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Heatwave - July 2022

13th July 2022

Going to be 35°c here this afternoon, drop down to 23° tonight. Pretty cool for a summer day.


Quest's Meta Account

10th July 2022

Isn't Meta part of Facebook? So even though you don't get an account from facebook dot com itself, you still register with the company.


RetroPDFs - Old Computer Magazines

30th March 2022

I just use archive.org
Unfortunately, you can only download one issue at a time instead of an entire collection, but you can preview them online and download only what you want.
Just tried downloading Amiga Format from RetroPDF. 20 GB? No *snip*


AI Narratives

9th February 2022

In the world of Jpop idol, there are few things as precious as an audience's love. For aspiring stars like Koyuki, a golden ticket to stardom is all she needs to chase her dreams. But when Koyuki's biggest fan, Ritsu, is found dead, Koyuki finds he*snip*


AI Narratives

9th February 2022

The sea was a vast, dark place, and the pirates who sailed it were fierce and dangerous men. But among them was a most unusual pirate, a cyborg. His body was covered in metal, and his eyes were bright green LED lamps, but inside he was still a man. He love*snip*


Perfume for Xmas

1st February 2022

[quote] Netflix has ''Reframe : Theatre Experience with you'' from 2019[/quote]
Reframe was actually my introduction to Perfume. I had heard of them, but dismissed them as J-Pop Idol music really isn't my thing. After someone on another foru*snip*


Perfume for Xmas

1st February 2022

They now have ''Perfume 8th Tour 2020 P Cubed in Dome'' on Amazon Prime and apparently will have another at the end of February. I believe that those who engineer Perfume's stage ever quit and start engineering bridges, we'd never have ano*snip*



12th January 2022

[quote] The juxtaposition between the metal/thrashing/lyrics and the cheery happy smiles is really freaking me out!!![/quote]
:lol: It's the best part of the band. :) There's a reason the band's motto is (best English translation) ''Playi*snip*



11th January 2022

I have it on iTunes here in the US, should be in the UK as they have a bigger fan base there. Be sure you are searching nemophila, and not nemophilia (common mistake to add the extra 'i'). You can also buy the Oiran Extended EP and the Revive alb*snip*


Magazine Archive

11th January 2022

Some of the magazines have companion disks, though you might have to dig through the archive a bit to find them. For example, here are the companion disks for Compute! Gazette
Also, I prefer to use this link for the magazine archive. Same archive, but t*snip*



11th January 2022

Watched the NEMOPHILA『REVIVE ~It’s sooooo nice to finally meet you!!!!!~』Line Cube Shibuya concert live stream today. $40 well spent.
For those who don't know this band yet, They are an all female metal band from Japan fo*snip*


Perfume for Xmas

24th December 2021

Watched the newest Perfume concert on Amazon Prime. Stage production is incredible. YouTube


Opening the DPaint Tin

13th July 2019

I get a 404. Appears the entire account is gone.


Stranger Things 3

4th July 2019

Finished watching Stranger Things S3. Does not disappoint. Hopefully, it won't be another year and 9 months for season 4.


Good Omens

5th June 2019

Finished watching season 1. Really enjoyed it and looking forward to season 2. Be sure to watch for all the Dr Who easter eggs :)


Finding day's name?

16th April 2019

This is from one of the first programming books I bought. Weekday. From a collection of BASIC games published in Creative Computing magazine.


Cost of a Hand

12th March 2019

See, these things don't happen just in Florida. allthatsinteresting.com


Know your Language - Bug or Feature

3rd November 2018

I'm a bit surprised. I expected it to crash on the Text command since no graphics context has been created, but it seems that B3D automatically created one.


C++ If this or that?

21st August 2018

If you need to test against such a large list of values, it might be better to use sets as they use a binary search. The maximum number of tests would be logâ‚‚n. So 18 values would require at most 5 tests. 100 values would require at most 7 tests.


C++ If this or that?

20th August 2018

I believe that conditionals in C++ are short circuiting. The right side of the || will not evaluate if the left side is true.
[code]// ConsoleApplication1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include ''stdafx.h''



13th August 2018

Firewire use to be great. For video or an external hard drive, it was necessary as USB 1.0 was way too slow. USB 3.0 (and now 3.1) has made firewire obsolete.


Marble Maze (itch.io #lowrezjam2018)

12th August 2018

Here is my submission for the #lowrezjam2018 jam,
Marble Maze
Edit to add: Used BlitzMax-NG, Pyxel Edit, and TileD to create this.


Steam vs Blitz

21st July 2018

I found this steamstub. Would it help? Last commit was 2 years ago, don't know how much the API has changed in that time, but the source may be easy to modify for the current one.


Angle - Staying in the 360 range - how?

21st June 2018

Problem with Mod is that it doesn't work when the result is negative.
Angle = 5
Print (Angle - 10) Mod 360
You would want 355, but you will get -5 instead.
I will usually use rockford's method if I know the change in angle will*snip*


Flood Fill Function

3rd May 2018

I now present to you a non-recursive, no stack, no extra arrays, 2 bit per pixel fill routine. This was a challenging project here and was actually surprised I got it to work the very first time. The program is written in BlitzMax, hopefully you can conv*snip*

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