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25th June 2024

How half-dead is the PSU?
Does the old PC have a gfx card?
And does the old PC have onboard gfx?
Could you remove the GFX card, revert to on-board, and have the system run long enough like that?


Too Hot to Bird/Cat

24th June 2024

You know it's too hot when neither the bird nor cat can be arsed to attack or scarper.
They were sat like this for about 10 minutes!



24th June 2024

So, all good?



23rd June 2024

Oh no! And you only just forked out for the laptop, too. :(


QOTD - June 2024

23rd June 2024

When we were selling the house, it'd have been great to have had cameras set up to record people's reactions as they walked around during viewings.


Site Fixings - Jun 2024

22nd June 2024

bye bye Linode. It was a good few years, up until the weird shit when Actimel took over and spilt yoghurt over everything. The server ran about 1/3rd the speed thereafter.


Who Hype - 2024

22nd June 2024

Yeah, at first I wasn't too sure about that, but the last episode kinda made it feel very much like that.


Who Hype - 2024

22nd June 2024

Thoughts on Who Season 1
I enjoyed it overall.
I felt a lot of the season felt rushed, though, be it because Ncuti was missing for two episodes, one after the other, or because the ''hidden baddie'' didn't hide for too long, since there were *snip*


QOTD - June 2024

22nd June 2024

Is ''walking'' a genre? A lot of my dreams are about simply walking places, usually around town or such.


Hedra AI Video

21st June 2024

Hedra.com's AI promises to make realistic videos from faces + audio.
I struggled to get it to do a Greenie unless he was facing straight to camera, without his giant nose being obvious.
The results are .. Sure, maybe ''Realistic'', but it de*snip*


Claude AI

21st June 2024

v3.5 of Claude is now available at (Linkage)
Prompt : (with CommandList_long.txt attached)
Can you write a beautiful analogue clock in JSE, with a lovely plasma-style background effect.
Claude's first response.
[jse]// Beautiful Analogue Clock wit*snip*


QOTD - June 2024

21st June 2024

Freshly opened technology.


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

20th June 2024

*claps*Go, Cyan!*claps*


QOTD - June 2024

20th June 2024

I swear I deleted all these duplicates, where are they all coming from!? Maybe the server's just making these up itself, now!?
I would be a lovely harp that harps all through the day.
I'd snuggle 'tween the player's legs, as they they be*snip*


ALChoons : Zinc

19th June 2024

Zinc Yoghurt
Only one more track to go in the Zinc album, then I have to do an R album...


QOTD - June 2024

19th June 2024

The comfortable object that lies in the room,
With quilting and blankets and pillows festooned,
A soft comfy mattress that sleeping is for.
I'd rest 'till the cat comes for scratches galore.


AGameAWeek 2024

18th June 2024

Platdude's Rocket Sled
Help Platdude grab the stars as he blasts his way through the mineshaft.
Feel the speed!!!
You can Play with it over at JSE.


QOTD - June 2024

18th June 2024

It would have perfect weather all year round. No rain, no snow, but also not too hot either.
Nice walking areas.


Megadrive Wrist-Circle with Numbers

18th June 2024

Eight HUNDRED?! Linkage


QOTD - June 2024

17th June 2024

Munchie, my old cat from the 90s, who guides me through all my stupid decisions.


QOTD - June 2024

16th June 2024

More programming for the kiddiwinks!
Though nowadays it'd be ''How to prompt the AI to do it for you'' more than it is about coding.


No Man's Sky

15th June 2024



Doom Neurons

14th June 2024

Continue....? (Linkage)


Luma AI Video

13th June 2024

Dream Machine
You can generate (apparently) 30 videos, each being no more than about 5 seconds.
... Do I need to make a video uploader, now?!


ALChoons : Zinc

13th June 2024

Rapidly cobbled together, this week.
Kinda losing the motivation to continue with ALChoons, if I'm honest. The AI's gotten so good, lately.

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