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Time in Java

15th July 2012

That helps enormously. For my current purposes that works just fine. However as my simulations and AI begin taking up more time they could take up as much time as the sleep. Assuming that calculations take up an appreciable amount of the 20th of a second I*snip*


Time in Java

15th July 2012

I know most of you guys do something with game writing. I'm writing a physics simulation to demonstrate AI, but there isn't much difference there. Games use governing rules to determine outcomes and AIs to work as characters.
I have no problem writing the*snip*


timing problem in java

29th June 2012

I found my problem.
My sensors where not bounded so a value of 0 was throwing off my probability and making a while loop a forever loop
also the increments of ascent where initialized so that they kept setting my gates to 0 and once again making forever *snip*


timing problem in java

29th June 2012

I've been working on a particle filter as a form of AI tracking function.
I want to use a coordinate ascent function to find optimum values for some control parameters but I've hit a snag.
I put the filter into a simple forever while loop to make sure it*snip*


Why Python?

17th June 2012

A simple question really.
Every programming language is good at something, so why was Python invented?
Since I've been on here last I've mastered C (which isn't saying much) and have a working knowledge of Java though I still haven't touched C++ in years*snip*


Can I hack it?

24th January 2012

Ok so I don't know how to program for smart phones, and don't really want to learn just now. I have enough trouble with PCs and mechanical actuators. I do want to know however if it's possible to take time from the cell phone emitter, and piggy back on the*snip*


Learning VB

4th August 2011

Anyone know any Visual Basic learning resources for free. I love how easy VB is to use when you know what you're doing, but when you know how you want it to work but you don't know the name of the functions to do that, it's a major pain. I looked up some t*snip*


Working Between Compilers

4th August 2011

Realy that hard huh.
I'll try to avoid it for now, but eventualy I'm gonna need some more powerfull tools, I guess I got allot to learn before then.


Working Between Compilers

1st August 2011

The problem is that if i want to share or demonstrate this, it's too complicated to tell someone each what each button does. Much easier to have self explanitory program, and the best way to do that is GUI.



20th July 2011

Like the title implies this message is for Shroom Monk mainly because I know he works on a Code::Blocks compiler and uses SFML regularly. I'm trying do SFML too but ran into a problem. I went to the SFML website, downloaded both the Gpp 4.4 MinGW file, and*snip*


C++ Pointer Loving

20th July 2011

First guy I've heard ever like them. most people think them damned confusing


Working Between Compilers

19th July 2011

another noob-ish question. I've been working on a Code::Blocks C++ compiler, and i just got a Visual Studios Visual Basic compiler. Now I'm looking to get a new SFML library for my Code::Blocks compiler, and I'm a little worried about how to integrate them*snip*



19th July 2011

If you live in a place rich enough to have horses, then the council could afford to hire someone to pick up after them right?
and btw you don't train cats to go in the box, they decide that it's the best place.


Sweet Relief

18th July 2011

So I found out that one of my new friends is majoring in code writing. What a relief to actually meet someone in person who knows more than I do on the subject.
He showed me a little of his programming system including VisualBasic, and I am converted.


Help Files

14th July 2011

Wait, i'm not trying to write a help file, i'm trying to find code language and library references, either you didn't understand something or I didn't understand something.
once again that's MSDN if you're going to reference it tell me where to look becau*snip*


What Have You Done : 13th July 2011

14th July 2011

What did you get done this week?
went from near scratch, almost no programming experiance, to writing a decent calculator in C++. (dos window application)
What turned out as planned
What didn't you get done this week.
Still no jo*snip*


Help Files

14th July 2011

You know how with certain application you select the help file from the menu and it explains in detail how things work, and what they mean. My compiler doesn't have that, and tutorials only get you so far. I've spent the entire morning looking for a win32 *snip*


Raycaster at PlayMyCode

14th July 2011

You added angular motion, It was kinda annoying the first time having to do left, right, left, right, to move at an angle. It looks realy cool.
Reminds me of a Doom game i played when I was 8. just need a chainsaw and an evil alien and you'll be all set, *snip*


GUI libraries

12th July 2011

Code::Blocks compiler. I'll keep looking into SFML.


GUI libraries

12th July 2011

for the moment i'm just using it for practice, so I'll be doing applications initially. Eventually i'll be doing things in OpenGl and MatLab, and later on a website. OpenGl and MatLab will only be on my computer (Windows). I don't know if i need cross plat*snip*


GUI libraries

12th July 2011

yet again another question. I need a good GUI library to start out with. I've gotten to the point with my C++ where DOS applications are too tedious.
My compiler supports FLTK, GTX+, QT4, SmartWin, Win32 GUI, and wxWidget
anyone have any redeeming, or da*snip*


Graphics Libraries

12th July 2011

My patience, as it has proved, was fine. I started programming again a week ago, and now i can read c++ and write simple stuff without even thinking about it. Back then i was always looking back in the book, and was ready to shoot myself every time i saw t*snip*


complex if statements.

11th July 2011

hey check this out.
#include <sstream>
std::stringstream ss;
// Cast to float...
ss << some_string;
ss >> some_float;
// Cast to string...
ss >> some_float;
ss << some_string;
From: (Linkage)
it works, and i didn't need to change the string to a*snip*


complex if statements.

11th July 2011

Thanks, I think I'll stick with the or clause thing for now.
another question though, can i use one entry with cin to write both an int and a string, so that i get an int 10 and a string "10". Or is there a way to turn a symbol into a number and back agai*snip*


complex if statements.

11th July 2011

Found one solution:
if ((first == "a")||(first == "e")||(first == "i")||(fist == "o")||(first == "u"))
it works, but still not as elegant as i'd like, shorter than five seperate if/else if statements though.

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