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JSE Transpiler?

24th April 2024

''Hey, Bing/Claude/Poe/anyone .. How do you think I could Transpile the Goto command into Javascript?''
*sound of exploding A.I. computers*


QOTD - April 2024

24th April 2024

Saturday mornings, waking up early to watch The Raccoons,


JSE Transpiler?

23rd April 2024

A fairly busy day, and a decent amount of important steps.
For Next's are now looking a bit more sensible, though there's a silly amount of whitespace around them that needs fixing.
If/Then/Else seems to be working well enough.


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

23rd April 2024

Woohoo! Hope it's all fully functional, once more.


JSE Transpiler?

23rd April 2024

This is taking freakin' ages!!! (It's only been 5 days since you started coding this, Jay, don't be so hard on yourself)
Things are looking a little better, now. Bracket City, but the commands are (mostly) being properly c*snip*


QOTD - April 2024

23rd April 2024

The day I read (RetroGamer?!) about Space Invaders being a Breakout clone, it blew my frickin' mind..


Suno/Bing Tunes

22nd April 2024

Bulked a bunch of these JSE albums, and though the ''1979 Eurovision Winner'' album is a long way down the ''releasing weekly'' pile, this song is fucking gorgeous, and I desperately needed to share it!
Same ''lyrics'' as the rest *snip*


VidGen 2

22nd April 2024

Flasher gives a few spots that flash, whilst mirroring on both horizontal and vertical axis.
Lightning looks fairly similar, but always emanates from the middle of the screen.
Orbs is one of those ones that on*snip*


QOTD - April 2024

22nd April 2024

Right.. there's this lady, right.. woman. .. yeah. Woman. And she's on the telly. .. it's a box. Not in the box. She's on it. Right. She's not real. . . Ok.. and she's hallucinating.. and the hallucination isn't rea*snip*


QOTD - April 2024

22nd April 2024

Fire on, Fire off. Binary. Yeah?
One, nothing. Binary. Ok..?


QOTD - April 2024

21st April 2024

Amazing what boredom can do!


QOTD - April 2024

21st April 2024



Time Travel Recommendations

21st April 2024

FYI, Fraggle Rock, Back to the Rock, Season 2, Episode 9, is .. and I couldn't quite believe it.. a time loop episode!


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

20th April 2024

....> (Linkage)


Stable Diffusion 3

20th April 2024

Slowly being added to all your favourite AI art tools, the new version of Stable Diffusion (3) promises some fun text based silliness!
I've been trying it at Clipdrop.co, but Pakz has mentioned that Poe also has access to it.
(Image.png) *snip*


Poe Subscriptions

20th April 2024

Yeah, I was just playing with SD3 at Clipdrop. :)
I dunno, if I get stuck with this Transpiler, I might be tempted to give Poe some pennies!


Poe Subscriptions

20th April 2024

I haven't yet paid for any of these. Is it worth it? Do you think you use it enough to warrant the subscription?


QOTD - April 2024

20th April 2024

Simon the Sorcerer 3D. Having to find some ''extracts of vegetables'' for a spell or something, and the eventual realisation that the bottle of cola contains vegetable extracts.. Daaamn.. That was so obvious. Not one of those stupidly overly cr*snip*


Happy Birthday, Qube

20th April 2024

Happy SquareCake!


QOTD - April 2024

19th April 2024

Hearing what happens when I put an ALChoon's lyrics into Suno, and within about 30 seconds it outputs a song that's 100,000,000 times better that what I just spent a few days making.


Meta Quest 3

18th April 2024

Alert : Alert
There is an 80s mixtape (Side A) available for Synth Riders.


JSE Transpiler?

18th April 2024

Day One
I started work on the Transpiler function, this morning.
The goal being to ''understand'' the user's code and see if I can output it into something workable.
The first target will be Javascript, mostly because I'm going to want t*snip*


JSE Transpiler?

18th April 2024

Oh goodness me, this is going to be far more complex than I had in my head!!!
The Goal
One of the more frequent complaints about JSE is the lack of Compiler.
I don't trust that I should allow code to compile in the browser, and then run in there, be*snip*


QOTD - April 2024

18th April 2024

I dunno. ''Back in my days'' TV adverts for games weren't really a thing.
The earliest adverts I can remember seeing on telly were probably the Playstation 1 era ones. Sony ploughed tons into TV advertising, and it showed.
Most of the Sega/*snip*


Suno/Bing Tunes

18th April 2024

Yeah, You can build playlists on Suno, now.
I've been adding all the JSE tracks into a playlist, but the problem with it, right now, is that a lot of the tracks just stop, and it leads to a very disjointed listening experience.
I think it needs to ge*snip*

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