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Socoder -> Monkey -> Learning With Monkey

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Mon, 21 Jan 2013, 01:11
Mon, 21 Jan 2013, 01:56

And there it is ingame, along with half-done variable based location, so I can add some sort of setting for it.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 21 Jan 2013, 04:09
Some sort of setting for it Added!
When you pause, you can drag the dpad around on the screen. The buttons mirror its position on the opposite side.
(meaning, not only can you move it to a more comfortable area, if you drag the dpad all the way across, you get left-handed controls!! neato!)

I also added a rudimentary two-finger scaler thing, so you can make all the buttons bigger or smaller, which is nice!

Then I added iCade support, or what I thought should be iCade support.
Then I tested it.
And nothing happened..
I'm waiting for a reply on the Monkey Forum, and am guessing it's probably some sort of "bluetooth-enable" issue. not a feckin' clue, to be honest.
I'm hoping it's just something minor.

... it's annoyed me, and I'm no longer in a good coding mood
bah, humbug..
.. oh, that reminds me, I got some humbugs at xmas! (*nom-nom-nom*)

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Mon, 21 Jan 2013, 04:42
First attempt at "Proper Windows Target".
Opted for glfw, since the stdcpp target threw up a "The mojo module is not available on the stdcpp target" error.. Haven't a fucking clue what that means, and will hastily ignore it..

So, compiled.
Then the .exe threw up an error because OpenAL wasn't installed.
I'm not entirely happy about having to have a "Now install THIS!" message included with my games. But fuck it, whatever, it'll do for now.

Anyway, got that installed, and my brand new exe ran.
It runs fast*, and looks awfully neat and tidy.
It also supports gamepads, right out of the box, since I planned ahead, and added those right from the start! woot!!

It also crashes when you try to play more than 32 channels of audio, so I've had to drop that down a bit. For the record, iOS is happy with 50 channels, whilst HTML freaks out after 8!

*I say it runs fast.. It can recolour sprites a million times faster than HTML5. But.. strangely... HTML5 can handle more HUGE sprites than Native. curious!! Either way, it's two completely different targets, with two completely different sets of rules. FUN!!

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Mon, 21 Jan 2013, 05:04
Do you know if gamepad support will be included in the HTML5 target? I think that gamepads in HTML5 are pretty spiffy.
Mon, 21 Jan 2013, 05:21
Doesn't appear to be, no.

Mon, 21 Jan 2013, 08:07
How extensible is monkey? Would you be able to write a library to support the HTML5 gamepad spec without having to manually edit compiled HTML5 code?
Mon, 21 Jan 2013, 08:16
Indeed you could. There's LOADS of stuff you can do, if you know how!
I don't.. yet!
There's loads you can do, once you start digging your heels into the innards.

therevillsgames created MonkeyMax to compile your code to BlitzMax.
There's a target on the Monkey site that apparently compiles for Nintendo DS.
There's LOADS of stuff, if you can be bothered to fiddle.

I'm not much of a fiddler, yet, but I get the feeling I soon will be!!

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Mon, 21 Jan 2013, 09:25
Monkey Test!!!! Already!!?
I figured, if I have to do AGameAWeek, I might as well bundle something testy together with Monkey, and so here it be, with it's "Untitled" Rainbow menu!
The game plays a lot like my classic Microbes game, but is just a test, so isn't anywhere near that good! .. and it was thrown together in about 2 hours! So, yeah, it's a bit shit.
But the game isn't the point.
The test is the point!

Play, fiddle, whinge and gripe.
Let me know what does/doesn't happen.

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Mon, 21 Jan 2013, 14:15
The audio options on the pause screen are a bit vague/confusing. Other than that, I really like it.
Mon, 21 Jan 2013, 14:37
Yeah, it'll probably make more sense once I actually add music!! Framework's only about half finished, right now. Loads more to be done!

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Wed, 23 Jan 2013, 06:58

iCade iCons!

For the top-right of the screen, a simple off and on switch for iCade support.
Looks quite nice, sitting atop the main menu.
BTW, did I mention I got iCade working?!
Turns out that KeyHit() doesn't work with iOS. Instead, you need to use GetChar(). How silly!!
So, yeah, that's working now.

Basic iCade support, thusly..

Fiddly buggers, them buttons!!
(Don't forget to turn on bluetooth keyboard support, first, by using the EnableKeyboard() command.)

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Wed, 23 Jan 2013, 07:20

Everything's flowing nicely, now, with a simple-but-effective Game Over screen that flows through, back to the menu again.
Looks great!
Titlescreen's having complicated issues with odd resolutions, mind. The highscore table thing gets a wee bit scrunchy, over on the right.
I know the chances of the games being played at such obscure resolutions is pretty minimal, but this is supposed to be a one-for-all framework, and I'm damned if I'm going to let a screwy scoreboard bugger it all up!

Must be fixed!!!

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Wed, 23 Jan 2013, 08:26
or rather, Variable!!
The Top X list now scales between 1 and 10, depending on the space it's got to display in. Took a bit of doing, mind, doing maths between all kinds of crazy figures, from scaled virtual resolutions, to unscaled font heights, and then subtracting the scaled height of the AGameAWeek logo on top!
crazy maths!
Lots of Trial and Error!!

Anyhoo, that's done, and I'm now starting to get to the complicated stuff (uhoh!!)

Oh god, I've still got fucking loads to do!!!

Somebody save me!!!

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 23 Jan 2013, 09:13
Sounds like progress is being made, despite the amount of work that still needs doing
Thu, 24 Jan 2013, 06:10
Back when I first tried out the demo of Monkey, I made a handy HTML file which let me flip through various resolutions for testing.
Today, I dug it out from the random place I'd hid it away on a thumbdrive (Good god, I used to actually USE that thing!?) and updated it with iPhone 5 resolution.
If you're similarly working in Monkey, and want a quick HTML based test-bed, you might also enjoy the usefulness of it.

.. or you might think it's a complete waste of time!

What did I learn from this crazy experiment?
I learned that I definitely need to add that loading screen, and I could do with a reload every time the resolution changes.
ok, done that! Next!!

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Thu, 24 Jan 2013, 07:48
Jay, about iCade support, it you want to add two player support for 'gamedock' player 1 is lowercase, player2 is uppercase.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Thu, 24 Jan 2013, 07:49
Well, that's a nice bit of HTML, but from my experience you'll get the same-sized Monkey output crammed into your resized canvas. The resolution Monkey outputs at needs to be changed in a configuration file before compile, AFAIK. Is there a way to get Monkey to be aware of the canvas size "on the fly" and adjust its output resolution to suit?

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
Thu, 24 Jan 2013, 07:57
Awww, *rubs 9572AD's head*, you poor fella!
Skeleton Test Engine So Far : Click logo to start
As if I hadn't already got that bit working!!

Thanks for the "Upper vs Lower" tip, Spinal, although I'm not 100% sure how useful it'll be. How often have I ever added player-2 support to ANY of my games?! .. NeonPlat 2 is the only one that springs to mind!

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 24 Jan 2013, 09:24

1024x1024 is the size Apple wants your Badges (Achievements), for it's GameCenter Archives..
Bloody Hell.
That means that every single Badge is going to require a fucking Art Degree!!
Also, keep in mind that at low-res (320x240 = iPhone non-retina) the badges will only ever be shown at about 32x32 pixels in size.
Hell, even iPad Retina (2048x1536) would only be showing them at around 128x128!
Ah well, never mind, on we plod.

Gigantic badges are ready to go, and the engine seems to be able to cope reasonably well. I've yet to test the super-sized iPad edition though.. worried I might be over-doing it, memory-wise. Lots of huge sprites being loaded. hmm..
I'll give it a go in a bit.

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Fri, 25 Jan 2013, 05:11

Android Package, READY!!!
I'm going to wait until I get my Nexus, and have thoroughly tested that I've not completely fucked anything up, before popping the test engine online for everyone else to break their phones with.
But in the meantime, I got Android Dev working
.. Emulator doesn't seem to "pop up" like it's seemingly supposed to, though. hmm.. *shrugs*

Anyhoo, assuming it worked correctly, that's Android, Win (glfw), Mac (glfw?), iOS and HTML5 targets all up and running, all compilable from one bit of sourcecode.


I'm a very happy bunny, today!

.. I also have a fuckload more to do before I'm finished..

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Fri, 25 Jan 2013, 08:05


If anyone would like to give it a whirl on their Android device, you can grab it Right Here.
If you do give it a test, let me know what does/doesn't work.
Ta muchly!

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Fri, 25 Jan 2013, 09:27

Nexus 7! Yeay!

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Fri, 25 Jan 2013, 09:39

I'm definitely going to have to get myself an Android device this year. A proper one. I could root my TouchPad and Pandora, but I'm sure performance will be affected.

Anyway, excellent work Jay
Fri, 25 Jan 2013, 11:09
Twitter's gotten me a nice variety of Android testers, with a pretty varied set of results.
For starters, the old Android Incompatibility issue springs right out.
Just because it runs happily on a Nexus, that doesn't mean it'll run everywhere..

One guy's LG simply refuses to load it, suggesting a null pointer is in the way, whereas another guy with only Android 2.3.5 is able to run it fine!!
Meanwhile there's a HUGE difference in framerates.
I might need to build a framerate tester into the framework..

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Fri, 25 Jan 2013, 17:11
Do you have the latest update of Monkey? It includes a fix for an error that occurs in Android versions above 4.

All the raw, animal magnetism of a rutabaga.
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