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Happy Easter 2024

31st March 2024

Aunt Marty rang earlier. She wasn't sure whether to visit or not. Mum said not to bother, as the buses would be erratic at best. I said that all the buses will stop for a short while, but will come back to life in a few days.
I swear*snip*


QOTD - March 2024

31st March 2024

Coding. Is there anything better?


Happy Easter 2024

31st March 2024



Happy Easter 2024

31st March 2024

Happy Easter to all. May all your eggs be delicious and unusual.


UGBasic - For Retro Targets

30th March 2024

Cool. Might be something to look into when I finally get off my arse enough to attempt SpikeDislike on the CPC.


QOTD - March 2024

30th March 2024

How much Molly hates us.


ALChoons : Zinc

29th March 2024

I used to love the dancing stickman plugin for Winamp, so wrote an attempt at recreating it, inside VidGen, this week. He's on the bottom right of the list.


QOTD - March 2024

29th March 2024

Postman Pat was the GTA of its day.


Scrolling tiles

28th March 2024

I'm not sure I'd punish specifically for undos. Maybe have undos count as moves. Or, if you undo, don't ''uncount'' the move.
If you say ''RAWR, undo!!!'' then people will be less willing to use the undo. But if you have it *snip*


Scrolling tiles

28th March 2024



QOTD - March 2024

28th March 2024

As a child, my elder sister.
As an adult, my Mum!


Glutton for punishment?

27th March 2024

Cool! Snappy snap snap!


Mmmmmm Soldering is fun

27th March 2024

I really oughta get into soldering, but with my shaky hands, it doesn't exactly sound like a good idea!!!
Looks like fun, though.
I wonder if you could make a mini SpikeDislike on that!?!


Glutton for punishment?

27th March 2024

Master Flap?


AGameAWeek 2024

27th March 2024

Pool vs Word Game vs Puzzle vs Strategy vs Skill
Hot damn, this game's got it all!
Each life gives you 3 shots. Use them wisely to pocket all the balls.
Pocket a ball into it's corresponding pocket to earn extra shots and bonus points.
Pocket *snip*


QOTD - March 2024

26th March 2024

There's been plenty over the years, but things like Doom, Unreal, Minecraft. Games that helped bring out the creativity of players, and spawned their thirst to code. Those have been most influential in creating the developers of tomorrow, and the gam*snip*


Amazon Same Day

25th March 2024

Probably just your area, driver availability and whatnot.
But of a shame, though. They really shouldn't offer it if they can't pull it off.


QOTD - March 2024

25th March 2024

Never give up on a good idea. Just because your failed interpretation didn't work out, doesn't mean it was a bad idea.


Twisted Metal : The Series

23rd March 2024

5 episodes in. Good stuff!


Twisted Metal : The Series

23rd March 2024

Twisted Metal. A series based on the game, which looks SO much fun!! Linkage


QOTD - March 2024

23rd March 2024

Yeah,I really need to add error messages to JSE, huh..?


Happy Birthday, Spinal

23rd March 2024

Happy Birthday
May all your crates be filled with delicious cake!
(Image.png) [/spoiler]


Suno/Bing Tunes

22nd March 2024

Had a lot of fun listening back to the ''80s synth pop'' tracks from yesterday, and wondered what a ''Country and Western, Acoustic'' batch might sound like.
Country and Western, Acoustic : Link to AGameAWeek page to help serverload


Amazon Same Day

22nd March 2024

Damnit.. :(


Amazon Same Day

22nd March 2024

Did you get it?

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