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Created : 08 April 2007
Edited : 17 November 2009

Giving Ruby a try

I'm going to give Ruby a fair try.

I've heard DiablosDevil talk a lot about Ruby, and I've wanted to try it, but never bothered. But recently, I've become bored of all the languages I use, and I'm searching for a "perfect" language. There is of course no perfect language. "Something I would really like" would be a more appropriate phrasing.

C# isn't very good for games, unless you use the XNA framework, but then the players have to download something in order to play my games. Also, I've talked to many people who don't have .NET installed on their computers - or even knows what it is - so that would be another tedious download.

My BlitzMax trial expired long ago, and even though I did like it, I don't want to spend money on another programming language.

C++ is another language I've used, but it's not fun to code in, so I won't be using that unless it magically turns into something enjoyable.

Then there's of course Blitz3D, which I loved when bought it. But my interest for that disappeared about a year ago, for unknown reasons. Maybe it's because I thought it was limited.

Hopefully, Ruby will be a success. If not, I don't know what language to stick to. Maybe there is no optimal language for me.

Finally, a question for DiablosDevil, what IDE do you reccomend for Ruby?



Sunday, 08 April 2007, 07:10
Eclipse and NetBeans are the main two Java IDEs, and both feature Ruby plugins. I personally use Eclipse, but I have heard reviews that say NetBeans is a lot better. There is also FreeRIDE (Free Ruby IDE) which comes with the Windows one-click installer. Don't use it, it's shit. The one-click installer also comes with SciTE which is a fantastic multi-language text editor (I believe it even has support for Blitz Basic).

You don't have to use the XNA framework with C#. There is also Managed DirectX, which is a version of DirectX for the .Net languages. I ordered a book on it the other day, and it was shipped yesterday.

You could also look at Java, which has some OpenGL libraries made specially for it (Java has a library for everything). Stuff like texture loaders. Java is a fantastic language, and Ruby isn't any where near as well documented as Java.

The main reason I preffer Ruby though to Java is because I'll see 5 lines written in Java and think 'I could write that in one line in Ruby'. Ruby's syntax is just a lot cleaner.
Sunday, 08 April 2007, 10:35
I thought that MDX was discontinued, I don't know where I got that from. Maybe I'll have a look into Java as well.
Sunday, 08 April 2007, 11:35
I just checked and you are right. XNA framework is replacing managed DirectX. You can also use OpenGL with C#.
Sunday, 08 April 2007, 12:59
Ah, you are right, I completely forgot that I can use C# with OpenGL. Thanks But I'll still have a look at Ruby.
Sunday, 08 April 2007, 13:29
I've seen references to Ruby, and Ruby On Rails. Are these both the same thing ?.
Sunday, 08 April 2007, 14:22
Ruby on Rails is a web application framework written in Ruby. On the official site there is a video of someone making and setting up a blogging site in 15 minutes. It's very much being seen as Ruby's flag ship project, which is why their are so many references towards it. I've heard it's amazing, but never used it.

The Eclipse plugin says it is for Ruby on Rails, but really it's aimed at Ruby with support and features for Rails development. I believe the NetBeans plugin is similar. However one of the main reaons NetBeans now has Ruby support, is because of JRuby, Ruby on the Java VM (NetBeans is the official Java IDE). The JRuby team state their main goal is to get Rails working perfectly and un-edited on the Java VM.
Monday, 16 April 2007, 02:34
So have you started trying Ruby?

Also I haven't tried it, but their is a Ruby plug-in for Visual Studio. Although their is a both a free and pro version, so I'm worried the free version will be really cut down.
Monday, 16 April 2007, 06:27
I downloaded it from rubyforge.org and istalled it, I haven't actually used it though.
Tuesday, 17 April 2007, 13:32
power mousey
Ruby looks too daunting.

That if I start to use it I'll start biting my
Ruby on nails in frustration and nerves. True.