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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Aerowyn Lore, Pt. 1

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Wed, 29 Oct 2008, 06:34
As I write this, my body is trembling with fear, and my mind is full of questions.
Last night I had a dream given to me by the Xeriths. In an attempt to better understand what they were trying to tell me, I will note down my dream exactly as it happened.

In the beginning, there was nought but emptiness. At some uncertain point in time, a big explosion lit up the skies, and planets and stars were flung into being. Fire and ashes reigned along with chaos.
In came the Xeriths, mighty beings destined to bring order to the universe. They put the fire to rest, and breathed water, grass and blue skies. Lastly they created humans, and they saw it was good. Love was created in goodness' name, and thus came the firstborn. The royal line of the world of Aerowyn was at hand.
But it was already too late...
The Xeniths knew past mistakes had been made, for they trembled with fear and cried raindrops onto the grass.
From the distant Sorrow Island, the sorcerer Magicus was already summoning creatures of terror and destruction. He was evil, and wanted nothing but control and power. The balance that had once existed, was no more.

Written by king U. Nknown Exception of Aerowyn, year 225.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Wed, 29 Oct 2008, 12:25
Um... what?
Wed, 29 Oct 2008, 12:29
O... K...

Thanks for sharing...
Wed, 29 Oct 2008, 12:31
"king U. Nknown"

I see what you did thar...
Wed, 29 Oct 2008, 13:28
This is the lore for my upcoming RPG game!
Feel free to comment (constructively).

The name 'U. Nknown Exception' is a play on 'Unknown Exception' because I didn't know what to name the king. ^^

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Wed, 29 Oct 2008, 14:07
Oliver, Quintinious and Ted are all viable suggestions.
Wed, 29 Oct 2008, 14:23
This is the lore for my upcoming RPG game!

Funny Afr0, I thought you'd gone mad there for a bit.

Quit posting and try Google.
Wed, 29 Oct 2008, 14:23
Quintinious?! Is that an actual name?
Wed, 29 Oct 2008, 14:27
Yeah, my cousin nearly got it for his confirmation name.The one plus point of being Catholic...
Wed, 29 Oct 2008, 14:44
I think you should take a few courses in English and Creative Writing before attempting fiction. There are certain things one ought to do when writing, be it poetry, novels, etc. that contribute to the overall work. You've ignored most of them, of course. If you won't take classes, then consider buying a book on writing fiction. I'd recommend Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft by Janet Burroway. There are a great number of other books good for learning aspects of writing fiction and such, but that's the one I personally enjoyed the most.

The most basic thing you're forgetting here is to show, not tell. There are more advanced criticisms I could get into, but I think most would be rectified if you learned the basics first. You should probably keep a journal and write constantly. Never stop writing- you can't improve if you don't write.
Wed, 29 Oct 2008, 18:17
I'd recommend Screenwriting 101. It's a very good book that teaches writing films. Most of the concepts and ideas could also be applied to writing RPGs.
Wed, 29 Oct 2008, 20:03
I like it. It has a very bible-y feel to it. I think cower & JL235 have misunderstood waht you're trying to do.

I don't see it as a work of fiction in the novel or screenplay sense. I see it as more of a ten commandments style work of fiction. Or a diary entry even.

eg. "this is the way things are". which is sort of hard to do by showing and not telling.... It'd be a good intro or cut scene i think, narrated over the top of some sort of video
Wed, 29 Oct 2008, 23:32
Oscar I think you've misunderstood what I said. I wasn't saying it's bad or even gave any form of criticism about it. I was simply suggesting a book which he (and others) might find useful for writing an RPG.
Wed, 29 Oct 2008, 23:52
eg. "this is the way things are". which is sort of hard to do by showing and not telling....

Thu, 30 Oct 2008, 02:06
Thank you Oscar!
Yes, this is intended to be read as a Diary entry. I might not have made it very clear except for the ending, but then again I don't think it was very common for people in the middle ages or what have you to start their diary entries with 'Dear Diary!' or whatever.

Cower: I did follow a tutorial on writing for RPGs from the RPG Maker forums. I don't have a link handy (I'm currently at school), but I've drawn up the world of Aerowyn, I've decided on the main characters, what their purpose is and what their names are. Technically I don't even need 'lore', but WoW has it's Warcraft lore, and I figured I'd write some stuff just to get people immersed into the world.
If my game becomes popular, I might release a book, but that's still undecided.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Thu, 30 Oct 2008, 03:11
Is Aerowyn not a name from Lord of the Rings?
Thu, 30 Oct 2008, 04:53
I believe what you're referring to is 'Arwen', the name of an elven princess.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Thu, 30 Oct 2008, 05:47
Éowyn, that's the one.
Thu, 30 Oct 2008, 11:06
Isn't that the window manager from Vista?
Thu, 30 Oct 2008, 11:13
No, that's simply Aero. Nice try though!
Thu, 30 Oct 2008, 11:42
Is it them things that go on the sides of planes?
Thu, 30 Oct 2008, 12:55
And don't lock this topic.
Thu, 30 Oct 2008, 14:56
Aerowyn = A competition on the wrapper of that 'bubbly' chocolate bar?
Thu, 30 Oct 2008, 15:00
Written by "Unknown Exception"? Hmmm.

I'm still not convinced the whole thing isn't a metaphor for operating systems.

Aerowyn = Windows Vista
Xeniths = Unix
Magicus = MacOS
Thu, 30 Oct 2008, 15:26
Cower: I did follow a tutorial on writing for RPGs from the RPG Maker forums.
This is one of the many steps you took in the wrong direction.
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