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Socoder -> On Topic    

Sat, 29 Jun 2024, 03:19

D'you Like Creation - July 2024

(Click for bigger)

I figured it was time to post another of these Creativity spawning threads. I've posted it a couple of days in advance to let you bulk up on your amazing creativity.

As with the previous months, each day has a word that you should try to reproduce in some way.
But I'm not going to set any more rules than that, this time around.

Use the words however you'd like, be it art, sound, game, toy or whatever.
You could compose some music, write a short story, paint a beautiful pixelart masterpiece, tell us a short story, anything.
Do whatever your heart desires, but be vaguely relevant to the day's word!!

The word list
> Reveal 🔎

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 01 Jul 2024, 02:49

Day One : Ripples


''Load, Next List!''