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Doom Neurons

14th June 2024

Continue....? (Linkage)


Luma AI Video

13th June 2024

Dream Machine
You can generate (apparently) 30 videos, each being no more than about 5 seconds.
... Do I need to make a video uploader, now?!


ALChoons : Zinc

13th June 2024

Rapidly cobbled together, this week.
Kinda losing the motivation to continue with ALChoons, if I'm honest. The AI's gotten so good, lately.


Suno/Bing Tunes

13th June 2024

[mp3]https://SoCoder.net/uploads/1/2024/24/I_Am_A_Ball_(Precarious_Boom)_mp3.mp3[/mp3] : Suno Link
[mp3]https://SoCoder.net/uploads/1/2024/24/I_Am_A_Ball_(Precarious_Boom)-2_mp3.mp3[/mp3] : Suno Link


Site Fixings - Jun 2024

13th June 2024

Emoji - Half fixed
They work in a slightly different way, and I can't quite get the old emoji to show up, so wherever someone previously posted an emoji, it's showing up as 4 ascii characters.. Still working on that bit!


Suno Uploader

12th June 2024

I've been doing my daily blogs in advance the past few days, and tonight whilst doing it, I noticed a nice new shiny button in Suno's interface.
Upload a 6 to 60 second snippet of your own music (and it has to be your own music), and the engine wi*snip*


Atari 8-bit Raytracer

12th June 2024

Discovered an Atari 8-bit ''Raytracer'', written in Atari BASIC (a 10 liner, at that!) (Linkage)
So, of course, I tried it out in JSE..
[jse]// RayTrace Movie (Atari 8bit)
// by D. Scott Williamson
// Converted by Jayenkai
// Creat*snip*


WWDC 2024

11th June 2024

Well, that works, so.. \\o/yeay\\o/.


WWDC 2024

11th June 2024

Updated the MacBook to the Sequoia Beta, and..
Not seeing much, if I'm honest.
Apparently the Apple Intelligence will be rolled out later, so for the meantime I'm looking at pretty much the same thing.
Window edge-snapping works. *snip*


Site Fixings - Jun 2024

11th June 2024

Jukebox New, has a lyric sheet for choons with lyrics.
Considering it's about 3% different to how it looked before, you wouldn't think that took all smegging day, yesterday.
.. But it did!!
ChatGPT wrote the album-art scroller code, btw.


WWDC 2024

10th June 2024

The AI stuff looks cool. No idea if my iPad Air can run it, though.
*cough cough*


WWDC 2024

10th June 2024

Not all that impressed by the iPad OS features so far.
I mean, sure, the maths thing looks impressive, and the handwriting things.. But I *think* that needs an Apple Pencil.


WWDC 2024

10th June 2024

So far..
New options for colourising the icons in iOS. That's kinda neat.
You can FINALLY move the fucking icon around, too. Bloody hell!!
I like the new Control Center style, with extra possibilities of widgets and buttons and things.
The newish *snip*


Site Fixings - Jun 2024

9th June 2024

Foldapuz is over to the new server, and if I don't disable error messages, it spits out over 100Kb of errors per refresh!
So I disabled error messages and will fix that later.
GotoJSE.com is also now on the new server, running smoot*snip*


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

9th June 2024



Site Fixings - Jun 2024

9th June 2024

OK, pretty sure I've fixed all the email issues. The site should now be able to spam you to death, once more.


Site Fixings - Jun 2024

9th June 2024

Um.. Might've forgotten to grab the Poll and QOTD txt files, during the move, so a few of them might repeat themselves!
They're only a few days old, though, so any repetition will be minimal.


QOTD - June 2024

9th June 2024

Power Tools.. Jigsaws, drills, things like that.
I used to be fairly handy, and would often help Mum do little projects in and out of the house. Since the (Gawd, he's on about it again) I've been bloody useless, with shaking hands and unsteadine*snip*


Site Fixings - Jun 2024

8th June 2024

No idea! Further investigation is required!!!


Site Fixings - Jun 2024

8th June 2024

Still haven't figure that out.
But I have at least switched the [[thumb]] to webp.
People keep telling this fancy-pants new technology is ''better''...
PNG version, 184Kb


Site Fixings - Jun 2024

8th June 2024

Still having issues with none-ascii, and am currently trying to fathom quite why. I think it's the MySQL, though it has exactly the same settings as it did before, either the PHP version or the MySQL version, or maybe even apache..
Honestly, god only*snip*


Site Fixings - Jun 2024

8th June 2024

... Oh yeah.. We're on a new server, by the way..
Forgot to say that..
We're now hosted by (god help me if this goes tits up) Ionos.
The Linode server was alright, but after 6 years of being on that server, I tried upgrading it to a newer model,*snip*


Site Fixings - Jun 2024

8th June 2024

Yeah, that'll be the fact that, whilst the DNS is moving from one server to the other, the security keys aren't 100% pointing to where it expects the server to be.
Sorry about that.
Hope everyone gets over to the new server ok.
*fingers crossed**snip*


Site Fixings - Jun 2024

7th June 2024

The emailing is completely knackered, right now, so don't go trying to sign up or anything!
If anyone not-yet-registered is trying to register, email me or something and I'll hack you in!


Site Fixings - Jun 2024

7th June 2024

OK, let me know if everything's working ok. Or rather, let me know what's knackered!
Already I can see jprofit's avatar is lit up like he's in the mudchat, when I'm fairly sure that's not the case, so.. Not really sure why that&*snip*

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