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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 08 May 2010
System : Windows

If I had seventeen hands..

all would be giving the finger.

At about 1pm, this afternoon, the site was struck by a virus.
I eliminated it rather rapidly, but it attacked a second time, and then a third.
After that, Socoder was hit by a brief DDOS.

Around about this time, I was at a very low point.

What's the point in doing something for others, if others are just going to completely screw you over in the long run?

@Jayenkai sez... "3 virus attacks and a ddos within 2 hours. I guess serving your community is a shit thing to do. Fuck it. Game Over. Someone else do it."

I'd hit absolute rock bottom, and was ready to come home from work, and pull the plug.

Thankfully, I had 7 hours left at work to think this through.
See, Socoder isn't just here to be a part of the community.
Socoder is the only god damn part of our community that we have left.

Idigicon fucked us over, twice. They killed BlitzCoder, then they damn well killed CodersWorkshop, too.
Everyone ran shouting and screaming over to DevCrunch, only for that to explode, too.

Socoder might not be perfect, and Socoder might not be completely bug free, but damnit, it's what there is.
And if I pulled the plug tonight, then there'd be absolute fuck all left.

I've written a quick online antivirus doohickey that should keep things safe for a while. If this crap happen again, I can trigger it whilst away from the system, which should help solve any issues.

I've also done my third backup of the week, and will be keeping an extra eye on the logs for the next couple of days.

Socoder stays.

Because it's not about how pissed off I am.. It's about how pissed off everyone else would be.



Saturday, 08 May 2010, 17:10
I already posted this over at Facebook, but I'll post it here as a last kick in the face to everyone still thinking that this is indeed a community (no offence to you Jay, you deserve maximum respect for upholding your beliefs in a community, even if I don't share those beliefs with you anymore);

'Not much point in serving a community when there isn't a community to serve. All the 'community' wants to do is put each other down, harass, be best at everything and point and laugh.
That's why I left.'
Saturday, 08 May 2010, 17:13
Just to make myself clear:

My beef isn't with Jay, never has been.
Frankly I'm surprised he even bothers when the 'community' time and time again is about to implode in on itself (as it already did for me).
Saturday, 08 May 2010, 17:53

Far as I'm concerned, this is a community, and I'm happy to be in it, and also happy that Jay hasn't gotten rid of it yet.
Saturday, 08 May 2010, 18:46
It's so childish I'm about to go through the roof. I like our small community, and I'm also happy that the plug is still in. Why do people insist on ruining it for others?
Saturday, 08 May 2010, 18:48
Also, I currently have a higher powerbar score than Jay, which I previously assumed to be an impossible feat. I think this indicates that Jay needs to have more fun making stuff or something.
Saturday, 08 May 2010, 19:12

My apologies Bud, I hope I didn't sound like I was rushing you when I PM'd you about the virus earlier.
Saturday, 08 May 2010, 21:32
I wondered why SoCoder flipped it's shit this morning - I was like 'err? I wonder if Jay knows about this...'

Despite Afr0's small trip about this not being a community - it still is. I'm very thankful for the work Jay has put into it, even though we can be a very dysfunctional tin of jackasses to each other- but it's all about learning how to not take criticism so badly.

On the attack, where did it come from? I was hit with some adverts that locked me down and tried to download things. It could have been just some roaming spambot, and we were just the lucky recipients of the day.

I'm glad you decided to keep it going, J - SoCoder keeps that small spark alive that BlitzCoder started. At least we're back on track, a little more hardened to this happening in the future. here's hoping...
Saturday, 08 May 2010, 22:31
Technically I am a member of around 20 different online communities. Of those SoCoder is the only one I visit daily, and the only one where I feel I know who the other members are. The only one that feels like a community to me. The others that I visit I do so for technical discussions, or other similar tid-bits; not as a 'community'.

That said I believe you should only do things if you are happy doing them, that if Jay doesn't feel like continuing SoCoder then he should drop it. It is his time he is spending, not ours.

However I would miss SoCoder if it did close.

Perhaps it's time Jay found someone to help out a bit? Just to help lighten the load. Presuming he had the time and inclination then I would nominate our backup admin Phoenix. He could take over some of Jay's roles to allow him to be more of a community member then site memer+developer+admin.

We also have several web developers here, you could allow them to get involved with site development and maintenance. They wouldn't need to be made SoCoder admins and you could say that all changes must be approved and signed off by yourself, something that's actually recommended and common practice in many development teams.
Saturday, 08 May 2010, 23:30
I did wonder why I got one of those "this site will harm your computer" screens. It was fixed by the time I hit my Socoder shortcut a second time though.

Jay - don't give up on the site.
Saturday, 08 May 2010, 23:35
Hold it...I don't fully understand what's going on. Did the site get attacked by someone registered here?
Sunday, 09 May 2010, 04:06
Yesterday, upon the first strike of the first virus, I would happily have said "Uhoh, Virus strike" and left it at that.
By the time the third had hit I was getting a bit peeved, and then the DDOS hit (or rather, a really insane number of hits on a particular .php file that doesn't show up normally, and isn't something you'd click on) which kinda suggested to me that this wasn't just a virus.

Hey, maybe it was, who knows.
Sunday, 09 May 2010, 04:39
Seems a lot of DDoS attacks have been going down all over the internet these days....

....Piss in anyones cereal lately, Jay?
Sunday, 09 May 2010, 04:49
Gah. No shut down Socoder. Me other community have shut down. Dis is last one. I will not be happy, Jay.
Sunday, 09 May 2010, 06:03
Sorry to hear it Jay, that sucks.

Do you think it was something that happened at GoDaddy's end, or do you think you had a vulnerability in the website somewhere?
Sunday, 09 May 2010, 06:23
I'm actually thinking it was a Wordpress leak. Spent the past few hours trying to plug up all the holes I can find (as well as a total retheme) but I can only do so much.

Might be better to scrap Wordpress and write my own blog..
Sunday, 09 May 2010, 18:16
That sucks, Jay. Well, if its worth anything, I'll be glad to help you out, in whatever way I can. It sucks that someone would want to kill this place, but I guess that's the internet for you. No matter what you try to do, somebody wants to kill your site. Oh well...

Anyway, let me know if you need any help.