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Suno/Bing Tunes

11th April 2024

Matt plays with Udio


ALChoons : Zinc

11th April 2024

This week's choon doesn't have any lyrics. I mean, technically it does, but I didn't like them, so they got scrapped!!


Suno/Bing Tunes

11th April 2024

Another batch of JSE-lyrics singing. Today's prompt Modern electro Bossa Nova from 2012


Suno/Bing Tunes

11th April 2024

Reminds me of Swamp Thing
Obligatory Mashup


Space Discoveries

11th April 2024

Space Stuff : Linkage


QOTD - April 2024

11th April 2024

Other than coding?


Stuck in a Rut

10th April 2024

2am the next morning, and I'm still thinking about that spreadsheet above.
Something's been whizzing around in my head all day. A mix of thoughts, and possibilities.
About how I have a ''standardised'' code style, which might not be to e*snip*


Suno/Bing Tunes

10th April 2024

Suno's got a new ''Explore'' feature, and...
Bloody hell!!!
We're about 3 steps away from replacing your radio!!


Suno/Bing Tunes

10th April 2024

Ok, having played with it a bit more, I'm willing to up it to .. maybe an 8..
It works infinitely better if you give it less to work with. Just a simple prompt and it can do some lovely stuff..
eg, this..
Prompt: Overly repetitive 90s dance track*snip*


Suno/Bing Tunes

10th April 2024

I'd give it 7 out of 10 Suno's. It's no ''beater'' in my opinion.
This and this are ''supposed'' to be ''80s high-energy synthpop'' with the usual bit of JSE code thrown in as lyrics.
Not awful, but not Suno..


QOTD - April 2024

10th April 2024

Would've been nice to have seen a partial eclipse the other day, instead of just bloody clouds...


Happy Birthday, jprofitt

10th April 2024

Merry Cakemas


Stuck in a Rut

9th April 2024

The stumbling block for TRSE wasn't actually TRSE itself. I have that on here, runs just fine.
It was TRSE's need to have an Amstrad emulator that allows for injection, and Caprice being a bit screwed up on Mac right now.
I think the better opti*snip*


Stuck in a Rut

9th April 2024

Yeah, roll on the days when I can upload a MyGame.zip file to a chatbot and say ''Spam the hell out of the internet for me!!''


Stuck in a Rut

9th April 2024

Yeah, a different language seems the best way to do that, but then we're back to ''how much longer are the OS venders going to let people download games willy nilly'' issue again. That was kinda why I switched to Browser coding in the first pla*snip*


Stuck in a Rut

9th April 2024

To be completely honest, an awful lot of my limiting factors right now are simply down to not being able to guarantee a save file..
Like, it sure would be nice to have a nice sprawling menu-driven ''Stars to unlock the next level'' style progressi*snip*


Stuck in a Rut

9th April 2024

I feel like I'm kinda stuck in terms of flexibility lately.
AGameAWeek seems to be 100% done in JSE, lately, and as great as it is that I can do that, I'm kinda lacking in terms of a target audience.
Before, I had SmileBASIC users to keep enterta*snip*


AGameAWeek 2024

8th April 2024

Poor frog.
Grab the splurges and avoid the flames.
I'm completely void of fresh ideas, now.
You can Play it over at JSE


Top 10 Air Purifiers

8th April 2024

The ’’top 10..’’ scam . Linkage


QOTD - April 2024

8th April 2024

Don't follow me!
Do enjoy creating, and do enjoy coming up with new ideas, but for the love of all that is codey, don't drain your mind/energy by trying to do it weekly. It isn't good.


Happy Birthday, steve_ancell and blanko1324

8th April 2024

Cake all 'round!


QOTD - April 2024

7th April 2024

Run away. This planet is dangerous!


Apple's New Oddball Rules

6th April 2024

And external Minigames as long as they're HTML. .. For some reason?!


SoundCloud Storm

6th April 2024

Been a few weeks since I bothered with SoundCloud.. A number of weeks ago (Zinc Insoles was the end of February) it refused to let me upload the track for no apparent reason. I haven't been there, since.


Suno/Bing Tunes

6th April 2024

Yeah, I might've overwhelmed the server there.. Hang on, I'll switch it to AGameAWeek links, so everything's its own page.

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