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Apple iPad Event - May 2024

7th May 2024

Air : M2, and starts with 128Gb for $599, which is pretty damn good, IMO.
Pro : Looks nice.
Incredibly pricey. $999 for a 256Gb model.
Should I?!
Magic Keyboard would be completely redundant for me. Pencil is tempting, but I just haven't*snip*


Apple iPad Event - May 2024

7th May 2024



Early 2024 Flu

7th May 2024

Stay safe. No overdoing things.


QOTD - May 2024

7th May 2024

Never Not Retry


Apple iPad Event - May 2024

6th May 2024

Sure there are.
.. ShoeboxOfGames.com and SpikeDislike.com \\o/yeay\\o/


Apple iPad Event - May 2024

6th May 2024

Tomorrow's the day.
All signs are that we're getting M4 iPad Pros, and M2 iPad Airs.
I expect all the AI stuff will be targeting the Pros.
.. Not sure I need a Pro.
.... Do I!?!


VidGen 2

6th May 2024

OK, Now to add a font selector..
... Oh no..
OK, first off, there's no way to get a ''Fonts on my system'' list.
BUT.. You can ask the browser if the font is available.
Me : Hey, Safari, is 'JSE_AmstradCPC' font availa*snip*


Knuckles the Series

5th May 2024

Got through to the end. A fun show.
Bit silly in places, but fun :)


QOTD - May 2024

5th May 2024

Soul Edge on the PS1, because that was amazeballs back in the day, and that tune still rocks today.
Second, Frontier Elite II on the Amiga. That was awesome, too.
... Oh it means the console itself, doesn't it.
?? Bugger.
OK, then, um, Gamecub*snip*


Scrolling tiles

4th May 2024

Haven't read the code, and am basing things on what normally happens when I try to do a similar thing.. (which, coincidentally, I'm currently doing for Lyrics in VidGen!)
Once you're at the end of scanning for words, your current-word usually*snip*


DallE 3

4th May 2024

LOL, DPaint FTW :D


VidGen 2

4th May 2024

VidGen's been posted over to itch.io, for shitz 'n' gigglez. Let's see if that makes any kind of impact!


QOTD - May 2024

4th May 2024

''Did you ever get that Transpiler done?''


Early 2024 Flu

4th May 2024



VidGen 2

3rd May 2024

Yeah, I should probably add some kind of option for output formats..
Just seems really bloody awkward to do, though.
I'm also going to have to add a Font option, too, though. And..
I don't *think* I can do that in Javascript..
.. *snip*


AGameAWeek 2024

3rd May 2024

Rather Plane
I got this game engine up and running almost 2 weeks ago, and it's been sitting there ever since waiting for ''that special something'' to turn it into an amazing game.
I gave up waiting.
Now it's rat*snip*


QOTD - May 2024

3rd May 2024

''Cheese Pie'' from school.
It was like a flan, filled with creamy cheese goo..
They gave it to us at Primary school... I would've been about 5 years old at the time.
I came home screaming, that day, as the amount of cheese had triggered my *snip*


ALChoons : Zinc

2nd May 2024

Each week taking a little bit more time!!
I'm currently working on adding lyrics to VidGen so that I can lazily tap buttons to make the words pop up, which should save a WHOLE lot of time, faffing about with Motion each week.
Man, I HATE adding lyr*snip*


Happy Birthday, BASIC

2nd May 2024

BASIC is 60 years old. JSE's happy to have been a teensy tiny little part of it.


Early 2024 Flu

2nd May 2024

If it's the one me and mum struggled with for about 3 weeks each, watch out for day 4 or 5, and be sure to stop pushing yourself on during that day or so. Both me and Mum had individual falls at about the same time through the cold. (We both started *snip*


Knuckles the Series

2nd May 2024

I've watched 2 episodes, so far, and it's been.. .. Saturday Morning Cartoon...?
It's enjoyable, but you do get a few bits in it that feel really quite ''aimed at the kids''
It's fun, though.


QOTD - May 2024

2nd May 2024

Gotta be freshly cut grass. Is there anything better?!


Suno/Bing Tunes

1st May 2024

This week's JSE Soundtrack : 07 - 1980s Charity Single


QOTD - May 2024

1st May 2024

Holy hell is it May already!?!
I'm excited and looking forward to New Who next week, but am having to stay awfully clear of all possible spoilery things.


Knuckles the Series

30th April 2024

First episode is currently free to watch on YouTube. (Legally!!!) (Linkage)
[update]And.... it's gone..[/update]

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