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OpenAI Assistant

14th May 2024

Via Poe...
Prompt : Given the syntax of GotoJSE, can you write a playable version of Flappy Bird?
(Included the Command List)
Sure, here's a simple version of Flappy Bird written in GotoJSE:
[jse]Graphics 800,600
// Game Varia*snip*


OpenAI Assistant

14th May 2024

It ''connects'' for me, but any time I ask it anything it says it's ''having issues right now.''
Gettin' hammered!!!


QOTD - May 2024

14th May 2024

I used to get a kick out of making levels for Unreal Tournament.
Never anything good enough to upload, but fun little playthings, none-the-less.


OpenAI Assistant

13th May 2024

Oh, never mind.. It's cutting off because Playground has a token limit slider. Forgot about that!!
[chatr]HTML/Javascript/Canvas. I'm drawing an animation (A music visualiser) at 1920x1080, and need to keep things at 60fps, so anythin*snip*


OpenAI Assistant

13th May 2024

Had a quick play over on OpenAI Playground. (I put *!APOUND!*10 credit on it, probably about a year and half ago, and haven't bloomin' well used it!!)
It is quite fast, though, so OK, if this becomes ''an app for that'', and we get to cha*snip*


OpenAI Assistant

13th May 2024

Seemed ''ok'', but .. how fast is it ''really''?
I look forward to getting to try it out.


OpenAI Assistant

13th May 2024

Wishes and Dreams beyond all expectations.
1. Holly-style interface. A floating head that chats with me.
2. Realtime interactions. Instead of the delay after every request.
3. The ability to ask it ''What's 10am PT in the UK?'' and have it*snip*


OpenAI Assistant

13th May 2024

Event ''should'' be about 5'ish GMT, I think.. Though we're on BST now, and I'm not sure if PT has moved or now.. Fucking timezones..
10am PT is the time.
Streaming live on (Linkage).


OpenAI Assistant

13th May 2024

Depends how fast it is.. That ''thinking'' delay is a killer.


VidGen 2

13th May 2024

I've now got the lyric tapping up to the stage where it at least shows the word ''tap'' onscreen!!!
Now I need to do the bit where it counts all the taps to work out which word should be showing up, and handles the ''line of lyrics'' e*snip*


Floppy Purchase

12th May 2024

Staggeringly expensive, nowadays. Used to get 5 for *!APOUND!*1 at our local video shop!



11th May 2024

Yeah, that was fun. I guess they had to fade that out, though, or you'd just see them going to the same stores for over a decade!! Though, it might've been nice to have that familiar set of faces every other week.


VidGen 2

11th May 2024

Upgraded a bunch of stuff, over the past week, but still haven't got those darned Lyrics up and running.
But I've uploaded all the new effects, tonight, so they are as follows..
(Image.png) (Image.png) (Image.png) (Image.png) (Im*snip*


Who Hype - 2024

11th May 2024

First two episodes are on tonight, before Eurovision, but are already up on iPlayer. I watched 'em both last night, as was quite happy with just how much lore Russell managed to squeeze into the show. I knew he wouldn't do a complete clear-out, b*snip*


QOTD - May 2024

11th May 2024

Pacing up and down the living room seems to help. Just switch off the laptop for a bit and spend some time with your thoughts, coming up with solutions before sitting back down and getting back to the coding for another 8 hour session!!!!


Scrolling tiles

11th May 2024

I don't think you need one going in, from the menu, that seemed ok.
But between the game and the dialogue it is kinda jarring.
How about a simple fade-to-black.
Though, I don't think B3D can do that easily, can it?
OK, how about ''t*snip*


Udio AI Music

10th May 2024

Udio announced their pricing, today, and it seems cheap enough.
A request always generates two 30 second clips, be it clean or an extension. So each request uses 2 credits.
For free you get 10 credits, so that's 5 requests.
If you *snip*


ElevenLabs AI Music

10th May 2024

Yikes!! Linkage


QOTD - May 2024

10th May 2024

Atari 2600 - Because HERO!


The Old MacMini

9th May 2024

For a few months I've been trying to figure out the best way to do daily backups.
My NAS is attached to the secondary router, but leaving the two switched on 24/7 seems somewhat redundant, especially when you consider that the secondary router isn&#39*snip*


QOTD - May 2024

9th May 2024

It's gotta be the wall bug in Flashback..
That bug put me right off the game.


Suno/Bing Tunes

8th May 2024

This week's JSE Soundtrack : 08 - Novelty Parody Song in the style of The Firms Star Trekkin


ALChoons : Zinc

8th May 2024

Probably should've done a proper animation for this one, but who's got the time for that!?!


QOTD - May 2024

8th May 2024

Finish things. AGameAWeek progress has slowed to a crawl, of late.


Apple iPad Event - May 2024

7th May 2024

I'm talking myself down.
I'm being sensible.
I don't NEED it.
Once either Mum or My current iPads dies on it's/their arses, then I'll likely ''Go Pro''
But right now, nah, I don't need it.
Save your money, Jay. There&#*snip*

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