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ST Discovery - Season Four

30th May 2024

Just watched the last episode of Discovery, and ...
The episode finished about 50 minutes into the 1h:25 episode.
After that, it was pure garbage.
''I love you''
''I will miss you''
''We are all a family''
and on, and*snip*


Suno/Bing Tunes

30th May 2024

Possible uses for Suno : Songs for your games!
[mp3]https://SoCoder.net/uploads/1/2024/22/I_Am_A_Ball_(SpikeDislike)_mp3.mp3[/mp3] | Suno Link


QOTD - May 2024

30th May 2024

I will be the wind and the air, and I will glide over the world taking in the views.
I will dive into the lungs of the people I meet, and whip up a storm when I dislike things.


ALChoons : Zinc

30th May 2024

If marketing was just about posting content, I'd be a billionaire.


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

29th May 2024

Good luck!


ALChoons : Zinc

29th May 2024

The Karaoke-Ball thing is much smoother, this week.
I still need to tweak a couple of odd quirks, but I should have the latest VidGen uploaded... .. soon..ish!


Blocking Facebook

29th May 2024

No that's just it scanning your blog! Nothing to worry about!
Most things on this site are numerical, but your blog/profile page have your username attached to make it easier to get to them without having to remember everyone's User Number!


Blocking Facebook

29th May 2024

I blocked Facebook, this morning.
I mean, it's not 100% blocked, but it is now just being fed a single line of ''Socoder : A forum for game developers'' and no more than that.
Apologies to anyone who wants to easily post a link*snip*


QOTD - May 2024

29th May 2024

Mmmm, Gingerbread State Building!


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

29th May 2024



Ghostbusters Afterlife

28th May 2024

Oooh, that's a good movie!
I'll rewatch later with commentary.
\\o/yeay\\o/ for Commentaries!!!
(I hope, unless it's one of those ''oh this bit's good, I love this actor, we're all great, we did good'' commentaries.. Those are*snip*


Ghostbusters Afterlife

28th May 2024

Woah. It's on iTunes already?!
.. fair enough..
That's the rest of today sorted.


Suno/Bing Tunes

28th May 2024

[mp3]https://SoCoder.net/uploads/1/2024/22/Suno_Update_mp3.mp3[/mp3] - | - Suno Link
^ Readalong Blog Post.
^ Click play!
Suno's being updated to v3.5, currently available to paying subscribers, with a release to free users coming in the next week*snip*


QOTD - May 2024

28th May 2024



QOTD - May 2024

27th May 2024

Learned to code. It's all been downhill since there.


QOTD - May 2024

26th May 2024

In related news, last night's dream of ''Oh, I know a cool new way of improving JSE's speed'' didn't work at all.
Stupid dream...


QOTD - May 2024

26th May 2024

Dunno about anything particularly ''weird'' in a dream, except maybe that time when the ghost of my recently deceased cat was staring at me through the whole dream, freaking me out.
A lot of my dreams, nowadays, are having long walks around town a*snip*


Quantum Leap - 2022

25th May 2024

It really was SO much better in season 2.
It's a real shame.
Still really quite pissed off about that, if I'm honest.


JSE Tweaks 2024

25th May 2024

1. Rect and DrawRect now have an extra parameter on the end to round the edges, because ''modern'' browsers will FINALLY let you draw Rounded Rectangles on the canvas! About bloomin' time. The engine should hopefully fallback to plain*snip*


New Laptop - May 2024

25th May 2024

I look forward to stats :)


JSE Text Bug

24th May 2024

Oooh! Ok, I'll look into it.
I'm aiming to upload the new version of GameHandler in the next day or so, so should be able to tweak that along the way.
... I hope!!!


Suno/Bing Tunes

24th May 2024

10 - Singalong Songs!
If you only play one track from this week's collection, make sure it's track 6!!


QOTD - May 2024

24th May 2024

Maybe my voice!?
Though that's less of an instrument, and more of a disused bag of garbage!


Beetlejuice 2

23rd May 2024


ALChoons : Zinc

23rd May 2024

I thought I was almost done with these ''A-Z ALBums'', where each Album starts with a different letter and each of the tracks also starts with a different letter.
Then I realised ''RevivAL'' is pre-''AZ-AZ'' ALBum,*snip*

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