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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 23 August 2009
System : Windows

Technology will always break itself

Build it stronger, and the weakest points will still fail spectacularly

Warning, some foul language ahead...


Went out to ride my bike this morning and realized "Fucking great, my back tire is flat" But how could this be?! i bought Slime tires (for the uneducated, Slime tires are 5x thicker than normal innertubes and have a layer of super-viscuous liquid that seals any punctures or tears) - so in my rage, i tore the tire off to give it the old water test, which is where you submerge it to check for leaks in the tube. Nope, nothing, the tire holds up to its name, but if this was so, why is it fucking flat.

Ohoh, it had a problem... the valve in the stem was bent, and was leaking out slowly at around 5psi an hour. Pushing it underwater, it shot bubbles like mad. So here i am, with one of the most advanced tires made, and one stupid little fucking problem in the valve renders all of its Self-sealing, extra-thick, space age rubber nonsense as absolutely bullshit! This proves that you can overengineer anything, and it still finds a way to fuck itself up.

now for an angry email... these damned things cost me 17 dollars a pop, I know- seems trivial, but normal tubes are only 3 dollars, and these were guaranteed not to run flat. Bastards!



Sunday, 23 August 2009, 02:45
That's taking the piss!

If you pay for a super thick proper mega tire, it oughta damn well stay pumped up!

I'm sure they'll help you out, but you'll no doubt have to wait until tomorrow to get any kind of response.
Sunday, 23 August 2009, 08:36
Obviously they needed to overengineer the valve as well, then you wouldn't have this problem . I would shoot a call towards the manufacturer and complain, often times they'll be sympathetic to problems like this -- especially if the tire came with some kind of gurantee.
Sunday, 23 August 2009, 12:17
You know, you can get solids, the technology has moved on a bit in the past couple of decades. They are a real pain to fit though, wheels aren't designed for them but once they're on, no more punctures I had a couple on my mountain bike when I was at school, they lasted a good couple of years before they died.
Monday, 24 August 2009, 18:09
Well, they responded today....

Thank you for contacting SLiME! I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble with your valve stem leaking. I am assuming that the air is escaping through the valve stem itself (not through the rubber area on the outside of the valve). If my assumption is correct, you should be able to remove the valve core and wipe it with a damp cloth or paper towel to remove any residual slime that may be preventing the o-ring on the valve core from seating properly inside the stem. You can also take a wet q-tip to remove any SLiME from the inside of the valve core that may be "gunked" up and allowing air to escape. Now you can re-install the valve core and you should be good to go! Please let me know if this does not work, or if the air loss is relative to the outer area of the valve stem instead of inside the valve stem.

at least they told me how to clean it... now to buy a stem popper.