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VidGen 2

30th April 2024

Can't seem to get it to capture in Firefox.. Not sure why.. :/


VidGen 2

30th April 2024

Gudgud! (Don't ask me to try to save it to AVI.. That way, madness lies!)
...And does the latest version of VidGen2 now work?!


VidGen 2

30th April 2024

Shuffling about again.
Put things back as they were..
The timeline's down at the bottom again, and now resizes to whatever width is available.
The timeline cursor position has been tweaked, and should now be much more accurate.


Benefactor Music Playlist. (CD32)

30th April 2024

On iOS there's an app called ''modizer''
I installed this app many many moons ago, and dragged my whole entire MOD/XM/IT folder over to it, including tons of old Amiga soundtracks.
Still has the whole lot on there, even after*snip*


Apple iPad Event - May 2024

30th April 2024

That might be nice.. I'm still on a ''The one before the M1'' iPad Air.
It'd certainly be a jump in capabilities.
We're currently getting together a few people to help do the living room. Rip out the ceiling, replaster the walls, th*snip*


VidGen 2

30th April 2024

A) Yes
B ) No, maybe once I'm done. I still have Lyrics to add, and maybe transitions, though those will require having two of the effects going at once, which might overwhelm things a bit.
C) Yes!!


VidGen 2

30th April 2024

Oh yeah, I haven't yet implemented different output codecs.
Just double-check for me. Does the old version capture work..?
If it does I can rework that version.


Time Travel Recommendations

29th April 2024


QOTD - April 2024

29th April 2024

Aww, man, now I've got the theme tune stuck in my head..
(By Olof Gustafsson, same guy who did Pinball Dreams/Fantasies/Illusions)


Knuckles the Series

28th April 2024

Knuckles, a 6 episode, half hour series, is now on Paramount Plus.


VidGen 2

28th April 2024

Gave the interface a rejig.
Options are now in the bottom corner, with a new Random button, which is great for experimenting with the different styles.
The presets are now in a HUGE list on the left, with all presets for all styles ready*snip*


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

28th April 2024

Oh dear.. Any number of things could be going on there.
Tests I'd try..
1. On battery without plug
2. On battery with plug
3. .. Not sure if all laptops can do this, but remove the battery and try it on just plug.
If 1 gives the issue, it's t*snip*


QOTD - April 2024

28th April 2024

Baked inside a delicious cake!


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

28th April 2024



JSE - Game of Life

27th April 2024

[jse]// Game of Life
// by John Horton Conway
// Created 1970
Graphics 16*(gw+2),16*(gh+2),1
SetControllerMethod Mouse
dim grida(gw+2,gh+2)
dim gridb(gw+2,gh+2)
for x=0 to gw+1
for y=0 to gh+1
for x=1 to gw *snip*


VidGen 2

27th April 2024

Sure thing.
I've also been adding ''Symmetry, mirroring, kaleidoscope, things like that'', which have turned out pretty nice, though can cause extra chunky slowdown depending on your system..
(Image.png) *snip*


VidGen 2

27th April 2024

(Image.png) (Image.png) (Image.png) (Image.png)
Spent a little time with VidGen yesterday, mostly to take my mind off of the JSE Transpiler for a bit, and managed to make a few nice effects.
I could really do with working out a decent way of addi*snip*


QOTD - April 2024

27th April 2024

I really oughta do that more often. The past decade or so, though I've pushed myself on to do some pretty crazy things, nothing's really been outside my comfort zone..


QOTD - April 2024

26th April 2024



QOTD - April 2024

26th April 2024

''based off the result of a game of NES Golf'' ...!!! How so?


QOTD - April 2024

26th April 2024

''Sod it then, I'll write a forum...''


JSE Transpiler?

25th April 2024

ReturnTo=&&Return001; JumpTo=&&Label1; goto JumpTo;
std::cout << ''Hello World Again'' << std::endl;
std::cout << ''Hello World.'' << std::endl;
goto ReturnTo;


JSE Transpiler?

25th April 2024

Yeah, I'm currently in the mindset of leaving the Javascript version as-is.
JSE works ok, right?!
I might be able to rejig a few bits of the code using what I've learned so far, though, and that might help optimise JSE a teensy bit further, whic*snip*


ALChoons : Zinc

25th April 2024

Main singer is the latest Emvoice voice Madison.
Can't seem to get a good quality sing-song out of her, without it sounding kinda nasally..
Let me know if you like her or not.


Suno/Bing Tunes

24th April 2024

Here's this week's Suno JSE Soundtrack : 06 - 90s Irish Boy Band

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