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AI image help

6th April 2024

(Linkage) : Best recommendation. It's been trained on my Greenie character and the output is astounding. The training won't be as immediate as you'd like, though, as their server's getting hammered of late. They're currently estimat*snip*


Suno/Bing Tunes

6th April 2024

Time for another round of ''Feed the same bit of code into Suno, and see what happens!
80s British Ska : Link to AGameAWeek post, to help the server from pre-loading 30-odd Media files all at once.


QOTD - April 2024

6th April 2024

When all my favourite TV shows get cancelled, and I've got naff all else to do.


Quantum Leap - 2022

6th April 2024

Awww, fuck.
QL2022's not been renewed for a third season.


Scrolling tiles

5th April 2024

Yeah, but 20 years ago it wouldn't have looked anywhere near as polished!


QOTD - April 2024

5th April 2024

Right now I'm facing the ''I had about 2 weeks off because of a raging flu, and now am struggling to get back into the swing of things'' struggle.
I'm coping with it by procrastinating and playing lots of No Man's Sky.


ST Discovery - Season Four

5th April 2024

My favourite of all the modern Star Treks returned last night, with not one, but TWO episodes!
.. Oh, no, wait.. I forgot..
Episode one of the series laid out the groundwork.
You know how, in the past, it's felt very much like *snip*


ALChoons : Zinc

4th April 2024

Narration by ArtFlow.ai. Kinda makes me want to do a whole War of the Worlds style album!!


Melody Moops

4th April 2024

I was bored, today. Still getting over flu, so maybe my head's still swirling around with crazy thoughts.. Not sure..
So, um..
I figured I'd use all the AI's to make up a gameshow.


QOTD - April 2024

4th April 2024

Which will run my games without me having to arse about each week!? God bless Javascript!


Stable Audio

3rd April 2024

Stable Audio's had a big upgrade to ''AudioSparx 2.0'', whatever that means.
But is it any better?
I gave Stable Audio and Suno the same prompt.
''Guitar and piano, a song about a cat on the prowl''
Stable Audio : [mp3]https://SoCod*snip*


QOTD - April 2024

3rd April 2024

''What could possibly go wrong?!''
I'm not really sure why this one's stuck with me over the years, but I think I was probably the only one to take out both Bubsy 1 & 2 (Megadrive edition) from the village's Video Rental place, and*snip*


Coding for Kids

2nd April 2024

Over on the CBeebies channel for little kiddy tykes before they're old enough for CBBC proper, they have NumberBlocks and AlphaBlocks shows that teach numbers, letters, words and maths to the kiddywinks.
Seems that they're now looking into a compa*snip*


Oldskool Multimedia

2nd April 2024

Such a huge difference from Primary School, though, when the BBC Micro was the only computer in the whole school!! You knew you were going to have an interesting lesson when the desk got rolled into the classroom.


Oldskool Multimedia

2nd April 2024

Ours was in the school library, so you had to be sensible, and only watch things about cats and other sensible clips.


Snap Happy for NES

2nd April 2024

Nice! .. I mean, it's not very ''swampy'' and looks more grasslike, but like you say, the palette's going to be in the way.
As long as the gameplay suggests that it's a swamp, it'll very easily ''become'' a swamp in the m*snip*


Flu Overdrive

2nd April 2024

Sorry, been a bit quiet, this week (you're probably all thankful for the rest!) I've been FULL of a nasty flu, and have actually slept for, I'd say about 80 or so hours, over the past week or so. Seem to be getting over it, now, but .. daaamn*snip*


Text Adventures with ChatGPT

2nd April 2024

ChatGPT seems to have gotten a lot better at remembering to be a text adventure, since the last time I tried it.
If you haven't, yet, I'd highly recommend giving it a go.
[chatr]Today I want you to be a 1980s text adventure, set in a s*snip*



2nd April 2024

One of the biggest things I'm seeing in server-stats is Chatbot agents.
It's like every chatbot is growing it's brain by reading entire websites..
Every single one of them.
One by one.
Nom nom nom
Eating up the bandwidth.
Most of them are*snip*



2nd April 2024

Just had to mass-ip ban Alibaba domains, as we're once more being hammered to buggery by some sort of something that's running on there. If you're viewing from there, and can no longer read this, then sorry!


Meta Quest 3

1st April 2024

Whilst setting up the game for Mum, I placed the two controllers and the ball onto the couch, then took off the headset, handed it to mum, and then reached for the ball.


A New Korg Gadget!

1st April 2024

Yeah, I'd have to pay for them all again on Mac.
I spent SO much on Gadget, over the years, it seems kinda ludicrous to have to buy it all again.
They can piss right off.


A New Korg Gadget!

1st April 2024

No good having all those AU's stuck on the iPad, when the only DAW I use on the iPad is Gadget.
What needs to happen is that Gadget needs to work with other AU's. THEN Gadget would be powerful once more.


QOTD - April 2024

1st April 2024

I am very proud of how amazingly complex and feature packed SpikeDislike is.
[spoiler]April Fools[/spoiler]


Who Hype - 2024

31st March 2024

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