to deal with tragedy in his life.
Stay safe, Kuron.
*ascii hugs*

(News posted with his consent.)

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 19 Oct 2021, 16:55
I'm relieved to hear that he's safe and sound, but, my gosh, the poor guy, please pass on my condoloences to him.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 20 Oct 2021, 01:08
Wow! That sucks
Wed, 20 Oct 2021, 08:00
FFS it never just rains on Kuron.

I often think of (and miss) him.

Please pass on my deepest condolences to him.
Wed, 20 Oct 2021, 17:36
Thank you guys. We had finally got the house we inherited in Mississippi fixed up and finished. We bought a new single-wide in January and had it set in front of our old home. That is the exact same make/model home we bought. Ours looks exactly like that. In June the house in Mississippi sold and we immediately paid off our new house. We had 10 months together in our new home and we loved our new home.

I had finished getting the things I needed for my music studio and was setting up the two extra bedrooms as my studio.

Our 6 year anniversary would have been November 3rd.

Unfortunately, due to not getting our wills done yet due to things shut down due to Covid, we never got our wills done and everything was in Carolyn's name. The way the laws are here in Tennessee I will not be able to stay here or keep our home. I am going to have to go into town and get an apartment, at least everything will be in walking distance since I will no longer have a car.

My beautiful wife Carolyn who will be forever loved and forever missed. May she rest in peace. I love you and I miss you and I will never forget you and I will carry you in my heart until the day I die.

Wed, 20 Oct 2021, 17:54

That's so fucked up.
Stay strong. Good luck getting a new place.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 20 Oct 2021, 18:02
She loved hearts. Hearts were her "thing".

Bad thing is I think everybody would agree that crying and sobbing are a fairly normal part of grief in this situation. Unfortunately, due to the aftereffects of Covid, just talking has me winded and wheezing and crying leaves me gasping for breath. I can't even mourn my wife in a normal way due to this virus.

Wed, 20 Oct 2021, 20:46

Thu, 21 Oct 2021, 09:43
Carolyn really loved hearts, and when I met her, I started liking them too. Basically anything hearts, and the more unique the better. Here are some pictures of some of the curtains in our home. The purple heart tree looks much better in person and is what is on all 3 windows in the living room. This is just a small sampling of the hearts in our home. Fitting in a way, as Carolyn had one of the most loving, giving and compassionate hearts. You may not have noticed over the years, but Kuron is not the most lovable fella. Carolyn was able to see past the issues and see the real me and love me in spite of my many faults. Also pics of 3 of our 7 cats. America, Arthur & Shadow.

Thu, 21 Oct 2021, 15:47

And cats too
Mon, 16 Oct 2023, 15:51
Today marks 2 years since Carolyn died. Losing her and the cats still hurts like hell and has left a void, and there is not a day that goes by that some tears aren't shed over them.

But, life has gone on and I have a pretty good life (in spite of health issues). Carolyn wanted me to move on, and I have.

The friendship, love and support from folks here (even if it is just letting me spill my guts) has been a huge help in healing as much as I have and getting on with life. Thank you all and especially a big thank you to Jay who has been a tremendous friend and source of support over the years. I Love you like a brother, Jay.

Meanwhile, Kuron is Nom Nom on some chocolate covered donuts while posting this and is fixing supper of baked potatoes with sour cream, burger patties with cheese, peas and for dessert some chocolate ice cream. (the donuts were an appetizer).