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ALChoons : Zinc

23rd May 2024

First real test of the new Karaoke function in VidGen (still haven't uploaded the version it to the server, yet, though. It's .. a bit glitchy in places..)


AGameAWeek 2024

23rd May 2024

Starburst Rebellion
Blast away the colourful crosses in this twin stick shooter.
Controls are WASD for moving and IJKL for shooting, but if you've got a Twin-stick controller that works in your browser, that's infinitely better!
You can*snip*


QOTD - May 2024

23rd May 2024

My shadow would sit grumpily complaining about being trapped behind a shadow-computer all day.


Microsoft Event - May 2024

22nd May 2024

Aye, sounds like a good idea ;)


QOTD - May 2024

22nd May 2024

Since I rarely move from the couch, some might say I'm already part of the furniture.
But I think I'd like to be a cool retro videogame shelving unit full of games, on the back wall at the opposite side of the room from the telly. That way, I get*snip*


Microsoft Event - May 2024

21st May 2024

According to this page
Drivers for hardware, games and apps will only work if they're designed for a Windows 11 Arm-based PC. For more info, check with the hardware manufacturer or the organization that developed the driver. Drivers are softwar*snip*


Microsoft Event - May 2024

21st May 2024

(Image.png) (Image.png) (Image.png) (Image.png)
''But Jay,'' I hear you ask, ''aren't you a MacBook user who already has a keyboard like that?''
Why yes, I am..
And let me tell you .. It's frustrating as all hell, espe*snip*


Microsoft Event - May 2024

21st May 2024

Been looking at a few, this morning, and they all seem to have the exact same ''You bought a Laptop. You don't need a proper full-sized keyboard, silly!!'' mentality.
The person who invented the half-sized cursors deserves everything that com*snip*


Microsoft Event - May 2024

21st May 2024

It'll be interesting to see exactly what these ARM systems are capable of.
Are you still tempted to get a new laptop right now, or are you holding off to see what these can ''really'' do?
When Apple switched to Arm, it was a MASSIVE increase *snip*


QOTD - May 2024

21st May 2024

Back to bed!!!
I'd love to visit places around the world, though. Travelling isn't exactly my forte, but if I could teleport to places, that'd be super cool!


QOTD - May 2024

20th May 2024

That sounds ideal for my situation, to prevent bending over. ... unfortunately, my balance is so completely stuffed that it'd be a practical impossibility. Bugger.
My weirdest talent appears to be knowing that AI is already 1,000 times better, and *snip*


VidGen 2

19th May 2024

Got the Lyrics engine up to .. about 50%, I'd say..
The methodology is as follows.
1. Type lyrics into the box at the top. Add ''-'' to split syllables when necessary.
2. Hit start.
3. Tap right cursor button (or onscree*snip*


Suno/Bing Tunes

19th May 2024

This week's JSE Soundtrack is a bit later than usual. 09 - 90's Indie Britpop
It all gets a bit too Oasis'y for me.


New Laptop - May 2024

19th May 2024

Additional thought.
Microsoft are having a big announcement event thing, tomorrow. (and apparently over the next few days..)
I'm not sure if it's going to include new ARM-based Surfaces, or if it's just going to be straight up ''We have *snip*


QOTD - May 2024

19th May 2024

It's a bungalow. Most of the rooms are already closely interconnected. Wouldn't help at all!


New Laptop - May 2024

19th May 2024

I very recently had this same discussion in an email thread, and we all agreed that, if you're specifically hoping to ''future proof'', then now is likely the worst time to be doing so.
It's the PC version of buying an Intel Mac the year b*snip*


QOTD - May 2024

18th May 2024



Apple iPad Event - May 2024

18th May 2024

That's always a risk with new tech, especially when they're faffing about with Screen technology.
Glad I pulled back at the last minute.


JSE Transpiler?

17th May 2024

Good grief, has it almost been a month!?!
Don't think the silence means nothing's going on, here!
.. Though, there is an awful lot of nothing going on!!
I'm still formulating the best, most optimal way to do those Gosubs, but*snip*


QOTD - May 2024

17th May 2024

This brings back memories of the original SpikeDislike on the AppStore.
Someone responded, complaining that the game had no levels, and that there was no real goal.
Specifically because of that single comment, I created Sheep Goes Left, which is more or *snip*


QOTD - May 2024

16th May 2024



ALChoons : Zinc

15th May 2024



R.I.P. Super Gran

15th May 2024

Aww :(


AGameAWeek 2024

15th May 2024

Hopping Henry's Hazardous Hideout
All Henry wants out of life is a pile of super amazing glowing gems. Is that so bad?!
You can Play on itch.io, or Code at JSE.


OpenAI Assistant

14th May 2024

Made by Udio.
[spoiler] No keys to click (click, click)
They've got machines, writing all the things
No pic to paint, or strings to fling
AI's come to do those things

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