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Getting Back to iOS Dev

22nd March 2024

Yeah, looks like it's everyone.


Scrolling tiles

22nd March 2024

IIRC, blitz3d using 2d draws didn't do alphas, etc.
If you write a ''2d in 3d'' engine, it can, but that's a right PITA.


Scrolling tiles

22nd March 2024

Multiply the time by an arbitrary *Rnd(1.3,1.7) or something. Then you can award a Normal Time and a Developer's Best Time star


Getting Back to iOS Dev

22nd March 2024

I read this, last night, and my head went ''Oh, FFS, here we go...''
The whole Anti-Monopoly crap is going to have a significant impact on Indie devs. Going it alone just isn't going to be happening, any more.
The whole fuckin*snip*


AGameAWeek 2024

22nd March 2024

This morning's ''No motivation whatsoever'' blog...


Happy Birthday, Evil Roy Ferguson

22nd March 2024

Happy Evil Birthday


QOTD - March 2024

22nd March 2024

I'd say the AIs are doing a mighty fine job of that, if I'm honest.


Suno/Bing Tunes

21st March 2024

It's really so far, leaps and bounds, above every other music AI that I've heard.
It's still quite mushy, but goddamn, it's powerful!!!


Beetlejuice 2

21st March 2024


Suno/Bing Tunes

21st March 2024

CLS Zo Zo Zo Zo Zo Zo Too [mp3]https://SoCoder.net/uploads/1/2024/12/Swirly_JSE-8_mp3.mp3[/mp3]
80s Synth Pop Link to AGameAWeek page to help with serverload


Suno/Bing Tunes

21st March 2024

''A parody song about writing video games, taking all day typing code away.''
Sittin' in my room, got a million lines to code
Fire up the computer, *snip*


QOTD - March 2024

21st March 2024

I recently relearned how to swear at an Apple programming language, and likely why I ended up with a brain tumour.


AGameAWeek 2024

20th March 2024

I just make the games.
The audience can find me, if they dare.


Getting Back to iOS Dev

20th March 2024

Today's work has been mostly focussed on Touch events.
My god, what a mess that was. Thank the lord for the chatbots, that's all I can say!
Inside GameScene.swift
[code] override func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch&g*snip*


QOTD - March 2024

20th March 2024

Drawn by A.I. ( #Bing / #DallE3 )


OpenAI Chat

19th March 2024

Has anyone tried Groq, yet? (Linkage)
Alarmingly fast.. like.. BLAMMO fast...
Not sure it's as capable as the others, but .. Daaaaamn, it's fast..


AGameAWeek 2024

19th March 2024

[*Q] - Left/Right
[*J] - Weapon One
[*K] - Weapon Two
Battle against the incoming invaders with your two trusty laser guns!
Combos, Extra lives, death and destruction.
Oooh, Blastiness!!
You can Play it on itch.io, o*snip*


QOTD - March 2024

19th March 2024

Forward's no good. I can't make billions from my retro game style. I'd much rather go back.


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

18th March 2024

Hurray for alternative flappies!


Happy Birthday, TKS

18th March 2024

Hurray! Congrats on all things \\o/yeay\\o/


Leonardo Adds Transparency

18th March 2024

Ooooh, transparent backgrounds, nice!!
Available at (Linkage)


Getting Back to iOS Dev

18th March 2024

c = -1 works because it understands that you have ''variable'' ''equals'' ''minus 1''
Without the spaces, it's baffled itself and thinks that you might mean...
''Variable'' ''equals minus'' ''1''


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

18th March 2024

Backup reminder, everybody!
Hope you can access everything properly. That'll be a bugger if you can't.


Getting Back to iOS Dev

18th March 2024

No, it's the language that struggles with ''=-'' together. I've tried all manner of different things, mostly because I know how and why JSE struggles with it, so know what to try and what can fail, and .. it's damn near an identical is*snip*


Funko Pops

18th March 2024

File this one under ’’are you fucking kidding me...??!’’ Linkage

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