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ne1 seen this?*

29th April 2012

about 0.00000000375% of the sum used to keep the population enslaved (without them knowing about it), according to my research
thanks for checking it out, sTeve!
investing in happiness brings me joy


ne1 seen this?*

27th April 2012

i've added direct links if u can't see the embedded videos


ne1 seen this?*

26th April 2012

short version:
direct link
long version:
direct link
* note: requires discernment of intuitive nature


Averaging / ''Smoothing'' a 2 dimensional array?

26th November 2011

; for 1 user
; setup (for demo)
Const screen_width = 120;80
Const screen_height = 60
Graphics screen_width,screen_height , 0,3
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
SetFont LoadFont( "Small Fonts" , 10 )
; graph/posting type
Global test_graph_type = 2


Spirits of Old

3rd November 2011

Nice topic title, DNA :)
It reminds me that you're indeed an old spirit :D
* Teasy bows to DNA.


Suggestions for encouraging noise away from borders?

31st October 2011

if splodge overlaps edge
don't draw
splodge overlaps edge:
param splodge_position
param splodge_diameter
param screen_edge
if distance( screen_edge , splodge_position + splodge_diameter ) <= 0


some help with a space shooter

21st September 2011

hey :)
good to hear your news, j\\'ordos :D
here are some more things
that i'd like to share with you
which may be helpful in some way ^^
starting with the lighter topics
and going up to the more heavier ones.
* sound font
well, in this pc i have bo*snip*


some help with a space shooter

9th September 2011

hey ^^
i felt like expanding on the 'wayout' track,
so here's a song with 3:30 duration
that also loops endlessly
and with some nice variations.
This is the way out (music module) s4v2
this one's 5KB bigger than the previous one
which was 303KB,


some help with a space shooter

9th September 2011

[ modifications summary ]
i hope u didn't do any (or much)
modifying of the code
because i did ^^
first off,
here's a compacted list of modifications
that i've made:
- smoother game init/exit
- - frontend, backend, music stop, etc
- show/hide lo*snip*


some help with a space shooter

28th August 2011

* debugging SpaceWars: bass_midi
the first thing i noticed when starting the program
was that the BASS.DLL and BASS.DECLS were not included
but were still used in the program,
unless ofcourse i have missed something :)
(perhaps you moved something in *snip*


some help with a space shooter

14th August 2011

Awesome, dear j\\'ordos (Image.gif)
I can't see from the code you posted why it shouldn't create a timer object.
I have not experienced any such problems with the library
unless when integrating with other systems ( (Image.gif) ),
which I 'predict' is*snip*


UK Riots

14th August 2011

Have you ever had a dream, that you were so sure was real.
What if you were unable to wake from that dream.
How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?



16th April 2011

I love the ability to carefreely browse shady areas of the web thanks to Avast :)


Government Shutdown

10th April 2011

Time to wake up, beloved friends :)
The Awakening Report
Remember who you are,
and stand in your true power!


Loading problem

21st March 2011

here are some questions
that may help you figure out the problem.
- does floor.jpg load with loadimage?
- can the floor.jpg file be opened directly via 'explorer'
without intervention of the file stream system
asking 'do you want to open file file?'


some help with a space shooter

27th February 2011

* icon overlay
actually, i have used both
- a dithering mask fade
- as well as a checkerboard mask
(both at run-time)
to either
- make (part of) an image (or icon) transparent
- or darken an image (or icon)
the mask fade system i already have her*snip*


some help with a space shooter

26th February 2011

* duplibug
i'm glad u found the duplibugfix (Image.gif)
and so fast ! (Image.gif)
* barrel
hm, im not sure i understand how u want the barrels to work exactly.
it sounds like ur barrels are all facing different directions? (Image.gif)
if i th*snip*


some help with a space shooter

25th February 2011

* vmem
iirc, in blitz3d it's 32bit for all images (by default).
another option is to convert the 2-power images
back to their trimmed versions,
so that less memory is used.
and then using either the ImagesCollide replacement
or a custom collision sys*snip*


some help with a space shooter

24th February 2011

thank you for the update :)
it's nice to see a game grow so organically, with cool new enhancements and deeper improvements to enjoy.
i hope you will enjoy creating the continuation of your creation as well :)
* double draw
looking at your code, and *snip*


stream error

1st February 2011

nope, none for blitzmax.
do u get the error with debug mode turned on?
if so, where does the error occur?


stream error

30th January 2011

yes, there are many, dna :)
my favorite is my 'textoutline' function, which is kinda slow, but u have full freedom of color choice every frame etc.
and it works the same as Blitz's Text function, with some added parameters for colors.
i've posted my ren*snip*


Generic rendering routines

30th January 2011

Handy text routines, RGB modification and HSL conversion, and some custom Rect/Oval functions.


stream error

24th January 2011

[edit]*LoL* (Image.gif)
A lot of new replies while I was typing![/edit]
DNA: Do you close the 2nd file (F2) somewhere else in the code?
I don't see it being closed in this code (CloseFile).
I also do not see the folder being closed (CloseDir).


stream error

24th January 2011

Seeking back to start on end-of-file should work exactly as you intended:
Graphics 800,600 , 0,2
Const ScreenWidth = 640
Const ScreenHeight = 480
Graphics ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight , 0,3
pCls 0,64,128
pColor 192,224,255


Image rotation?

17th January 2011

A few days ago I came across an old image rotation algorithm which is superfast by using 3 image skew operations.
I do not remember exactly who created the function, but I optimized it a little bit ^^
I do know that the creator was one of the brilliant m*snip*

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